Monday, January 7, 2013

Gray Day

I'm up and ready to go to the hospital to see what is what.
I think it's going to be another long day.

My camellias are beautiful. It will be a comfort today to think about them waiting for me at home, their faces a startling mix of color against the gray and brown of winter.


  1. we had a clear sky yesterday after over a week of overcast, gray, and drippy. It was wonderful. I swear it was clear when I got up this morning but now as I look out, it's overcast again. I hope your day at the hospital today isn't too trying.

  2. I hope that things will go well today. Thinking of you.

  3. I wish I had camellias waiting for me at home. That is a nice thought to hang on to. I do have some lovely potted flowers daughter and I bought over the Holidays, and they brighten up the place. It's good to look down and stay grounded when so much out of control is happening.

  4. Good luck, hang in... Hi to mother.

  5. fingers crossed....and your camellias are truly beautiful!!

  6. Hope it goes ok. You do what you have to. Good on you.

  7. Blue skies are headed your way! Seriously, I don't think it's an ounce warmer today, but those blue skies make all the difference in my mind. Yay.

  8. I have been following the story of your mom. I hope they can control her pain and thus yours as well. I am thinking of you and wishing you the best. Love. S Jo

  9. I am sorry to hear of your mom's accident. So many people I know are dealing with this. Both sides of our family have had women in their 80's take a fall. I am so glad for you guys that your mom already is in an environment that can help her recupe.
    --Michele R.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.