Remember how I was saying that I am not going to complain about the chillier weather?
Well I need to back up on that. It's been cold all day and I'm not even going to add "for us" because it's just cold and I don't care what the thermometer says. I swear it looks and feels like it's going to snow although I am sure that it's not going to. Supposed to hit freezing tonight but the sun should be back out tomorrow. It's been like living with a cold zinc bucket over our heads all day. Damp, cold, and windy too. How do you people who live up north do this?
So it's already February. Jeez. I'm still waiting for this China Flu to magically disappear. Come on! This hoax is no joke anymore. Speaking of jokes, it cracks me up so much that Trump's defense team all quit on him. I mean- when you can't even PAY people to defend you, you need to check your lifestyle. Or something.
We'll be getting our second vaccines on Thursday. I have a friend who is a few days ahead of us on the injection schedule and she has reported that the second one was a bugger for her. Fever, horrible chills, headache, extreme fatigue. But the first one was a little harder for her than it was for us so she may just have extreme reactions. I feel bad for her and I'm wondering what it will be like for us. Any of y'all know anyone who's gotten their second one?
I am not having the emotional response to the vaccine that a lot of people seem to be having. The feeling of relief, mainly. I'm not sure why. Is it because I never really felt as if I was going to get it and so this doesn't change much? I suppose that could be it but I still have dreams where there are many people gathered without masks and I don't realize it until after I've been around them which seems to indicate that I may be more concerned than I think I am. But there is still the possibility that I could infect others if I am unwittingly carrying the virus about which I understand can happen if I am exposed so mask-wearing will continue. But will I be able to hug and kiss and love on Owen and Gibson and Magnolia and Lily? Strictly speaking, I probably shouldn't but I imagine I will. I will still worry.
And maybe I've enjoyed having an excuse not to go anywhere unless it's absolutely necessary. Okay, no maybe about it. I have. As I've said before, except for family gatherings and thrift shopping, I don't miss much. And now I'll feel more able to go to Goodwill or whatever else is open in that venue. But I probably won't go to Target. Funny how I never seemed to be able to go in that place without spending at least a hundred bucks and now it's been over a year since I was there and I really can't think of anything they have that I need.
It's all so strange. I've been so content staying at home.
My husband, daughter, son-in-law and I have all had both Pfizer shots with no reaction other than a little soreness at the injection site lasting only overnight. Sunday we are meeting for lunch on the patio of a waterfront restaurant (will I remember how to behave?) and, as our daughter says, “ We will sit at one table. We will hug. I will cry.”
ReplyDeleteBless your hearts! I would cry, too! Some day....
How wonderful, Margaret! Like Debbie- I'll cry too when that happens.
DeleteI’m the youngest of four women who walk every morning. I’m not old enough to get the shot, yet. One has gotten both shots and just had more soreness the second time. Otherwise, she’s fine.
ReplyDeleteI’ve been trying to remember my dreams when i have them. I’m not having much luck. I keep a dream journal. It has months between entries. I’m not sure they’re more dramatic or different. It all feels better since the orange cow has left the barn, though.
I see where i missed yesterday’s post. Love that Ruby! What a gorgeous face! We’ve just rescued another dog, a one year old chihuahua we named Birdie. This makes two, probably our limit. Like you, we only have so much room and we are definitely about as full as we can be. Stay well, Ms. Moon.
Thanks for the input on the second shot. That's more like what I've been reading.
DeleteMy dreams too, seem to be less dire in nature since the inauguration.
Little Birdie is a lucky dog. Good for you!
Dr. Fauci himself reported (via NPR interview) short-lived effects from his second shot-- some aches and chills, but especially extreme fatigue.
ReplyDeleteSounds doable. And I trust him.
DeleteI don't personally know anyone who has had the vaccine. I'm in the oldest age group can't get an appointment even beyond my driving distance. So no information here!
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to bring in salads and eggs from your yard. It's so good to see.
Well, I'll let YOU know how it goes for me.
DeleteI know you appreciate fresh food, Boud. I am so lucky to have such goodness from my yard.
I am not old enough to get the vaccine yet. A friend who has received both injections reported only soreness at the injection site, and the most funny dream I've had is you and Mr. Moon coming to my place and fixing everything...
ReplyDeleteI, too, dream about other bloggers! Isn't that funny? We truly do become so real to each other.
DeleteI must point out though that if Glen and I came to your house, only he would be able to fix anything. Well, I might be able to fix lunch.
It would be enough just to meet you...
DeleteMy comment just blew up. I wonder if it tried to tell me something.
ReplyDeleteMy sister used to dream full length movies, in technicolor, some starring Clint Eastwood.
In think you're having no emotional reaction to the vaccine because you know its purpose is to save our lives, not to give us back yesterday.
Oh, trying again...
Clint Eastwood? That's so great!
DeleteInteresting point on not being able to anything back with the vaccine. I will ponder that.
OMG YES! last nights dream was so cinematic that i actually had a real movie star and a stunt woman, it was fabulous!
ReplyDeleteREALLY? That is so cool.
DeleteWe have both had the Pfizer first shots, but it will be 12 weeks until we get the second one. Our government, in it's wisdom, has decided it is better to get everyone partly protected first !! I had a sore arm for a couple of days but P said he didn't even have that!
ReplyDeleteI have been having ( or at least partly remembering) a lot of dreams lately. I am often aware in the dream that people are not distancing or wearing masks. Worst dreams are the ones in which I have lost the dog.....a permanent nightmare, luckily not too often. I did actually lose him for 20 minutes a few weeks was a waking nightmare!
Wow. 12 weeks. I sure hope it retains effectiveness when given on that schedule.
DeleteI guess we're all having covid dreams of one sort or another.
I lose babies and children in dreams. Happened last night. Little Patsy disappeared but we found her! I have no idea who little Patsy was but I seemed to love her a lot.
Even though I am in the eligible category (old), no vaccine yet. No idea when it will happen. Not holding my breath (at least I still have that).
ReplyDeleteGiven my erratic sleep patterns, dreaming is a hit or miss affair. Definitely not nightly, but when it does occurs it is mostly fragmented and unmemorable.
I don't know if I love having dreams or not. I think I would miss them if they disappeared.
DeleteKeep breathing!
We have 14 inches of snow here and the dog is perhaps the only one who loves it. It requires all "accessories":scarf,hat ,gloves,tall boots and of course,mask.
ReplyDeleteAs far as dreams,whoa Nellie,they are quite vivid. I think for me it is a way to express anxiety. All the best to you,Mary. We had sore arms after the Moderna shot,await the second soon.
Okay. I won't complain any more. I repeat- HOW DO YOU DO IT?
DeleteAnxiety, yes. And also, for me, just my brain playing with itself as I dream, I suppose.
ReplyDeleteIt is Covid 19, not ‘China Flu’.
ReplyDeleteBeing facetious here. Quoting the orange one.
Deletei.e. No more the "China Flu" than the dream that it would magically disappear.
DeleteYes, I'm starting to dream I'm online. Predictable, but depressing.
ReplyDeleteYou could read the VAERS website to see vaccine reaction reports, but to be honest, I wouldn't.
The astonishing thing here is that my 82 year old mother in law got Covid over Christmas. She has COPD and I assumed that if she got it, that would be it. Instead, she seemed to have a low viral load, and had zero respiratory symptoms, just some gastric stuff and loss of taste.
I am astonished, but very grateful. Felt sure we were heading for tragedy.
Reading the VAERS website seems to be more trouble than I'm willing to put into it. And of course, as I understand it, the reports are "possible" reactions to the vaccine. Fuck it. If this is what it takes to stem the tide, I happily roll up my sleeve.
DeleteI'm really glad your mother in law had a light case.
I had a weird dream last night but I don't remember anything about it. Just that I woke up and thought, "Wow. That was weird."
ReplyDeleteMiss Violet, the Energizer bunny of mama chickens! Are the bok choy flowers edible? Seems like they might look nice on a salad.
I spend a few minutes every morning when I wake up, raking through my dream memories. I am constantly amazed at what my mind has come up with.
DeleteThat's a good idea about the flowers, Steve! Thanks!
We eat bok choy flowers! I think the plants bolt when the temperature fluctuates too much between warm and freezing temps - just what you've been dealing with.
DeleteOne big difference between northern and southern coping-with-cold is that up north we tend to have the paraphernalia to deal with it (parkas, boots, longjohns, mittens, insulation, etc). I have spent bitterly cold days in Florida because I was wearing "Florida clothes". So - you're justified in your feelings about it.
I am envying your garden - vegetables and camellias both!
Chris from Boise
Got the 1st Moderna shot on the 28th, will get the 2nd Moderna shot on Feb. 25th.
ReplyDeleteThe 1st one caused just a sore arm where the injection was for a couple days ... just like the flu shots do.
Will see what happens with the 2nd one ... I have Tylenol if I need it!
Same reaction we had to the first Moderna shot. I guess we'll see what happens with the second, won't we?
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that you acted so I clicked on the topic "acting" in your list of labels to see where you spoke of acting classes and auditions (2011). I may have to explore more to find out if you actually did act in anything...
ReplyDeleteI was amazed, tho, because in the 2011 post you did rant about the republicans and - it never changes - they were screwing stuff up! Newt! Sarah P! and...wait for it...Herman Cain?... who passed away in 2020 because he refused to wear a mask and got COVID! Ironic!
Try searching for "Monticello Opera House." I did quite a bit with an amateur company there and it was so fun. It was a good time in my life.
DeleteRepublicans, throughout my entire lifetime have never ceased to screw up shit.
Most of the people I know that have had the second shot said they have flu like symptoms but they only last 24 hours. So strange how differently both the virus and vaccine affect people.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it? There's a piece in The Atlantic about how a strong reaction to the second vaccine is actually a good sign.
DeleteI'm so glad you mentioned that you are having vivid movie-like dreams because I am to and I have wondered if anyone else ever has dreams that are like watching a movie. I had a particularly suspenseful dreamovie just a couple nights ago. I'm glad I'm not alone.
ReplyDeleteYou are definitely NOT the only one, Dee!
DeleteThose camillas in that vase. Be still my heart.
ReplyDeleteMore coming your way...
DeleteThe eggs and greens still life, is life itself.
ReplyDeleteI have started to dream of being where people don't wear masks and I am freaking out, trying to get away.