Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Rather Odd Day

I know it's hard to get any sort of scale from that picture but that is a Mexican basil plant that we stuck in a big pot when it was a mere twiglet and it has grown so tall and so full that it's broken itself and is still growing vigorously from the broken part and the non-broken part. The Thai basil is just about as big and they are a delightful and welcome addition to our salads in these days of no fresh lettuce. Throw in the fact that it does appear that arugula can take the heat nicely and we are having some very fine salads here right now. I am so excited to discover that arugula is quite capable of growing during the summer months and hereafter I will be planting it regularly throughout the the hot months in order to always have some fresh on hand. 

Theoretically, at least. 

I believe I may have come a little too close to having a heat attack today. I went outside and dragged the garden cart to the burn pile and dumped the contents which were weeds and branches I'd taken from the camellia bed and I took the compost out and all of that probably took about ten minutes at which point I was already sweating profusely and I mean PROFUSELY plus I was feeling dizzy. 
This, after ten minutes. And it hasn't even been that hot today. Didn't even get up to 90 degrees. So, basically a cold snap. 
I don't usually experience dizziness although once in awhile I will, nothing too severe, just a little lightheadedness and a tippy feeling but it always passes quickly which I figured it would do today. So I went ahead with my plans to work in the garden to pull weeds and get things cleared for the fall planting and since I was kneeling I wasn't worried about falling over or anything. I've never passed out in my life but there can always be a first time. 
So there I was on my knees, yanking weeds up and pulling dead vines and picking the random crowder pea here and there when I started getting a headache which is another thing I rarely suffer from. Because I am stupid I continued on until I realized that sweat was coming off of me in drops big enough to drown a worm in (although not a Georgia Thumper) and that I really should get back inside and cool off. 
So I did. It took awhile but after sitting and shelling peas in the AC for about an hour, I felt fine again. No dizziness or headache but I really do not need to do that. It's not like if I don't get the garden cleared now my family will not die from lack of collard greens this winter. 

I've been in mourning all day long. That is not really hyperbole, either. We finished watching the last episode of "Reservation Dogs" last night and I cried hard. I cannot tell you how much I love that show. 
I don't have it in me to describe the series in any way that would do credit to it. I am just in awe of the writing, the acting, the humor, the pain, the joy, the characters...the stories. 
If you can get the series which is on Hulu and also Youtube, I think, please give it a try. If it does not appeal to you, well- we all have vastly different taste in the things that we enjoy. But if you fall in love with it, you will be so glad you found it. 

And of course I will be watching it again because that is how I do things. 

In the saga that never seems to end- more news of Tom and the Tiny House. Last we spoke of this, Mr. Moon had decided to let go of any of his expectations that Tom would ever move into the little home that he had spent so much time on, trying to make a place where Tom could live in far more comfort and safety. So he had told Tom that if he needed him for anything to call him, otherwise, he was done working on the house, that Tom really did not seem to want to move into. 
And a few days ago, Tom called Glen and told him that he'd bought grab bars for his bathroom and asked if he could come and install them and of course, Glen did. He said that he found Tom sitting on the bed in the tiny home looking out the window and he said, "Just looking at my new view." Tom also tried to operate the TV with the remote and Glen helped him with that. 
Glen did not push him, he just did what Tom asked, and we do have hopes that perhaps he will find his way to move in. 

All will be revealed, as we used to say. 

Here's the new pillow from The Bad Girls Get Saved By Jesus Thrift Store that my husband has already claimed.

It has been thoroughly washed and dried. Doesn't it look like something I would bring home? 

And here's a butternut squash I found when I was crawling around the garden this afternoon on my knees. 

Just a baby. Completely volunteer. Came up from a seed that I'd thrown in the compost. 

And just for fun, here's a little clip from "Reservation Dogs" with Uncle Brownie and William Knifeman who is a spirit that only a few can see. 

Watch it or don't. 

I'll love you either way...Ms. Moon


  1. Kind of sounds like you almost had heat stroke! I hope you rehydrated and put a good pinch of regular salt in the water ... you are screwing up your electrolytes and that will help get you rebalanced!

    1. I mostly just needed to cool off. I do drink a lot of water.

  2. I usually smile when you refer to "The Bad Girls Get Saved By Jesus Thrift Store". It sounds made up - like a thrift store in "The Simpsons". I think it would make a great title for a new Netflix comedy drama series featuring staff relations and the customers who shop there.

    I'm glad you finally came into the house after feeling hot and woozy.

    1. It IS made up. It's really called something like "The Lighthouse Children's Home Thrift Store." I used to get their newsletter though, and there were so many stories about the girls getting saved by Jesus from their evil ways like doing drugs and things with boys that they shouldn't have and being sassy towards their parents. It's a very Christian situation.

  3. I did start watchng Rez dogs during covid and then the series quit but had not finished. I loved it. Now that I know there are more I may sign up to watch the rest. I loved those folks so much. "shit ass"

    1. Yes! Shit ass! Glen and I are using that one frequently along with "Sko" and "Skodn." You should definitely watch it.

  4. When I was in Penticton, my brother and I went to visit a garden. It was damned hot and I felt lightheaded and needed to sit down for a bit in the shade. Be careful. The heat is hard on the body and we're not young anymore:)
    Perhaps Tom will actually do something good for himself for a change.
    I'll have to have a look at Reservation Dogs again. I watched one episode, hubby didn't like it, so we changed it. I'll try by myself:)

    1. The heat can mess you up for sure. And you're a baby compared to me! I consider you to still be young for sure.
      We'll have to see about Tom.
      Yes. Give Reservation Dogs another try.

  5. I find it interesting that when Glen said, "See ya around, call if you need me..." and was called back to find Tom sitting there admiring "his new view". I am married to the great noncommunicator too. And what I know is that when I simply throw my hands in the air and say, in effect, "you just do you," and walk away, generally speaking, that is when he generally does some thinking and does the thing that will not completely aggravate me. Sounds like Tom knows that perhaps he had been pressing Glen a bit too hard. I wonder what would happen if your husband just left him to his own devices.

    1. I can't use that technique with Glen. He's just way too stubborn and honestly, he's usually right about things, especially the ones concerning him. He does very much allow me to make the decisions that affect us both in a lot of circumstances though.
      But yes, I think it's just a matter of Glen not giving Tom anything to push back about that's allowing him to move forward. Which makes sense. Glen's not going to leave him entirely to his own devices. He has to check on him and make sure he's okay just for the peace of his own soul.

  6. I watched the film clip and it looks interesting, but not enough to make me search for and watch the whole thing. I already have so much on my wait list that I haven't watched yet.
    I worry about you sweating so much and almost fainting, the headache too. Are you remembering to drink enough water?
    I love the new pillow, it looks like something I would buy too.
    I'm glad Tom is taking an interest in the tiny house and suspect he will be living in it when winter comes around.

    1. I drink LOTS of water. No worries there.
      The pillow works perfectly under Glen's feet when he's leaning back in his recliner to get them even higher up which he needs for his circulation. So it's his pillow now.
      We'll have to see about Tom. I'm not going to predict anything.

  7. We haven’t yet watched Reservation Dogs, but I trust your judgment. Thanks!
    If I had felt like I had come close to a heart attack, I would have been in bed in the air-conditioned bedroom! You, on the other hand, sit in the air conditioned air and shell peas.
    I hope Tom finally takes a shine to his new home.

    1. Oh gosh. I hope you like Reservation Dogs because if you don't you'll realize I have terrible judgement! You'll say, "What kind of taste does this woman have?"
      Nah. We all like different things. It surprised me a little though that Glen liked it so much.
      Sitting and shelling peas and watching TV is a treat! I'll be sad when all the peas are gone.
      You and me both on the Tom thing.

  8. That sounds like a touch of the sun, not to be messed with. Tom probably needs to be left alone. The more he's urged, the more he feels resistant. I get this. I have a streak of Tom myself, and someone being too helpful shuts me down. It has to be his idea. He'll get into the house. Maybe.

    1. Exactly! When Glen stopped giving Tom something to resist, he could move forward. I think a lot of us have that streak but there's a line which, when crossed, displays more disordered thinking that mere stubbornness. Tom's always been stubborn about things but after having had some strokes, he's taken it to a new level and I know that has a lot to do with feelings of control and the loss thereof. I get that.

  9. Don't stay out in the sun so long that you feel woozy, Mary. Relax inside and do something fun.
    I hope that series comes around to one of the streaming services I have so I can watch it.

    1. Shelling peas and watching TV is definitely fun! For me, at least. Can you get Youtube? I think the series can be seen there.

  10. I loved Reservation Dogs. and yeah so sad when it ended. so maybe Tom is slowly accepting the tiny house. Glen is doing the right thing. sometimes the right thing is to step back. I had a butternut squash, several in fact, volunteer in my compost pile one spring. they were the most successful squash I ever grew, as if I planted them on purpose. I ignored them and I ended up with probably 30 in all giving them away. we ate so many that I still haven't bought one since and it's been at least two years.

    1. You and Hank are the ones who turned me on to it and I thank both of you for that.
      Ellen- I did a terrible thing today! When I was cleaning up the garden and pulling spent tomatoes I inadvertently pulled up my squash plant! And now my young and baby squashes will never be ripe. So I only got one but by golly, I'm going to make sure I have more next year. Have you ever had delicata squash? It is so good. I grew some a few years ago and I need to try that again.

  11. Your Florida heat can be dangerous and it does seem you got a bit of heat stroke. That's pretty scary. Your garden seems to produce supersized plants and the harvest is overall great. I'll look in to Reservation Dogs. Tom is strong minded just like my late 99 year old uncle who lived independently and comfortably in his own home. He was well liked and hired help for housekeeping and repairs. He managed well but could be prickly.

    1. Yeah. I think I definitely overdid it yesterday. I know better than to do that but I guess I was just being stubborn.
      Tom is more than strong-minded. He is, well, shall we just say eccentric? Like, to the millionth power.

  12. That's the fabric my little sofa used to have. Years later we had it recovered in a red brocade. Now it's Kitty's sofa. When it's passed along it will need to be recovered. Or loved.

  13. I am in need of an absorbing new series and will give Reservation Dogs a try. Thank you for the recommendation! And Tom and the Tiny House sounds like a children's book, one that would teach lessons of unconditional yet non pressuring and patient friendship of the sort Glen shows to Tom, and it would end of course, with that scene of Tom looking at his new view. For some reason I was moved by that. I think it might have been his way of saying to Glen, "Thank you. I see what you have done, are doing, for me. Thank you."

  14. Thank You for introducing me to Reservation Dogs, I'll certainly enjoy it. Glad to hear Tom might be easing into transitioning into his tiny House that Glen took such care to provide him with. It's hard sometimes to embrace Change.


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