Tuesday, August 6, 2024

We're Safe

We're alive and pretty well. We didn't get the full brunt of Debby which was a tropical storm by the time it hit us but Lloyd hasn't had power for over 24 hours and we just got internet back which we can use because of the generator. No cell service in the house although we can go out to the road and get a bar or two. 

I don't think we got as much rain as they thought we would but we must have gotten some pretty high winds because branches are down all over the place, mostly old pecan (Ellen!) and water oaks. That's what took down part of our fence. 

The kids are all good, I think, pretty sure they have power. 

We spent yesterday in our own little bubble under a gray sky with constant slow rain. Neither one of us is feeling back to normal and both of us have sinus congestion that's sort of driving us crazy but it could be worse. 
I suppose that's been the theme of the past week. It could be worse. I hate even mentioning that because why tempt fate? 

At least we had plenty of time to unpack and do laundry, throw out dead flowers, tidy up, play solitaire, work on the jigsaw puzzle, and read. We kept occupied. I hauled a few branches to the burn pile but twenty minutes was about all the time I felt like investing in that project. 

Anyway, just wanted to get this out there to let everyone know we're okay. 

Last night as the sun was going down, the sky started showing some blue and then, as often happens both before and after a hurricane, the light got a little crazy. And showy.

It was painting the trees with gold in a way I'm not sure I've ever seen before. And having posted that picture, it sure looks like there might be a rainbow behind all that glory. 

It was lovely. 

I'll check back in this evening if I can.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. So glad you're safe.
    Patricia (not very wordy today...)

    1. I mean, I'm not very wordy today!

    2. Some days just aren't wordy days.

  2. Thanks so much for posting. I’ve been worried about you all. Too bad about the trees and the fence, but that can be repaired/replaced. Take good care of yourselves and feel better!

  3. I'm glad you're OK! I was concerned! That's a great photo of the golden treetop, but your poor fence!

    1. Yes. The fence is sort of wrecked there, isn't it?

  4. Good to read that!
    Someone once remarked to another of my "could be worse" remarks insisting I change it to "all will be well" and I've stuck to that. So, all will be well, just wait.

    1. Do you suppose "It is what it is" is a suitable middle-ground?

  5. Thank you for checking in. The damage is only stuff, as long as people are okay.

  6. I was wondering how you fared. glad it was only a fence that got taken out. besides the destroyed pecan trees, our water oak right next to the house only lost small branches, a lot of them but no big limbs for which I'm thankful. that tree worries me. I'm taking a break from cutting and hauling branches today.

    1. The water oaks in our front yard are really old. An arborist told us twenty years ago that for water oaks, they were ancient then. We damn well should take them down.
      Good for you for taking a break.

  7. There IS a rainbow! You get a glimpse of it between the tree of cold and the green tree.

    1. I know! The picture is cooler than I thought it was when I took it.

  8. Thanks for checking in with us. I see the rainbow!

  9. I'm glad you two are safe, the same can't be said about your poor fence. I love the rainbow in the last photo.

    1. Well, fences can be mended. That is a nice rainbow, isn't it?

  10. Thanks for the update, glad y'all are ok.

  11. I am glad to hear you all are okay. That's most important. Fence and tree damage is secondary. Take care. Getting your health back after Covid is key.

  12. Glad you are safe. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  13. Glad to read that you're OK, and your family is too. Not so much the fence...

    That golden tree - what a capture of the post-storm lighting!

    Chris from Boise

    1. A friend who lives near here posted a picture that she took on FB when that golden light was shining over at her place. It was stunning.

  14. You have been very lucky...Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  15. Thanks for checking in. I've been thinking of you and checking Florida weather maps.

  16. There is definitely a rainbow in that sky. I love that golden yellow tint thta comes before or after a storm and sometimes just comes for no reason. So glad that branch fell away from the house.

  17. I've been thinking of you all and am so glad you're safe.

  18. Oh, I'm glad you are okay. I've been worried about you!


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