Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Here And Now, And Back Then Too

This is what was going on in my life two years ago today. We were at Gatorbone, the home of Lon and Lis for their traditional St. Patrick's day weekend gathering of the friends and loves and musicians for music and food and general springtime joy. It was August's first visit to Gatorbone, I think, and he was the happiest three-year old you can imagine. Do you remember those curls? He was helping Lis make a cake in her sweet, sweet kitchen which is where I spent most of my time that weekend because that is how I like it and Lis lets me. 
I think about that weekend now and it seems as if we were in a different lifetime, a different universe. If you want to read about that weekend, you can go here. 

I would love to reminisce and relive it here but I've been in a bit of a dark place lately and it seems to me that going over all of my best memories only makes me sadder. I'm not sure what's going on but it's just the way it is right now. But here- here are some more pictures of that weekend. 

Levon was one-and-change two years ago and he was trying to chop wood for the fire like his Boppy. Already in love with his grandfather then. 

August in the same place in the kitchen, this time helping me make the great batch of angel biscuits I always make on Sunday morning. 

Lis's cake. March is a huge birthday month for the people who come to the Gatorbone party and there is always a cake for them. August was helping with the candles. 

How strange to look back on that weekend and realize that we had no idea what was coming. That the idea of a grand gathering of hugs and food laid out on tables and knots of musicians here and there with guitars and fiddles and sleeping in tents close together would be like something from a dream. I miss those people. I love cooking for them, feeding them, because they feed me. They fed me. 
Perhaps someday we will feed each other again. 

I was planning on going to town tomorrow for my shopping but the weather looks to be terrible so I went today and got it done. The best thing was that I ran into a friend who is working in the pharmacy at Publix whom I haven't seen in forever. It was SO good to see her. We have both had our vaccinations and hugged without restraint. But with masks because, of course. 
So I got all my stuff and came home and it is such a gorgeous day here. I walked around the yard and took a few pictures.

The Bridal Wreath Spirea.

The Wisteria growing in the bamboo forest.

And speaking of bamboo- it is time to kick it. 

One of the many bromeliads that are blooming in my front yard. This one by Elvis's grave.

I have corned beef simmering and carrots scrubbed and a nice head of just-picked cabbage cored and sliced down its crisp middle. I'll wash up the potatoes here in a minute and make a loaf of soda bread to bake. I've made this same meal at Gatorbone many times although in far greater quantities. 

My carrots are still a bit puny and I never know when I pull one what it's going to look like but Mr. Moon doesn't really like cooked carrots and that is plenty for me. 

I saw a hummingbird at the feeder yesterday. My heart soared with it. 
I think my heart is hungry. 
I think we all know that feeling now. 
I've ended up reminiscing here anyway. It's okay. 
May we soon feed and be fed- tummies, souls, hearts, and minds. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Lovely post. What a generous, expansive spirit you have, Mary. I love to read you.

    1. Only sometimes does my soul become expansive and generous but it always does at Lon and Lis's party.

  2. Does the bamboo forest encroach on your yard, or do you keep it confined by kicking the sprouts?

  3. Gorgeous day and beautiful memories. I hope you have many more of each to come.

  4. What lovely memories of this day........ and I can't EVEN begin to embrace in memory....those curls August had. Wow. Times past.....and memories that last and sustain us....until we can make new ones. Sigh........... same here
    Susan M

    1. Everything makes me feel like crying right now. August's curls are at the top of the list.

  5. I am just wondering if your "corned beef" is the same as we use here?..( from a rather odd shaped tin?).it's just that I can't imagine " simmering" it!
    I occasionally make a " corned beef hash" which is very tasty. A basic recipe is chopped cooked new potatoes, chopped corned beef and onion all fried up together, though I add tomatoes as well. There are many variations on the theme.

    1. No! I can see your confusion. We do have the tinned corn beef and yes, I love a good hash made with it. But this corned beef is a beef roast that has been brined and cured and is cooked with spices. It's delicious.

  6. Such a beautiful post and beautiful pictures--baby August and Levon, the gorgeous still life of your vegetables, and that bromeliad!

    I hope you feel better soon, Mary, and the sadness dissipates.

  7. My heart is hungry too, no question. I was just sitting here at work and it suddenly occurred to me -- I think I'm depressed! It's just so fatiguing, after a year, with spring coming on, to still be dealing with all this covid insanity.

    It's great to look back on this gathering and yes, it seems surreal now, doesn't it?

    Your flowers are looking amazing! I love that spirea.

    1. It is, it is, it IS. So fatiguing and depression-making.
      Everything is a little surreal right now, isn't it?
      I love the spirea too. Tiny little bridal wreaths.

  8. My Crockpot corned beef with potatoes, carrots, onions and cabbage turned out AMAZING! I was surprised because I only cook it once a year so I never remember what I do. But my son and I agreed, that we should have this more than once a year.
    Looking back at large, fun gatherings does make us sad but we have a future where we will do this again and we can look forward to how wonderful that will be! :)

    1. My corned beef dinner was terrific! I was quite happy with it.
      We do have things to look forward to. I know we do.

  9. I like the expression that your heart is hungry. I imagine most of us feel that way right now right? And August's curls - oh my goodness, aren't they just beautiful!

    1. I miss those curls! They were gorgeous! He and Maggie together were like two little cherubs.

  10. amazing the difference in those boys in two years time! And yes... I do believe our hearts are all hungry, as you wisely said (tho I believe Bruce Springstein said it first LOL)
    Susan M

  11. It did me good to read about your Gaterbone weekend, picked up my spirits a bit. Your conversations with the backup singer must have been as scrumptious as the food!

    1. She wasn't really a name-dropper but a lot came out. It was interesting, indeed.

  12. August and Maggie are the only two curly-heads in the family I know of and Maggie's other grandmother has a lot of curls. August's have sort of disappeared.
    I'm so glad you're going to get some traveling and hugs in soon! Good for you, Barbara!

  13. Today was a pondering, wandering day for me, as well. But at least I got the darn ceiling painted.

  14. oh that bamboo. is that timber bamboo? I didn't think it was invasive the way the other kind is.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.