Saturday, October 28, 2017

Babies And Bellies

Today was such a sweet day. Jessie and August came out for a visit and August was absolutely delighted that his Boppy was here and didn't want to be parted from him. He followed him around like a little puppy and then they went down to the nearby horse farm for a visit and Jessie and I stayed here and she knit on a blanket for King Richard and I worked on the quilt and we watched Grace and Frankie and were happy and content.

And Boppy sent us this video.

When they got back we had a little lunch of leftovers and I read August some books and he peed twice on the potty while he was here and he got sleepy and his mama took him home.

And also? He called me "Merm" today which I thought was hysterical and I will proudly answer to that name any time. We also did a little dancing to the Rolling Stones in the hallway. So just about a perfect visit.

Lily took her kids to the Fall Festival at Owen and Gibson's school and we got these pictures.

Owen does NOT like having his picture taken these days.

And Maggie met her first candied apple. She appears to approve. 

I was going to post this picture yesterday but forgot.

This is what King Richard looks like right now in his mama's tummy. Although I cannot wait to see him on the outside, I have to admit that I am going to miss seeing Jessie so bloomy and ripe. It has become apparent to me, watching Lily and Jessie go through their pregnancies, that tall women definitely have an advantage over us shorter ladies when it comes to pregnancy. That little boy in there still has room to stretch and move about and I swear, Jessie doesn't seem to be hindered by him at all. 
And may I please add that I am so glad that the days are over when women felt as if they had to dress like this during their pregnancies?

I think it is absolutely right and proper for a pregnant lady to show off her belly and there is nothing more beautiful to me in the world. 

I am boring as can be tonight. 
Oh well. 

At least you don't have to pay for this stuff. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Owen may not like having his picture taken but Gibson is not feeling that at all. Look at the smile!

    Jessie looks absolutely beautiful! The countdown begins!

  2. Jessie looks absolutely stunning. What a beautiful woman with baby! Oh, I recall the pregnancy *clothing*......... too much gathered pleats that were SO unflattering.. Owen and Gibson are getting so mature that it is hard to fathom....and that Magnolia June is the smiliest little girl ever
    PS . so sorry you lost your Rose hen........ so sorry
    Susan M

    1. Keep hens, lose some. I've learned that to my sorrow.

  3. And when August patted his little bum and bends his knees! I have no words. I’m going to go watch it another 10 times.

    1. And he says 'August' too! The sweetness of the communication! I adore when kids do that! Boring post? Puh-lease!

    2. He wanted to ride, didn't he? Such a brave boy.

  4. Oh but I love those frocks! Can I wear them without getting knocked up?

    1. Sure, with the added bonus of everyone assuming you *are* knocked up :)

    2. Absolutely you can wear them! Of course, you'd have to make your own.

  5. what is it with kids not wanting their pictures taken. my grandson was like that and still is at 20. and as for those circus tents women had to wear, I can understand all the fabric in the front but why all the gathering in the back?

    1. Because the fact that we were pregnant indicated that we'd had sex at least once and that shocking reality had to be contained inside a tent?

  6. Isn't it weird that there was ever a time when women felt they needed to conceal their pregnant bellies? (Not to mention a time when they didn't show themselves in public at all for months and months.) I agree -- why not show it off? It's a beautiful thing.

    That picture of Maggie with her candy apple is priceless!

  7. I love the video of little August and his Bop! Also, I think 1995 was the year that fashion changed for pregnant women, AFTER I had Sophie because I wore tents. By the time I got pregnant with Henry in 1998, there were cute form-fitting clothes at Target even! Hallelujah! And Jessie looks so regal. I can't wait for the arrival of her guy!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.