Our bed looked like there'd been a bloody battle fought in it when we got up this morning. Not because there'd been a battle but because our bed-cat-for-the-night, Maurice, went a little insane when something (99% sure it was Jack) was outside the window above the bed. She woke us from a sound sleep, doing her defensive yowling and hissing thing and we both reached for her for some damn reflexive reason and she grabbed me with her claws and teeth and tried to rip the hand off my wrist and managed to stab Mr. Moon at the same time.
It was bad.
That cat's jaw power is not unlike that of a saber-toothed tiger. It is no longer a mystery to me how a cat can open up the skull of a squirrel and eat the brains out of it. I'm pretty sure that she could do the same to me.
There was a bit of yelling that went on after we'd managed to take back possession of our hands and then we were both sort of stunned into silence until finally I said, "We better go check this out and wash our wounds."
Which we did.
My wounds are stab wounds. She didn't have time to tear and rip, thank god. But she did bruise me. Mr. Moon just had a smallish cut but because he's on a daily dose of therapeutic aspirin to thin his blood he was bleeding. We both washed up and he put on a bandaid and we returned to bed. It took me a long time to go back to sleep. I didn't realize we'd managed to bleed all over our pillows, our top sheet and the blanket until I went to make the bed. Everything's clean and sorted out and back where it belongs now but- Jesus.
I know, don't bother telling me that cat bites can be dangerous. We've been through this before. And no need to tell me that we should not sleep with Scratch. I know, I know, I know!
This cat is insane. Not three nights ago she came up to me as I was reading in bed and kissed me gently on the lips. She does this sometimes. I've never in my life been kissed on the lips by another cat. Perhaps she is just trying to suck my soul out of my body when she does this. Who knows?
Not me.
But it's a rather interesting experience. Her lips are so...catlike and thin and cold.
So that was an interesting thing that happened.
I've been holding off on listening to the Spotify podcast "Renegades" with Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen because I didn't have Spotify. This morning, however, I said to myself, "Screw this, life is short, I absolutely MUST listen to these two men conversing."
And so I signed up for Spotify, basically saying, "Take my money," and they did and I binge-listened to all four of the episodes available as I went about my day.
I'm here to tell you that no matter how much I think I love Barack Obama, I somehow discover new depths to my devotion. And pretty much same with Bruce. Two incredibly intelligent men who have become friends, who have absolutely served their country in two vastly different but important ways, and who are both great story-tellers. One of them grew up in Hawaii without a father, one grew up in the small town of Freehold, New Jersey with a schizophrenic father. One went to Columbia and Harvard, one went to one semester of community college in order to avoid the draft.
I am learning things I did not know about both of them. One of the most interesting to me was the story of how Obama came to sing "Amazing Grace" at the church where the folks who were murdered in the Charlotte prayer meeting were being eulogized. They talk about race and how difficult it is to speak about that subject especially with friends, about reparations, about Bruce's relationship with Clarence Clemons and how, despite the fact that they were as close as two people can be for forty-five years, there were still parts of Clarence that Bruce could never quite understand because Clarence was Black. They talk about the American Dream and how it motivated and fascinated both of them while being full of falsehoods and fantasy. They talk about the open road and they talk about music.
Lots of music talk.
In short- I loved every minute of it.
I am learning things I did not know about both of them. One of the most interesting to me was the story of how Obama came to sing "Amazing Grace" at the church where the folks who were murdered in the Charlotte prayer meeting were being eulogized. They talk about race and how difficult it is to speak about that subject especially with friends, about reparations, about Bruce's relationship with Clarence Clemons and how, despite the fact that they were as close as two people can be for forty-five years, there were still parts of Clarence that Bruce could never quite understand because Clarence was Black. They talk about the American Dream and how it motivated and fascinated both of them while being full of falsehoods and fantasy. They talk about the open road and they talk about music.
Lots of music talk.
In short- I loved every minute of it.
I listened as I mopped the kitchen, as I remade the bed, as I trimmed some more sagos (we have too many sagos), as I polished the refrigerator and strung some of my tiny pots to hang in the kitchen.
I listened as I swept the front porch and watered the plants. I listened as I took the trash to the trash depot and went to the post office. I listened as I picked greens and washed them. I listened as I kicked a little bit of bamboo.
It was a good day of listening. And not a bad day of getting a few things done.
It got up to 84 degrees here today which is nothing, nothing compared to what it will be soon and still- I did not like it. As I told my husband a little while ago- I'm already tired of being hot after one day.
And I am.
Tough titties, said the kitty.
When I asked Mr. Moon this morning what he wanted for supper he said, "Clam spaghetti and the salad with the little oranges." And that is what he is getting. Chop an onion, smash some garlic, open two cans of minced clams, boil up some pasta, cut up some greens, add some canned mandarin orange sections and sunflower seeds, make a dressing with some of the juice from the can, some olive oil, some white balsamic vinegar, some Tamari, heat up some sourdough, DONE!
It really is a fine supper.
I could talk for hours about having to change the clocks tonight and losing an hour but I won't. I'll just say- oh, dear god. Again?
Humans are weird. So are cats.
Love...Ms. Moon
A tiny benefit of the pandemic: it turns out that hand sanitizer, applied as soon as possible after a cat mauling (applied to your bites and scratches, not applied to the offending cat!) is remarkably effective and keeping the gouges uninfected and healing, scar-free, in record time.
ReplyDeleteMy gentle and affectionate tabby friend never touches bare skin with her claws, but she has no concept of thickness when it comes to cloth, and so thinks nothing of climbing my leg as long as there's cloth to grab. Thin cloth pants have led to bloody tracks (and cat-scolding, which makes her feel terrible). But with a quick wash followed by an application of sanitizer gel, I usually can't see any signs of the scratches by the next day.
Yes, of course it stings a bit. But not as much as a cat treating your leg like a tree trunk.
DeleteI'll remember that next time Maurice stabs me. Which she will.
I guess cats really don't have any idea that a thin piece of material can't stop their sharp claws from hurting. I think Maurice felt bad afterwards too.
So much for Clean sheet Friday! Damn! She is such a wild stabby thing, looking ever so sweet.
ReplyDeleteLove your little posts on a string.They look like they have always been there or at least wanted to. Perfect.
They certainly fit right into my kitchen. I even have bigger pots strung in a different place.
DeleteWe had clean sheet Friday and then some-clean sheet Saturday. Worked out.
I so want to listen to that interview, but not to spend money. Ow!
ReplyDeleteThose little pots are too sweet. I had to look twice to find them.
Spotify is free, if you don't mind ads. Apologies if this particular one is paywalled, but I didnt think they did that.
DeleteI didn't realize that, Jo. I was wondering why I didn't get a $ number and also, why I was getting ads. Which are annoying.
DeleteClam spaghetti here last night too!
ReplyDeleteOh Maurice. Cats are truly not domesticated. Darn our reflexes when they lead us to unthinkingly grab a Hissy Fit Cat.
We had a ginger named Cocklebur for his amazing ability to cling to one's leg, also with no concept of the thickness (or not) of the pantleg. One evening we had Mike's elderly parents over for dinner. Agnes had her arms crossed in such a way that one thumb was exposed against her dark pants, and as I was bringing a hot dish to the table, I saw it twitch. So did Cocklebur. Great Excitement Happened. That cat taught me a lot, bless his dear departed soul.
And to the heart of your post - I don't Spotify, but hope that the Obama-Springsteen conversations may end up in the public domain someday. Thank you for introducing me to the fact they exist. I look forward to hearing them!!
Chris from Boise
Spotify is free, if you don't mind ads.
DeleteI think Jo is right. You can get the Spotify Premium or whatever it's called and pay for no ads.
DeleteCats are not of our ken, are they? But they fascinate me. Poor Agnes. Poor Cocklebur. Great name, by the way.
Now those little pots are exactly right for putting in whitlow grass. The size would work a treat.
ReplyDeleteI know about cats. And scratches. And bites. My tiny cat Boud once did a killing bite on the back of my wrist. Couldn't use the hand for a week. She put all the tendons and nerves out of action. It swoll up a heap, too.
The holes in those little pots are so tiny that some could barely hold a violet stem. They truly are tiny.
DeleteOh my Lord! Your cat was worse than mine is! Their jaw strength really is tremendous, isn't it?
You may not think so but some days you lead a most interesting life.
ReplyDeleteFor me, today was all about doing as little as possible. I just didn’t care. I sat in the sun for a bit with two dogs around my feet. This was the highlight of my day.
Well, I think a lot. Which is sort of interesting to me, at least. Ha!
DeleteI've pretty much had a "don't care" day myself. We all need them sometimes.
I am sorry you two were mauled by Maurice! I wonder at her behavior...
ReplyDeleteThat podcast sounds interesting as does your recipe for clam sauce. My mother made a red sauce with clams in it and I did not have a sauce like yours until leaving home. I hope you have a scratch free night.
I wonder at her behavior myself. Frequently. Best not to dwell on it, though.
DeleteOne of my dearest friends, Paula, taught me to make that clam sauce. We love it.
This catsplosion is fairly terrifying! You're very brave to keep letting her in the bed.
I hope that your cat induced injuries will be ok. I know you said you know how dangerous they can be, but a friend of mine was attacked by a cat while she was trying to save it from her dog ( the dog was eventually put to sleep as being a cat killer!)and she ended up being very ill with liver disease as a result. I care for you too much for that to happen!
ReplyDeleteYuck. That sounds horrible. So far, so good on the wounds. Not looking infected or inflamed.
DeleteSome dogs just do want to kill cats. It's horrible when it happens. I had a bulldog that killed a kitten and it was horrible. I got rid of the dog.
Thank you for caring about me, Frances. Truly.
ReplyDeleteMaurice Alphonso Moon (aged 7)
For Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm
Do not approach. DANGEROUS!
A reward of $5000 is offered for information
that might lead directly to his successful arrest.
That's great! Except he's a she. And I know exactly where she is. I just gave her treats.
DeleteBecause I'm crazy.
Not only are your days so very interesting, so are your nights! When a cat is having a fit ... back off and away and out of claw range! Sorry you got shredded a bit!
ReplyDeleteI have had a lot of cats in my life ... none of them ever puckered up and cat kissed me! LOL
Me too, Marcia- I've never even heard of a cat that kissed people on the lips. I guess it happens. And I will never, ever interrupt her with my hand when she's in full defense mode.
DeleteWhy does your female cat have a male name? Just wondering.
ReplyDeleteI tried giving Bagheera a pill once and there was a lot of blood and vomit, my blood, her vomit. Didn't go well.
I should try audio books again. I listen to the radio when I'm alone but a book or a podcast might be nice for a change.
Glad you two survived the midnight slaughter.
It's so much easier when people tell you what they want for supper isn't it?
She has the name of Maurice because I thought she was a male when she first showed up. Most gingers are males. And she's what I call an "M" cat- she has that M on her forehead. So...thinking it was a boy and wanting to give him an M name I just pulled "Maurice" out of the air. It stuck.
DeleteI wouldn't give her a pill if her life depended on it.
And it IS so much easier to cook when you don't have to come up with the idea! Rarely happens around here though.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm intrigued by the little pots. Where on earth do you find such things?
ReplyDeleteOur cat is much more docile. She knows that Tim doesn't like her on the bed, so she creeps up there ever so sneakily as soon as she hears his even breathing. And she stays still all night, lest he wake up and realize she's there. She also pats my cheek so gently when she wants me to pet her.
Thank goodness I don't own a murder cat. Tim and the cat would be having it out on a regular basis. He has no patience with wee beasties.
The tiny pots were part of a clock that quit working. I took them off before we threw it away and peeled the glue away.
DeleteThat's so sweet about your cat. My cat Jack also reaches out to pat me when he wants petting. And both cats know to sleep on my side of the bed. My husband doesn't mind them but he doesn't like them sleeping on him. Or near enough to touch.
Yikes! Maurice! What are you THINKING?! (I'm saying that to Maurice, Mary, not to you.) I guess the moral of the story is don't reach for the cat when it's yowling, but I can see how that would be instinctive when she wakes you up that way.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of that podcast! It sounds awesome! So does that dinner. My mom used to make a similar pasta with clam sauce and I haven't had it in years, but it was yummy.
Maurice was thinking that she needed to defend herself against all threats and at that moment of passionate defense against Jack outside she lost her tiny mind and attacked us.
DeleteI guess.
The podcast is great, Steve. Truly.
You should try making the clam spaghetti. It's so easy.
I could spend all day listening to Obama speak. He not only talks sense but man does he have a sexy voice!
ReplyDeleteHe does indeed. Bruce's voice is all right too. Obama sure does have a lot to say. He makes fun of himself for that in his book.
DeleteI just couldn't sleep with a cat in my bed. Some people are cat people and some people aren't. Sorry...
ReplyDeleteWe call it "linguini with clam sauce" - sounds fancy but just butter, garlic, clams, and pasta ... Yummy!
You are exactly right about cat people and non-cat people. I do like them.
DeleteLinguini with clam sauce does sound much, much fancier. I like to put onions in mine too.
Oh Lord, I hope you're both ok! That was pretty scary! Also, Barack and Bruce, how wonderful their friendship is, and I am off to give my money to spotify right now, so i can listen, too.
ReplyDeleteWe're fine. But it was a bit of a shocking way to be woken up. And painful.
DeleteYou will LOVE the podcast. I know it. Good men. Smart men. Men who think and try to be the best they can in many ways. Important ways.
late to the party as usual. cats. my grabby stabby cat at 13 or 14 has discovered that she likes affection. whoda thought. and yes, one day of summer was enough. already? already with the sweating?
ReplyDeleteI don't listen to podcasts or books or videos. I would rather read. but that may be due to the fact that I don't have a device to listen to or earphones to listen with. and I'm busy. I'd rather read.
Well, you did give Scratch an appropriate Name, that's for sure! When a Cat freaks out it can be really Wild.