Wednesday, May 12, 2021

I Was Blind But Now I See

Okay. This is the old rug. Can you believe that I have allowed that to exist in my house? 
Here's the thing. 
You get used to shit. 
It's like that old story about the frog in the pot of water on the stove. He's fine, the water starts to heat up, nice, it's warm, great, and then it gets hotter and hotter and before he realizes he's past the point of no return and he's a boiled frog. 
That rug is as ugly as a boiled frog. In fact, I think a dead animal on the floor might look better than that rug. Depending on what the animal was and how recently dead it happened to be. 

ANYWAY, I started out this morning stressed as hell because we've been trying to find a place to stay in North Carolina this summer when we go up to visit the Weatherfords and although there are literally hundreds of Airbnb's and VRBO's available, you have to have your dates, you need to figure out what you can and cannot live with or without, and so forth. You might find exactly what you think you're looking for but then you see that the bed has a footboard and when your sleeping partner is over six and a half feet tall, that simply will not work. Or you find the perfect place and are ready to reserve and then you realize it's actually an apartment stuck on to another house and that won't do either because some of us don't want to be that close to other people and besides, two little boys may be coming to stay and they can make noise and so...
Or there's no stove. 
Or no cell service.
Or you need 4-wheel drive to get down the driveway.

Or, or, or...

So I finally just left the house to go to town to do my shopping and went back to the same place where I found my bathroom rug which I do love, and found another rug that would do. It's not the perfect rug but it's an another universe of better than the one laying there now. 
So I bought it. 
We haven't it laid it out yet but that's next on the agenda. 
Picture to follow.

Then I went to Costco and THEN I went to Publix. 
You know all that mess about people lining up for gas? It's true. And get this- Florida isn't even dependent on the pipeline that was compromised. But I swear to you that people were lined up in their cars waaaaayyyyy down the road, waiting to get gas at Costco. 
Fucking idiots! It's not this bad before hurricanes. 
Then, to top it off (see what I did there?) there were people in Publix with no masks on. They still ask you to wear masks but our horseshit governor who thinks Trump's ass tastes like roses, has declared that there is no longer a need for a mask mandate. 

One guy was walking around the store with at least four kids hanging off the cart and none of them were wearing masks and I swear, he wasn't even shopping. He was just...walking up and down the aisles with his well-dressed kidlings like it was a damn ride at Disney World. 

What is wrong with people? 
Well. I should talk. Look at that rug again. I will say though that as ugly and no doubt filthy as that rug is, it does not have covid, can not catch covid, and will not spontaneously combust if it is in the wrong container. 
I think. 
I could be wrong. As always. 

We have now reserved and paid for a place to stay in NC in July so that's good news. I'm sure there will be something about it that we don't like but we'll have a bed and a bathroom and a stove and a place for the little boys to come and hang out. It's always an adventure. Remember that time Mr. Moon and I stayed in a basement apartment in Asheville that had the couple's college "artwork" all over the walls and also, a printed directive on the bed telling us that they certainly did not mind if people made love in the apartment and in fact, expected that they would, but to please, please, take the lovely comforter off of the bed before proceeding? 
Holy shit!

I'll never forget that. 

No matter how much I'd like to.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I feel like I'm almost always first to comment.....shit. Is that a bad thing? I'm at the computer when I read your post......and no time like the present, right? Your old rug is not a bad rug, but it *has* outlived its life. RIP rug. Can't wait to see new one! I sewed a new couch *throw* pillow today because the old one.....with dried spittle, dog snot and whatever else...had become TOO much to bear.........just like your rug. Enough! New zap on sewing machine and stuffing in, hand sewn final seam and a done deal. To the trash with the old one. Glad you found a place in NC.....hope it will be suitable...but anything close to Jessie and Virgil and their boys will be perfect!
    Much love, glad to hear you sounding perkier (sp) today!
    Susan M

    1. No! That's a good thing, Susan! We must be synced up.
      Pillows are so fun to make, aren't they? I love to make them for the grandkids. I seem to get most of my throw pillows at Goodwill or thrift stores which sounds disgusting but I wash them well and let them hang outside for quite awhile.
      I think the house we've rented will be lovely. Lots of forest around it.

  2. I remember that rug. I believe it was there when I met you.
    Good you have that room nailed down. The season fast approaches.

    1. Wait, you and the divine miz moon have met??

    2. We have only met online, dear Boud. But that is as real as many meetings, I think.
      I've had that rug for a very long time, Joanne. We got it when the dogs were still alive, I believe.
      It's a relief to have that house arranged.

  3. Throw a bucket of paint on that rug, it'll be just fine. Glad you found the maybe perfect place to stay- I know how that goes, but in the end a great time is had by all. Even if the bed catches fire.

    1. Haha! I think a bit of gasoline and then a match would be the best thing for that rug.
      My dream about the house is that it's so wonderful we want to buy it and then we can. Ha!
      I've never had a bed catch fire...have you?

  4. Are you going to sell that old rug on e-bay? "Retro antebellum rug, made by Apalachee weavers to a traditional design".

    Well done on finally securing a summer place in North Carolina. You have done a lot of careful research so it will probably turn out fine.

    1. That's exactly how I would post it, Mr. P.! I could even say that the famous dog Lassie was born on it! Why not?
      I'm sure the house will be fine. I've never had a really bad experience with Airbnb and have had some very good ones. I am hopeful.

  5. Perfection is highly overrated, but I do hope the place in NC scores above average. Meaning: a long bed, a decent bathroom, a functional kitchen and nice (distant) neighbors. The fact that you'll be near those two little rascals will definitely make up for any house deficits.

    1. The bed is only a queen but we'll manage. My poor man has spent his life trying to fit into spaces not meant for a person his size. I was looking at one rental that was charming- an heirloom cabin or something like that, but it said that since it had been built long ago, the ceilings were quite low and that taller people might not feel comfortable in it.

  6. Most of us have got boiled frog syndrome I reckon. When I was still married I asked my ex to do something about his bedside lamp as it was way too bright. Silly me thought he might change the bulb. Nope, he pulled a pair of underpants out of his drawer and put them over the lamp - and it stayed like that for years, with his pants looking like ET sitting on top of the lamp!

    1. Okay. That is horrible.
      Some day I'd like to hear the story of what made you realize that you were as done with that man as I was with my rug.

  7. LOL -- I see what you mean about the rug. Thanks for the photo. It was no doubt much prettier in its better days. :)

    Glad you got a place in NC. I once stayed in a motel in Palm Springs that had the SAME NOTE ON THE BED!

    I think this end-of-days thinking that makes people hoard gasoline and toilet paper must be a weird response by our fight-or-flight nervous systems to all the uncertainties in our world. Like, "I can't stop the insanity, but by golly I'll have gasoline and toilet paper!"

    1. I don't think the rug was ever actually "pretty" but it was far better looking when it was new.
      Why would someone put a comforter on a bed in a rental place or motel that they didn't want people to mess around on? If you can't wash it easily, don't put it on that bed! Lord.
      You're probably right about the gas/toilet paper thing. There's only so much we can control and I guess that we do whatever we can in our own way to deal with that. But lord, we're stupid.

  8. I am a huge fan of braided rugs, even old, stained rugs. If we were closer I'd take the rug off your hands:)

    I'm in the process of stockpiling scraps of old fabric and clothes so that I can make my own braided rug.

    Glad you were able to book a place in North Carolina and I'm sure it will be lovely.

    1. I'd like to make a braided rug, too. I never have. I bet you will, though. You follow through. That's one of the things I admire about you so.

  9. When I was young in the 70s, I once made a giant folding sleeper sofa out of orange corduroy because that was my then husband's favorite color! WTF was I thinking!?! It was like a giant beanbag type of furniture! I will have to look for it in old photos. We had it for awhile and made guests sleep on it! Now I can't stop laughing about it! Ha Ha Ha! Your posts reminded me about that!

    1. Okay- that made me laugh. A giant orange corduroy beanbag sofa! What did you fill it with?

    2. The bottom pieces were like foam mattresses that folded out to make a bed for guests. The top was stuffed with pillow stuffing - like a giant wrap around back and arms. It was huge and sat in a wooden sort of frame to keep the pieces together. Oh, it was UGLY! Honestly, at the time I think I was so proud I made it, though!

  10. Yay - you got your vacation place - trying to get somewhere (anywhere!) in the UK is nightmare.
    PS - love the way you write - all heart

    1. I'm looking forward to this trip. We always have such a good time. It's a beautiful area in North Carolina where my son-in-law's family lives. Truly gorgeous.
      Thank you for the sweet words.

  11. I laughed till I choked at that message about taking the comforter off. It's just the kind of thing I would never, never, never expect to read in an Airbnb. I've worked backwards in reading these posts so have seen your nice new rug. And, I meant to say in my last comment, the table is beautiful.

  12. glad you got a good enough place for NC. and I cannot believe how stupid people are hoarding gas in questionable containers. and definitely time to replace that rug. I still like my two recliner loveseat but I'm wanting to steam clean it more and more.


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