Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Am A Grandmother

Please. Stop the blessings. Lis sent me the Marlene Dietrich brooch which I found in my mail box this morning. I decided it went quite well with my great grandmother's pearls.
I fit into my jeans and could breathe.
I put on make-up- have you noticed I wear make-up to see my grandson? I want him to think I am beautiful- and went to see him. He is growing ever more beautiful. I took another nap with him. Lily put him to sleep with the tit and I gathered him into me and we slept.
As I was about to leave, the doorbell rang. It was Mr. Moon. He just wanted to lay eyes on the lad before the day was over.
And so it goes.
My hair is getting longer. I am going to have to start braiding it into two tails for that boy to hold onto when we sleep. He has a fierce grip.



  1. Ha, that reminds me of how I cut over a foot off my hair when Farty got to be old enough to pull handfuls of hair out of my head. It was just too painful.
    Lily is so lucky to have you around to help.

  2. Yeah, you are a grandma...

  3. i love that you think makeup is in order for that beautiful boy to recognize that his grandma is beautiful. priceless.

  4. Owen doesn't THINK you're beautiful. He KNOWS it. Even without lipstick

  5. Rachel- I worry that I am getting in the way of Lily's schedule. I show up and expect some Owen-holding. I don't think this is really fair. But what can I say?

    Sally- You think?

    Adrienne- It's a compulsion.

    Michelle- Every time he sleeps close to my body I feel like I have been given the greatest gift of all times. Crazy stuff, this grandma shit. And god, do I love it.

  6. Don'y worry mamma/granmamma, I like it when you come over. I know you understand if Owen is not ready to be held by you, and that you are patient. Thank you so much for all your help, it has been very nice to have you around. Thank you to all your readers for all their wonderful thoughts and advice throughout the labor and delivery of Owen. Thanks for everything everybody! Much love.

  7. Oh how this make me so happy. I know it's strange to get on your blog at 12:55 am, and it's a little crazy to check it as much as I do, but I just love reading what you write because I miss my mama, and I love to see that you are doing well. It makes me so happy to know that Daddy stops by to see Owen and that you are putting on makeup and wearing the beautiful lace flower that Lis so kindly gave to you. There's a lot of love in this world of ours, and I'm so glad you document it in this blog.

    P.S. Is it wrong for me to be excited for you to braid your hair again? I love my mommy with braids, (although I love her without them too.) And I'm sure Owen thinks you are stunning, because you are!

  8. You're beautiful. And when you go back to those soon-to-be-jealous chickens, know that there's another article about chickens in The New Yorker, written by Susan Orlean. You are not just a grandmother, Ms. Moon, you are an incredibly hip grandmother!

  9. You are very blessed. And wonderful.

  10. Being a Grandma: it doesn't get much better than this!

  11. Being a Grandma: it doesn't get much better than this!

  12. Lily- Thank-you, sweetie. Thank-you so much for everything. I love you.

    HoneyLuna- You're so precious. I miss you too. I am SO glad you don't live far away. And you can always braid my hair FOR me. You're the best at that.

    Elizabeth- I read that article! See- I'm not the only one crazy over chickens. We're sitting here this morning on the back porch wondering what we're going to do with all these roosters we have.

    Mwa- Well, I am certainly blessed.

    Lucy- I agree.

  13. That is the best thing you can do. All of it.

  14. You should come see me at the flea market this weekend.

  15. You are beautiful x

  16. You're beautiful, even without the makeup.

  17. Aunt Becky- Thanks.

    DTG- I think I shall.

    Ms. Lilac- And so are you!

    Ginger- Well. You know. In the manner of that in which we are all quite beautiful. Thank-you.

    Daddy X- What? Is that something you say to mad hippie grandmothers?

    Ms. Fleur- Oh honey, you're the one.

  18. I love your hair and your pin. You're a good-looking broad. Grandma my ass. My Grandma never looked like you.

  19. Ms. Bastard- My hair was wet. My grandma never looked like me either. Or wait- maybe she did. But not when I knew her.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.