Monday, August 19, 2024

Oh, My Darling May!

I was so very remiss in getting any pictures of May today. I didn't even get a picture of her dark, summer green toenails! We were having so much fun that I didn't even think about pictures. 
As you can see, I picked out a lovely periwinkle  blue with a bit of lavender, a bit of glitter to it. I believe the name of the shade was "Show Us Your Tips!" I've just looked it up and yes, that is indeed the name and it is from the OPI New Orleans collection which makes sense to me. It's funny because I almost always choose an OPI dark red named "I'm Not Really A Waitress!" so they sort of go together in some odd, not-really way.

May and I just chattered like two birds on a branch, discussing anything and everything. I probably talked way too much. I do that. But we sure did laugh a lot and it was so good for me in body and in spirit to spend time with my Maysie. We are so much alike in many ways. I know I've related this before but I always say that if both of us are in a room, one of us is redundant. 
It's sort of true. 
And she made me cry. She brought me my birthday present which was wrapped in a beautiful bit of golden cloth and tied with a pretty twine. The cloth may be a shawl, or it may be the dream of a Golden Orb Weaver. Either way, I am sure it will soon be going up on a window here soon. 
But what was wrapped up was a signed and numbered print done by an artist that May went to high school with named Monica Rios. It is so perfect in all regards for me. 

The name of the painting is "Sea Nativity" and it is all there. The baby at the breast, the moon and stars, the sea creatures including the octopus which I have become increasingly fascinated and enchanted by, and the turtle. Years and years ago I read a book by a local author and knower-of-all-things-about-the-sea, Jack Rudloe. I have written about him before. He's written several books but the one I'm talking about right now is this one.

And there is Turtle Mother in the picture with the mermaid mother and Poseidon and even my beloved banana plants with their exotic, erotic blossoms. 

Oh, May. She knows me so well. 

After I dried my eyes, we went to a Mediterranean cafe that I love. I got the same thing I always get, which is the vegetarian platter and it is one of my favorite things on earth to eat. And there we talked some more and when we finally separated, I was filled in spirit, soul, and belly. 

Of course then I had to go to Costco and to Publix and I'm so upset with myself because I forgot several things EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE ON MY LIST that I read through at least three times just to make sure I had everything. 
Are you kidding me? 

I brought everything home and after I'd put it all away, I started my new list with the things I'd forgotten. Jesus, Mary! (And Joseph too.)

I am tired. Very tired. Perhaps even a little Covid tired. And maybe I still have some Covid brain which is a good thing to blame the forgotten grocery items on. No, I don't have dementia! I have Covid Brain! 
As I told Mr. Moon after we'd both turned seventy, the good thing was that at least now we don't have to worry about early onset dementia. We're already too old for that diagnosis. Have I already said this here? I hope not but I would not be surprised if I had. 

Anyway, on we go. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Is the shawl something you could wear or only a piece of it? I can see you wearing a gold shawl with one of your lovely dresses. A day with May, how perfect.

    1. I think I could wear it but I will probably hang it.

  2. May really does get you. What a great time together. I always say I'm too old to die young, so I've got that sorted.

    1. I just told Glen about this and he laughed. Same for us, really!

  3. It was the most wonderful, magical day! I've said this before and I'll keep saying it, the moment I was born, the first thing I saw was my Mama's face, and I learned in that moment what beauty was. I love you so, I felt so full today too! Spirit, soul and belly.

    1. May, it was a long overdue day for the two of us. I am so grateful we had it. And it was FUN! I love you so.

  4. That is a beautiful print. I'm glad you had a good day. I forget things on my list too, it's not just you. Usually I cross things off my list as I buy them but even then I can forget things.

    1. Well, in my defense (haha!) the pen I brought to cross things off with quit writing. I bought new pens and will make sure to have one in my purse at all times. We shall see if this helps.

  5. that painting is gorgeous...and so May knowing to gift it to you. Wish there was a pic of the shawl it was wrapped in but I'm sure it is lovely. Your feet are as well.....a wonderful day for you all around!
    Susan M

  6. A truly wonderful belated birthday celebration!

  7. That print is amazing and beautiful. May knows you very well. I've never had Covid but right now have a bad cold so I have heavy brain that wants to go to sleep. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  8. So is 70 the cutoff? Because I wonder myself and have nine years to go.
    The print is so beautiful and the perfect birthday present for you -- I love that your children know you so well.

    1. Actually, I think that early onset can happen as soon as in our thirties. So at least we don't have to worry about that, Elizabeth! Yay!
      My children do know me so well. I am so lucky.

  9. I like your positive attitude re early onset dementia!!! And that print is just lovely. What a talented young woman!

    1. Monica has been an amazing artist ever since she was a child. And a beautiful woman, too.

  10. "Show Us Your Tips" is a hilarious name for a Nail Polish Color, and don't you just Love the Name of the Color Periwinkle?

  11. It sounds wonderful. Too sweet and full a day to be bothered with a camera. I, too, thought about the fact that I don’t have to worry about early onset dementia. The print is exquisite and so special. Monica Rios has a beautiful website.

    1. Monica sent me two of her candles, too! They will all be cherished.
      Funny that you've had the same thought about early onset dementia. In some ways, you and I are very much alike. I bet in the olden days we could have gotten into some trouble together.

  12. Even though I am a lifelong atheist, I know the story of the nativity pretty well. However, I do not remember the kings bringing a crab, a seahorse and a turtle to the stable. Clearly May is very familiar with your tastes when it comes to artwork and it was good that you got to spend some quality time with her.

    1. Well, you've just been reading the wrong holy book, obviously!
      It was the sweetest day.

  13. Sounds like a wonderful day of being cherished. Your May sounds like my Maggie - (she's not my oldest child but my youngest). I love spending time with her and always feel better after we have connected whether in person or just a text.

  14. what a fabulous print! I love it. it's been awhile since I've bought a piece of art. I used to buy something every year. I have my eye on one artist's work but haven't bought one yet. and what a great day to spend with May.

    1. Yes! What could be better than buying art from the person who makes it? Monica is a talented and darling woman and has had a special place in my heart since I've known her.
      May was so kind to me to buy that print.

  15. You and May have a wonderful bond. Lucky Mom, lucky Daughter. Sea Nativity, specially selected for you is lovely.

  16. That print is PERFECT for you! What a terrific gift. May really hit the mark with that one.

    The one time I painted my toenail (just one) I used "I'm Not Really A Waitress!"

    1. You are so right about May hitting the mark. It is absolute perfection.
      Steve- you should just go crazy some time and get your toenails painted! All of them! You should see Billy's.


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