Sunday, January 31, 2021

No Regrets Today

 Here we have Miss Alice who, being her curious self, was observing me in the camellia bed as I was picking blossoms. I just love these barred rock ladies. If you, like me, keep chickens mainly for the entertainment factor, I highly recommend this breed. Not only are they curious and mild mannered, they also sing the prettiest little songs. 

I have decided NOT to get any peeps this year. Sixteen chickens is far and away enough for me. I am curious though to see if any of my ladies go broody. Since Darla and Dottie both did last year, I would not be surprised if they did again this year. Most of the rest of the hens are from the crop of bebes I got last spring and I have no idea which of them, if any, will decide to sit on eggs. 
If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't- oh well. It's always so exciting when I have a hen sitting on eggs but it's so depressing if they don't hatch or if they do and then the babies get taken by hawks or owls. But watching the process from sitting to raising is just fascinating and I am always enchanted by the deeply protective and maternal instincts of the mothers. And if there is anything cuter than watching just-hatched chicks scratching about in imitation of their mamas, I don't know what it is. 

This dog comes close, though. 

This is Ruby and Jessie is fostering her. I think that she's falling in love with the pup but she is determined to find a good home for her. If I wanted a dog, I would want a dog who looked like Ruby. However, I do not want a dog and that's all there is to it. Dogs are too much like children and they require constant attention and care, and with my cats and chickens, there's just no way. 
But would you look at this face?

It's been a really, really peaceful day here. We've gotten some drizzles and it's been pretty warm. I've had no deep thoughts or epiphanies although I did learn that bubbling roux is most likely hotter than the burning surface of the sun. 
Eh. No harm done. 

I finished listening to this book. 

It's a sweet, gentle book written by a man who has suffered from crippling anxiety and suicidal depression in his life. I do recommend it. I started reading Haig a while back and what has always struck me about his writing is that he is so kind in his assessment of the human race. He is an empath for certain. 

Off to finish the gumbo whose roux taught me the lesson about heat. 

Be well, y'all. Remember that despite how small and unimportant your life may seem at times, you cannot know the lives you have touched and that the ripples from us all affect so much more than we think. 
And that we are pretty darn amazing just as we are. 

Thanks, Matt. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I love his books, especially his non fiction book.

    I'm making your cauliflower recipe for supper tonight. It looked good.

    Take care.

    1. Did you like the cauliflower? I hope so.
      I like Haig too.

    2. We really enjoyed the cauliflower and I will make it again.

  2. I'm glad you had a good day, and I do hope Ruby finds a good home. I heard Matt Haig on a broadcast. Worth reading.

    1. I hope Ruby finds a good home too. She's so cute.
      I found the book to be very worth reading.

  3. OMG ... that little Ruby is so adorable and that face! OMG

  4. I hope Ruby finds a good home. She's pretty big.

    1. About 45 pounds so not enormous by any means.

  5. Never read Matt Haig but you have inspired me! I've been on a Willa Cather *kick* lately..having just *discovered* her through a friends recommendation. On book 4 out of 8. Ruby is a big cutie pie! Perhaps Jessie will change her mind and keep her? And yes, 16 hens *would* be enough, I believe! Not counting what will happen if any of them brood..
    Susan M

    1. I think I've read some Willa Cather but if so, it sure was a long time ago.
      Jessie says that she is too well aware of what it takes to take on a dog for life. And Ruby isn't sure about the children so, probably not.

  6. Ruby is adorable. She is so cute in that first picture, sitting there with her legs crossed just like a little lady!

  7. One of my favorite quotes, by Frances Hamerstrom, is "God made the elephants. And He made the rabbits too". It pleased my agnostic rabbit heart. Thank you for the Matt Haig introduction - I will look forward to making his acquaintance.

    And I agree - Barred Rocks are the best. We accidentally locked the hens out of their coop one night. The rest of the ladies went to roost in the Virginia creeper, but Rocky climbed up on a patio chair and banged on a window. "Hey! Got a Problem Out Here!". What a girl.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yep. Sounds like a barred rock. Haha! Guys! It's past our bed time!
      One of the things I like about Haig is that he doesn't come off as all preachy cute. Like- he doesn't really know either but he knows kindness matters.

  8. Wouldn't it be lovely if Ruby could live with John Grey....

    1. I had the same thought. Just what John needs- another needy rescue.

  9. Barred Rock Chickens sure are pretty, what color eggs do they lay? Ruby is adorable enough I'm sure a good Home is awaiting her, how she's sitting in that pix cracked me up, so Ladylike isn't she?

    1. Barred Rocks lay palish brown eggs. I think they're very pretty.
      Her name should be Lady, shouldn't it?

  10. Ruby is a charmer. May she find her forever home in good time. Right now, she's a lucky girl to have Jessie watching over her.

    1. She is very lucky to be getting Jessie love.

  11. I read that one 3 books back. it seems to be going around.

    dogs do take a lot of attention and I was not looking to get a dog when Minnie showed up in the yard but she's such a sweet and funny thing and my constant companion and I didn't know I needed that affection.

    1. I heard that Dolly Parton read it an liked it. That says it all right there.
      I'm glad that Minnie chose you. She knew what you needed even if you didn't.

  12. I read that book too, and enjoyed it. Ruby is adorable! She looks like she has some boxer in her. Is she good with the boys?

    I feel like a chicken god-parent, reading about your chickens and their adventures. It would be sweet to have some new babies, if that happens, but I don't blame you for not going out to get more!

    1. I think that Ruby is what we would call a pit bull mix around here. She seems...unsure of the boys. She sticks mostly to Jessie but Jessie is the one giving her all the attention so that makes sense.
      I love that you think of yourself as a chicken god-parent! That makes me happy.

  13. That's a nice comment you end up with. I haven't read that book by Matt Haig but I did read "Reasons to Stay Alive." (I checked just now and see he's written LOADS of other books, and some do look interesting.) Ruby is lovely, and she should find a loving home soon if she looks at everyone that sweet way :) I love the little clucking churring noises happy hens make as they scratch around a yard, I bet yours do.

    1. Yep. Haig has written quite a few books. This latest one has really taken off. They've made a movie from one of his books. "A Boy Called Christmas." It's not out yet. I hope it does well.
      Aren't chickens's songs the most soothing thing? I just love them.

    2. Yes. Matt Haig has written quite a few books.
      I really hope that Ruby finds a home soon.
      My hens definitely sing their little songs as they scratch around. I find that incredibly soothing.

  14. I was so tempted to get a dog when I retired. Still am in a way, but I realize I value my freedom more so it has to be a "no" from me (as yet). And I like Matt Haig, he's very different isn't it. Last one I read was The Humans.

    1. I liked The Humans.
      I know exactly what you mean about dogs and freedom. Unless you're the sort of person who takes your dog with you everywhere, you always have to arrange for care for them if you want to travel. That alone is plenty of reason for me not to want one.

  15. I Love our barred rocks so much. My son tamed them as they grew up and now we can do our birdyard chores while holding a hen the whole time. It's so pleasant.

  16. I want to make gumbo one of these days. I have seen so many people mention it lately in their blogs...
    I like your ending sentiment - The simplest thing can brighten my day and make me smile. I feel lucky to have so many people to reach out to through blogs.
    Thanks for your kindness!

    1. It's just delicious! I didn't start making gumbo until recently and I don't know why it took me so long.

  17. What a perfectly camouflaged (or maybe just color-coordinated?) hen for your yard-- mottled feathers like the wintry ground, face and comb like a red camellia!
    That photo could pass as a find-the-chicken puzzle.

  18. Blogger just uploaded this to me this evening, weird. But welcome. And you're quite right about dogs, lovely but labor intensive.

    I must look up Matt Haig, thank you for the recommendation.

  19. I hope you have some broody hens this year Ms Moon. I love following along when you do.


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