Maurice has been having a hard time of it, mostly because of Jack. We weighed Jack the other day and he weighs eighteen pounds. I know this is not record-breaking when it comes to cat weights but I doubt that Maurice weighs eight pounds. Hell, she might weigh less than five pounds. She's tiny. And so Jack has finally established himself as the King Of All He Surveys which is mostly the house.
Jack enjoying the new Kantha cloth throw I so thoughtfully purchased for his napping pleasure.
He only goes outside to pee and poop and occasionally relieve the boredom of napping on our bed by napping on the table in the back yard. Or to make sure that Maurice isn't trying to nap on the table on the porch. I have to pick the big boy up to make our bed in the morning and he does not like that. He hangs on to the sheets with his toe scimitars and it's a struggle every day. Meanwhile Maurice does come in to eat and sometimes she even snuggles up in Mr. Moon's lap when he's in his chair although yesterday when she was trying to do that he had the audacity to pet her and she...wait for it!...clawed the crap out of him. She's so touchy.
But in the garden she can come and go as she pleases and hang out in the shade and watch me pull weeds and when she asks to be petted, I can safely indulge her, wearing my gardening gloves as I do. I wear them as protection against the fire ants but they work pretty good for cat claws as well.
This is African basil. I think. It's about the only thing still thriving in the garden besides all of the volunteer sweet potatoes. There's a lot of the basil though and I use it in salads and in cooking and should make up some pesto and freeze it in ice cube trays for the winter. That works very well. I'm slowly getting the garden cleared out and ready for the fall planting. For whatever reason, I am pretty excited about that this year. I think I might do some research to find some more interesting greens and lettuces to plant although of course I will plant the old favorites- the collards and mustards, the mesclun, the arugula. Perhaps I'll go insane and try some broccoli and cabbage again this year although I've never been able to very successfully grow those. I do not know why. One year we did get a few giant cabbages but that was obviously some sort of glitch in the universe or something.
I just finished listening to a beautiful production of a gorgeous book.
A very finely told tale and I would read it with my eyes but the narration is perfect. So- if you listen to audio books, I definitely recommend this one. I was so sad when it ended. It restored my faith in publishers sometimes getting it right and honoring good writing.
So. Did you see Barack and Michelle's summer play list? The songs they've been enjoying lately?
First of all- we used to have a president who listened to music.
Can you believe that? Wonder what Trumpsteak listens to? Nazi martial music, I would imagine.
Okay, okay, let's let that one go. No need to waste air space on it as a friend of mine said recently. We all know how we feel about that.
But see #34 there? "Happy" by the Rolling Stones?
You have no idea how happy that makes me. That's a Keith song. It's one he wrote and one he always performs at concerts while Mick goes backstage and catches his breath or does forty push-ups or whatever it is that Mick does while Keith takes the stage. I'm pretty sure I've posted a video of the song before but hey! It's Sunday. Time for a hymn.
This was filmed thirteen years ago and it's quintessential Keith Richards. Watch the first few seconds of it at least to see him do his blessing. It's a fine rockin' song and I'm glad that President and Mrs. Obama have enjoyed it.
All right. That's about all I have to say tonight.
Gold rings on ya and all your babies too.
Love...Ms. Moon
I love this song! Thanks for ending my day with it. You rock, Ms. Moon.
ReplyDeleteI love it too, E! I think these days I probably roll more than I rock but hey! It's okay.
DeleteThat beautiful couple having your Keith’s song on their playlist ~ I can’t think of anything more perfect! Happy!!!
ReplyDeleteIt tickles me. I bet you anything that Barack has read Keith's book.
DeleteI am also looking forward to planting for the winter. I'm a bit south of you in the Orlando area, so still trying to figure out when to begin.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there are lots of good places to research that. See if you can find any FB groups for gardeners in Central Florida. Nurseries are always good.
Deletewe used to have a president who... sounds like a car trip game.
ReplyDeletecats. my Emma is intolerant of other cats. she barely tolerated those kittens for the first week, second week she started getting aggressive. but she likes to hang out with me in the yard when I'm gardening.
It DOES sound like a car game.
Delete"We used to have a president who could read. Remember that?"
I so wish my cats would get along. I see pictures of cats snuggling together. That would never in a million years happen with Jack and Maurice.
Not only does my forever president listen to music, his taste level is impeccable and wide ranging and i love that. someone accused him of trying to stay relavant by releasing that list. Many people rushed to enlighten the person that Obama doesnt need to TRY. He simply IS. I love that his Keith pick made you so happy! I love anything that makes you happy.
ReplyDeleteHe is one of the coolest men on the planet. That's just all there is to it. And his wife is one of the coolest women. They are my forever president and first lady too.
DeleteLike I said above, I bet that Obama read Keith's book. That song is hardly a first go-to when one is listening to the Rolling Stones but after you read the book you just sort of fall in love with the guy. And hey! Cool relates to cool.
I swooned when I saw that list of music and thought of you when I saw "Happy." I've never seen the video -- he really is the coolest dude on the planet.
ReplyDeleteScimitars is such a great word, and one we don't get to use very often.
ReplyDeleteI only know a few of the songs on Barack and Michelle's playlist. They are obviously WAY cooler than I am. LOL! But I can't fault anyone who likes "Get Together" by the Youngbloods. The sentiment is right for our times, isn't it?