Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm Home

And happy all the way around. To have gone, to come back.
Report to follow.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Haha, I had thought the same things that Steph and SB.
    YAY! Thank ya, Jesus!

  2. Oh good. Let the wisdom continue!

  3. By the way, you are way too cute to be my mommy.

  4. Welcome home, and what a great picture!

  5. Damn it, woman, you are SO gorgeous; I love that picture more than words. And am glad you are home. We have missed you.

  6. Adorable!!! :) Now, let's hear 'bout 'dem Yankeeeeees!

  7. It was actually a little unusual not to have posts from you

  8. Will you send me some of your lipstick, please?

    And I think travelling is good for you - or maybe the cuteness just comes from being home again?

  9. Ms. SB and Steph and HoneyLuna- I WAS at home at Gator Bone. I just didn't post much from there. I missed y'all.

    Rachel- Uh? Wisdom? When will it start?

    Ginger- I missed you too.

    Mel- I know! It makes me look so cute. Damn.

    HoneyLuna- I'd have to be pretty cute to be YOUR mama.

    Mel- Thanks, honey.

    Kori- I missed all y'all so much.

    Nicol- Yankees. Bless their hearts.

    Daddy X- For me, too.

    Ms. Jo- I was completely naked of all make-up, including lipstick there.

    Ms. Fleur- Moldy humid heat of Lloyd. I am so happy to be back in it. And believe me- it was the same in Gatorbone and it was lovely, there, too.

  10. That is such a cute photo of you. I mean, really, you're such a doll.

  11. Thank fuck for that! It was like someone had broken my crack pipe.

    (Glad you had a good time.)

  12. Naked of lipstick! Ha! Ok, well, I gues you can't send me any of that :)


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.