Monday, October 9, 2017

Random But Loved

I am alive but have a little boy here with his mama while Daddy is in a tree stand.

"Come now, play more," said this little boy to his Boppa. 

I spent most of the day working on August's brother's quilt. I have no idea where I'm going with this. 


Joe Cocker, one damn handsome rooster. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. written awhile ago but still pertinent....I love escaping into your life....

    I know a blogger named Ms Moon
    I’ve never met her and most likely
    never will
    she lives in Florida surrounded by chickens
    grandchildren and a lovely husband
    with a beard
    he repairs and rides scooters
    I like the photos of him
    standing on a mattress with
    scooter parts hanging like mobiles
    above him
    Ms Moon posts photos of flowers
    in ceramic jars
    interesting pots
    and in the real earth

    she wears aprons and I love her honesty
    for not wanting to make
    pickles today but making
    them anyway
    she photographed jars lined up
    on her table
    and I wanted to take the next
    train to Florida and give her a big
    The end May 28, 2017

    1. I believe I have been inspired! I bet we all have a Ms Moon poem in our heads!

    2. Margaret! I don't think anyone has ever written a poem about me before. Thank you! That is so beautiful.
      If you ever make it to Florida, trust me- you will get a big, big hug in return.
      I am seriously honored.

      And Jill- really? I don't even know what to say.

  2. Joe Cocker is like the ideal rooster. Isn't he?

  3. He is certainly as handsome as they come. To my eyes, at least.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.