Friday, October 16, 2009


And who knew the blooming in fall
could be
Such a startlingly glorious thing?


  1. Those of us who, like you, find magic in even the most common things.

    As Camille Pissarro said in one of my favorite quotes: "Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing".

    When my late youngest sister was very young she came to get my mother who was in the middle of some important visit with my grandmother and some high prelate from the church to show her something really important. Apparently she had found a worm in the garden. My grandmother was furious at the fact that she left the room following my sister and wasted no time in letting her know that her behavior was inexcusable as soon as they were alone.

    I understand my mother responded by saying "I brought her into this world. The least I can do is to let her show me hers". That is what you do with your world and it brings magic and thought to mine every time I come to visit. Have a wonderful weekend Ms.Moon, I will be away from the computer this weekend so I send you cyber love and the other true kind too.

  2. Ms. Smith, what a lovely comment.
    My son recently called me on his cell phone - from the back yard - to tell me to look at the sky.
    It was magnificent and fleeting and of course I ran for the camera and caught a sliver of its lovely on film. He said he knew it would fade fast and he didn't want me to miss it. He's 15, and it warms my heart that he noticed and cared enough to share.
    Your mother's quote is amazing.

    Ms. Moon, your posts and photos are my favorite diversion these days!

  3. Allegra Smith- What a wonderful and present mother! I wish I could claim such a story!
    I will miss you this weekend with all my heart. Are you going to be...okay?
    Love you, dear....Mary

    Mel- A fifteen year old boy? Oh my. You have done your job so well. Bless you, sweet woman.

    Ms. Bastard- There are at least ten different types of flowers in that bouquet. It made me want to get married.

  4. Perfect.
    PS I've never read a blog where the comments are so fun and lively. I feel like I'm meeting not only you, but all your friends. It's a real treat, stories within stories. Love it.

  5. Those wildflowers are awesome. They aren't from our yard, are they? I can't image were you got a cat's tail (if that's what that corn-dog looking plant is).

  6. Wildflowers are my very favorite flowers.

    You could have guessed that, I know. :)

  7. Melissa- Aren't they pretty?

    Bethany- Another little home here, I feel. We are a sort of family.

    HoneyLuna- I collected them on my walk. I had flowers in one hand, trash in the other. And isn't that life?
    And yes, that is a cat tail. I cut through the tough stem with my tough thumbnail. It took a while.

    Maggie May- Yes. I could have guessed. But I am betting that camellias and gardenias could make you swoon as well.

  8. Oh my God in heaven. Talk about somebody swooning. I am living way too far north.

  9. I think you ought to marry Mr. Moon's ass all over again. You can get married right thar in the Church of the Batshit Crazy--no damn clergy necessary. You can hold your bouquet then.

    I love you Mary Moon.



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