Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Love In My Heart And Virus In My Head

When I was at Lily's house today, doing puzzles (because Owen told me to and frankly, kid puzzles are about as puzzley as I like to get) a Chuckee Cheese commercial came on. I probably spelled that wrong. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!
Anyway, Owen started waxing eloquently about the joys of Chuckee Cheese. Finally I said, "I really don't like Chuckee Cheese."
"What?!" he asked. "What?!"
"No. I don't," I said.
"But Mer Mer. You have to keep love in your heart!"

Oh dear god. That child.

So guess what? I'm getting sick again. This has been the winter of our illness and discontent. Everyone has gotten sick and no one ever seems to get well. You get better but you do not get well. I think this version of the virus may have come from Asheville as Jessie got sick a few days ago after she got home. I don't know and it doesn't matter. All I know is that my nose is running like crazy and I ache and my head feels cement-filled. Frankly, I am sick of this. Sick of being sick.

Anyway, la-di-dah. After Jason got home and we did the Gibson hand-off I went to the grocery store and bought severely healthy foods. Vegetables. Fruit. Tofu. You remember those foods, right? I think I do. And then I came home and I dragged my sick old tired ass out of the car and into the house with a portion of all the stuff I had to carry in and there were at least four dog pukes.
Four dog pukes.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I cleaned them up. I checked the landline voice mail. There was a message from the nurse at the assisted living. My mother does not feel well plus she has a rash and she needs to go to the dermatologist. Soon. Please call the nurse back ASAP. It was after five. I put my head down on the piano which is where the phone is and almost cried.
I called anyway. I left her a message. I reminded her once again that I do have a cell phone which she can reach me on if I'm not answering the home phone. Jesus. Talk about your sandwich generation. Jesus.

So. There's nothing I can do right about that right now. Hopefully, this is not an EMERGENCY RASH.

I put the groceries away. I folded stuff out of the dryer. I put the clothes from the washing machine in to dry. I put a giant teddy bear (NOT Big Bear) into the washing machine. It was in a bag when I left the house, ready to take to the Goodwill but when I got back, it was on the floor. With puke on it.
Did the dog take the bear out of the bag and then puke on it? What the hell goes on here while I'm gone?

I do not know. Frankly, I don't know shit. I do know that I'm going to get supper ready, eat it with my husband and go to bed.
And I would like to say that I'm going to spend tomorrow doing nothing at all but I have a feeling I may be taking my mother to the dermatologist although frankly, she does not need whatever illness it is that I have.

All right. That is it. Despite my bitchy, whiny tone I have to admit that I am not in the worst mood of my life. I'm sort of miserable but I'm not really depressed. Sometimes I think that my Puritan need to suffer is nicely satisfied when I am ailing so therefore my mind can relax.

Plus, I got to do puzzles with Owen and Gibson and Gibson kept studying my face as if he was wondering why I was looking at anything besides him when he was right there in my arms. And then, when I'd look at him, he'd break into the biggest smile in the world. And of course I got my daily affirmation from Owen with the keeping love in my heart thing. Which I need to remember. To keep love in my heart.
Not for Chuckee Cheese though, who can go suck a donkey...

Never mind.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I love this post. Where do I start? The mouth of babes.

  2. I am getting sick too :( From the babes of home, who clamor and climb all over me for the entire time I am home. Wouldn't have it any other way!

  3. That boy! Those boys! Feel better soon damn it!!

  4. That Owen... What a boy!

    I hope you feel better soon. Your mom too.


  5. You probably got me from me. I so sorry.

  6. So cute Owen, I hate that we lose (hide) that innocence as we grow up and out into the world. Hope you feel much better soon. All those veggies should help. J in Eire

  7. O you do make me laugh . . . Which is just as well. I've just taken a phone call informing me that my benefits will stop from today as I do not score enough points (according to Mr Computer) to claim benefits. No, apparently, they can find me a job that will fit in with bringing up three children alone, along with depression, anxiety, phobic issues, drug addiction and emphysema!
    Well done Mr Cameron, Grrrrr!
    Sorry to vent here. I'll read your post again and try to keep love in my heart x

  8. Bahahhaha :) Great conversation.

    I hope you feel better - I had it and it sucked.

  9. Excellent post!
    Yes, I too need to try to 'keep love in my heart' .... but not for Chuckee Cheese. That is just too much too ask of me. Your Owen is just awesome and we would all do well too listen to the kids once in awhile. Hope you feel better soon.

  10. A really clever hippie treats a rash with a little dog puke, duh.

  11. the chuckee cheese's by here are notorious for having large scale family brawls at birthday parties.

    i think the love owen spoke of did not extend to the feral mitten

    a grandmother can't be too careful round here.


  12. I hope the Asheville virus proves to be mild!

  13. You might be right about Asheville. Something terrible has been going around Brevard for a couple months now.

  14. UGH--the cold thing is going around. Not feeling too spiffy but my wife is truly sick.
    I have not been to a ChuckE Cheese yet. So glad too.

  15. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! The image of Chuckee sucking a donkey --- will no doubt, stay with me all day, thanks to you.

    Get better, honey. We all love you.


  16. Dogs are probably puking because of the pork bones. (Didn't they just have them in the last post?) Anyway, dog/cat puke is never a welcome thing, especially if you feel like shit to begin with.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.