Remember last week when the kids wanted to make slime but I had no borax? Well, I bought an entire box of it this week at the grocery store which is pretty funny because you only need like one teaspoon but since I can also use it as a laundry additive, I don't mind. The recipe we used didn't quite work out the way the kids thought it would. Would you believe that online recipes for kids' activity stuff are just like the online recipes for food? They start out with the history of how and when they became acquainted with this particular substance, whether it be a chocolate cake or a batch of slime and go on for eons about the subject and it infuriates me. JUST TELL ME HOW TO MAKE IT! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR ABOUT SNOW DAYS OR YOUR GRANDFATHER! OKAY?
Anyway, we ended up putting everything in that slime that was mentioned in any of the myriad of instructions we found including hand lotion, shaving gel, corn starch and of course borax. And Elmer's glue. And after much mixing and kneading and adding a bit of this and a bit of that, it turned into what feels and acts very much like Silly Putty, so- excellent!
Then the boys wanted to make oobleck which is corn starch mixed with water and which has extremely odd physical properties as anyone who has used cornstarch to thicken a sauce knows.
So all of that was fun and we had a good day together. I made them all smoothies when they got here and they voted on cheesy noodles for lunch which I served with cucumbers and raw carrots. They loved that. We played one game of Yahtzee, or at least Owen and I did.
That was super fun. And again, Maggie and Gibson drew pictures.
They both rather amaze me.
Here's Gibson with his creepy hand.
She proceeded to draw an entire family of cats. She drew a lady cat to go with that one (who is a boy cat) and she said they fell in love and got married. I suggested she draw their kitten. So she did. And then she wanted to add a grandmother and grandfather but she was a bit stymied. She didn't know how to draw the wrinkles on their faces. She illustrated "wrinkle" by tracing some of the ones on my face with her finger.
"Oh, cats don't get wrinkles," I said. "They just sort of look like they did when they were young."
"I know!" she said. "I'll give them glasses."
Genius or what?
You know what day it is.
Do you and Steve know each other? Whoa, I did not know that. Anyway generous move on the shirt gift.
ReplyDeleteYes, people writing instructions are like families writing obituaries. They've got your attention so they'll milk it! I like the sites which have a skip to instructions button.
Yes! Steve and I met through blogging and once, when he came through Florida, he stopped by Lloyd. That was years ago. He's visited here again and we also met up in Cozumel once when quite serendipitously, a cruise ship he was on docked while we were there! We are both from Florida and he feels like family to me.
DeleteI love the picture of Mr Moon as he speeds across the sea. Let's hope he brings some fish home.
ReplyDeletePretty sure he will.
DeleteJust a nice day. You can also use borax to kill cockroaches. My aunt told me that, for our first, cockroach infested apartment. I'd never seen one before.
ReplyDeleteYes. I've heard that many times before. If I get that many roaches, though, I'm calling an exterminator!
DeleteI know what you mean about not getting our core temp up! Once that happens, I am done for the day. It was cool(-ish) this morning, so the day was enjoyable. So sweet that Owen shares your love of the Rolling Stones and that you shared the t-shirt with him.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if Owen loves the Rolling Stones but he respects them, I think. When we all went to Maggie and Gibson's dance recital there was a number with many dancers in it and they all wore T-shirts representing rock and roll bands that they had chosen. Owen was surprised, I think, and impressed to see about seven RS shirts on the stage. Perhaps that leant this shirt a little more cache to him.
DeleteAy-yi! Your Mr. Moon looks like Christopher Lee in that pic. And the grands are treasures.
ReplyDeleteChristopher Lee, eh? I can see that.
DeletePs this is Elf; Google lost my name.
ReplyDeleteGoogle is losing a lot of names.
DeleteMr. Moon looks so very happy in that shot. I hope he caught some fish.
ReplyDeleteAs Owen said, he is always happy on a boat.
DeleteI loved every word of this, every picture. Mr Moon in a boat, that's bliss.
ReplyDeleteYes. Absolute bliss.
DeleteI was going to ask if that was the same shirt! I'm amazed it still looks as good as it does! It seems like quite a few years ago I mailed that thing across the ocean. And remember how it took forever to arrive? Anyway, I'm glad Owen has it now -- I can't think of anyone more deserving. :)
ReplyDeleteI love that Maggie calls Go Fish "Goldfish"! That's hilarious. As for slime, that is a recipe that I don't expect to ever try.
I'll tell Owen what you said. He'll be glad to know you approve.
DeleteI can't imagine why any adult would make slime unless there were children involved. But it was sort of fun. Maggie also called her books- when you get four of a kind in Go Fish- "stories". We told her they were books and she then called them story books.
That picture of Gibson looking down - my gosh he looks like his mom doesn't he!!!! And Maggie is pure genius putting glasses to show the old fogies!
ReplyDeleteAll the kids are definitely Lily's! And wasn't that great of Maggie to figure out how to make the grandparents look old?
DeleteYou know what struck me out of this entire post? Maggie's cat family. A man and a woman and a baby. According to fear mongering idiots out there, since she's been shown that families come in all forms, they might be shocked she drew such a family makeup. I'm clearly feeling sassy today.
ReplyDeleteI thought of that too, Jill! But you know- she did spend most of her life in a house with a mama and a daddy and they are both still very, very much a part of her life. She does know, however, that not all families look like that!
DeleteYou create lots of happy memories with your grandkids. You sure are a terrific Mer! Glad you had a Happy Friday and hope you have a Happy Saturday too!
ReplyDeleteI try to be a good Mer. I sometimes get a little snippy but they always know I love them so.
DeleteBeautiful babies. I remember when every one of them was born.