Thursday, March 4, 2021

When I went to clean the hen house I found both Grace and Darla sitting on the same nest. Silly girls. 

Jess and the boys came over today and before long, it had been decided that they'd take the small boat to the St. Marks river and go for a little boat ride. I just didn't have it in me to go. My foot still hurts and I simply wasn't up to it. So I stayed home and rested. Mostly. But the adventurers had a grand time. Here's a picture Jessie sent. 

Mr. Moon said that he had a whole lot of steering help. I told him that I can hardly imagine that he had to do any steering at all. 

I hung out and embroidered (if you can call it that) and watched episode 2 of Farrow vs Allen and I have a lot to say about that but now's not the time. 
I will just say that viewing the world through my newly ignited and enlightened lens of the patriarchy is not soothing to the soul. As if I needed any more accelerant on the constantly burning fire of hatred I have in my soul for pedophiles.

The folks got home from the river just a little while ago and August and I read a book and then he climbed the cherry laurel stump. 

He's grinning like that because I told him to smile and also because his mother expressly forbid him to climb the stump. 
This morning, while they were getting ready to go, Levon was climbing the back of the truck and almost fell but caught himself with one hand as both Jessie and I made a lunge for him. And then he said, "Oh GOD! Look at that hang!"
And we both about died laughing. 

So that's it for now. Time to make supper. I'm always late with supper no matter how much I preplan and pre-prepare. I make fun of my husband for what we call "Glen Time" which is how he always thinks that something can be done in an hour when it will actually take a day or two, but I'm the same way about cooking. 

One more picture. This is what chickens can and will do to a tray of cherry tomato plants. 

Dang little assholes. 
We love them anyway. 
And who knows? Maybe they'll survive and go on to thrive. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. It sounds like another beautiful day in Lloyd with your fabulous family!
    My tomato plants can look like that without chickens! I think this may be the year i give up on planting tomatoes and just buy the damn things! Less work and less stress!

    1. Less work and less stress for sure! I've seen bugs do the same thing those chickens did. I know what you mean.

  2. You need to see a foot doctor to find out exactly what is going on with your foot (feet). Things can be done or inserts made for your shoes to alleviate the pain ... especially in the heels.
    Hope you have a good Friday!

    1. Thanks, Marcia. I'm not a go-to-the-doctor person for the most part. I have an illogical but powerful neurosis about seeing them. This will heal. I'm sure. No pun intended.

  3. sorry about foot ......but you know your body and probably have a good idea as to what is going on. Those boys! And those hens! Yep- they will pretty much eat and roto-till anything within reach. Little dinosaurs! I pretty much work my day (or at least afternoon) around trying to have dinner on the table by 6:30. I try......LOL
    Susan M

    1. Little dinosaurs indeed.
      And Susan, I do the same- I plan my damn dinner all day long and yet, it still gets on the table late every night.

  4. Look at all that beautiful weather. It snowed today, in NE Ohio.

    1. It was perfectly gorgeous here yesterday. Today too, honestly.

  5. If it is palntar faciitis there are stretching exercises and shoe inserts that will make you all better. It is an easy fix but takes a while, painful, I am sorry.
    Erik watched the F VS A- and it made him ill,He said that Allen is so disgusting that his films all of them ought to be burned along with him- don't think I can watch that film. My heart can not take it.

    1. The problem with shoe inserts is that you have to wear shoes to insert them in. I am generally barefoot. But yes, I could get some for my walking shoes. Definitely.
      I know that some survivors of abuse are horribly triggered by such things as the documentary but I seem to have a need to try and understand what happened to me and to so many others, to verify the damage done. Does that make sense? Watching this, I am about as inclined to blame Mia as Woody but I have a lot of thinking to do about that.

  6. I wonder if ankle circles will help with the foot. I had hideous pain under both feet a while back and studied Pete Egoscue's approach. I was amazed how simple ankle circling worked to situate everything right. I still do it.

  7. I pulled/strained my foot a while back by going up and down a ladder while spring cleaning. Doctor said either plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis, and all he wanted to do was prescribe prednisone (NO! It's a devil drug in my book) or surgery, which I was not going to do. Took a whole year to resolve. I did EVERYTHING out there that is suggested but what finally worked was twice a day--I made a concoction of a carrier oil and CBD and rubbed on my foot. I bought one of those foot massagers on Amazon, the one Oprah recommended, a little pricey but it's still going strong 3 yrs later, did it twice a day. I also made an ice bottle, out of a 2 liter sprite bottle and rolled my foot on that twice a day. Within a month it was healed and I was astounded. May not work same for you but might be worth a try. Levon made me laugh out loud for real...the things out of little ones mouths!
    Angie D

    1. Well, you certainly gave me a lot of suggestions, Angie! I do have CBD ointment and I've also started using arnica. As to the rest- I'll keep those in mind if this thing doesn't get better fast. Thank you.

  8. I hope you can find out what is going on with that foot and get genuine resolution cause foot problems are no laughing matter. Have a sweet night.

  9. Dear Mary,

    Keeping chickens we imagined to be a very easy affair. In our minds, without much fuss, we would be able to gather fresh eggs each morning, our happy chickens would roam wild and free and all would be well. However, as you indicate here, there is a lot to be considered in keeping chicken.

    Yes, part of our garden was ruined by them. The chickens themselves tended to fight amongst themselves on occasions and several times had to be 'rescued' by the people from whom we bought the chickens. Foxes were a constant nightmare and for great periods of time they did not lay a single egg. So, chicken keepers beware we say!!

    1. It's so funny- my chickens have been so easy. I mean, we have had some problems, and yes, they do love the garden but we've pretty much got them fenced out now. The only fighting problems I've had have mostly involved roosters and we've gotten very quick to remedy THAT situation. I do like having a rooster because they keep watch and protect the flock but more than one can be real trouble and if we get a mean one, we'll dispatch him. That has happened a few times. Mostly I just love having the birds around. They are a constant source of amusement for me and also provide lots of eggs and also, fertilizer for the garden!

    2. I've been told by a fairly reliable source that chickens need a shaded area to retreat too, otherwise they become bad tempered and will fight. Do your hens have shade?

    3. My hens have two acres of shade and sun to run in. They are not bad-tempered and do not regularly fight. Roosters will fight because they want to be alpha. But if I keep the roo population down, there is no problme.

  10. I hope your foot gets better. I saw something yesterday that looks like it was built for Levon. It's called diggerland, however it is all the way in NJ. Love Gail

    1. Yes! Diggerland! We shall not be telling Levon about this.

  11. I have no suggestions on your foot since I could never figure out exactly what the deal was with my feet and hands and then my hand. all gone away now. we had an old camphor tree in the yard at the city house that the grandkids loved to climb. they weren't allowed to get in the tree until they could do it by themselves. the main trunk rose up about 3 or 4 feet and then branched into four smaller trunks. easy to climb. then I had to teach them about testing branches before they put their full weight on them. dinner is always late here. never before 8 PM. except Sundays when it's usually around 7 PM.

    1. My philosophy on kids climbing trees is exactly yours- they can do it when they can do it!
      Bodies can be so mysterious, can't they?

  12. Bloody chickens. I planted my tomato seeds yesterday and we'll see how long they last with the cat. Our cat loves to destroy plants. I also planted acorns which I had collected last fall and hope to plant oak trees. The acorns were already sprouting when I took them out of the fridge yesterday. I guess we'll see. Maybe when my grandson is old there will be a grove of oak trees that his granny planted:)

    August looks very pleased with himself.

    1. Oh- a grove of oak trees that you planted! Wouldn't that be wonderful? I planted a live oak at the last house we lived in and I love to go by and look at how big it's gotten in a decade. It fills me with happiness to see it.
      August was quite pleased with himself indeed!

  13. Which one of the boys is steering the boat in that picture? He looks too "grown up" to be either of them (or maybe I need to change my glasses), but either way that's one happy little boy!

    1. That's Levon! And yes- what could be better than steering the boat? Maybe steering the truck. That's a thrill too.

    2. But not on the road! I promise!

  14. I will get to see 4 of my grandchildren tomorrow so it will be a terrific weekend! You may have to do something about that foot so you don't miss out on happy boat rides!! Feel better!

  15. I feel your tomato pain. We woke up one spring morning a couple of decades ago to find our four 6-packs of tomato seedlings on the living room windowsill felled by miniature lumberjacks. What the...?? Detective work revealed the culprits: mice. Cocklebur the ginger cat joined the family not long after.

    Two bits your tomato plants will recover given time and protection from the ravening chickens. Hope your foot does too!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Mice. Damn. Well, what can you do? Get a cat! Yes!
      We've set the seedlings on the porch rail and we'll give them a fighting chance.

  16. I'm surprised tomato leaves don't harm the chickens. I thought the plants are poisonous or something? But maybe I made that up.

    It's too bad you couldn't tag along on the boat but I totally get needing a break. Sometimes being able to stay home on your own is a wonderful luxury. August looks so proud on that stump! (And Levon looks proud at the steering wheel.)

    1. I didn't think that chickens would eat tomatoes to begin with but they sure did.
      You're right about the luxury. I know I missed out on a good time but I enjoyed my alone time.
      Those boys were both quite proud of themselves. You are right.

  17. I am sometimes very happy to be puttering at home alone when I know my beloved are out having a great time together. I know they're happy in that moment, so I've done my job. Does that make sense?

    1. All the sense in the world. I know EXACTLY what you mean.
      Are we the same woman somehow?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.