Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Today's Interior Design Tip From Your Fantasy Lifestyle Guru

If eggs are not washed after being taken from the nest, they can safely sit out on the counter for weeks, thus making them not only more handy for cooking and freeing up room in the refrigerator, but also becoming a lovely decorative piece for your kitchen which changes daily with use and new additions.
If you are lucky enough to have hens and a neighbor who creates lovely wooden bowls from downed trees such as pecan and oak, your kitchen counters will always look lovely.

Do I sound like Martha Stewart?
Sometimes I wish I was Martha Stewart because then I'd know Snoop Dogg and I would cook him fabulous munchie-satisfying omelets and custards from my beautiful eggs and he would sit in my kitchen and talk about things such as how cosmically perfect my eggs are and the deep meanings of everything.

I believe we would laugh a lot and I would give him new hairstyles if he wanted me to.


  1. they are beautiful! I have a large wooden bowl I bought in my early 20s that I never oiled once and now 40 years later is has split so badly that I put it away.

  2. Knowing Snoop Dogg is possibly the only benefit to being Martha Stewart, and even that is debatable. I think you're far better off being you!

    1. Agree with every word Steve Reed said. Florida's loss is England's gain Love ya both Maggi x

    2. For some reason, I think that Martha might have a pretty good time in life. Seems to me that she's mellowed some.

  3. Egg envy! I keep my roadside eggs in a wooden bowl too.

    1. It's a softer place for them than china bowls although they sure can look pretty in one of those too.

  4. Do you know...we don't refrigerate our store bought eggs at all and have never had a problem. Of course, they are nowhere near as beautiful or tasty as your lovelies, but one must make do.

    1. If you come visit again, I will give you more eggs...

  5. But being Martha Stewart you would also spend your mornings cleaning all sorts of corners and gaps with a tooth brush. So, no.

    1. No. That does not sound like fun. You are right.

  6. And if you were Martha you would serve a five-months in a federal correctional facility and two-years probation.

    1. Yeah, but she came out with a boss poncho, hand crocheted just for her!

  7. I think being Martha Stewart is probably over-rated... and your Eggs do look Lovely!

    1. I adore my eggs. I never get tired of looking at them. They make me feel so rich.

  8. Mary Moon and Snoop Dogg. Now there's something I would like to see!

  9. your eggs are like jewels and the wooden bowl is the perfect display. eat your heart out martha stewart.

    1. Oh, Martha has lots and lots of chickens and the fancy ones, too, who lay all sorts of beautiful eggs. But I am certain that mine are just as pretty.


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