As a reader pointed out the other day, the posts I do which get the most response are the ones that deal with popular culture.
In that spirit, let me just say:
Jon and Kate
Angelina Jolie
Rachel Meadows
Amy Winehouse
Cher, Cher, Cher
Oprah, Oprah, Oprah
Okay. That's all I got. Sorry.
But really- who ARE these Jon and Kate people? And why can't they behave themselves?
It's drippy gray here and there's so much I should be doing. The walk. Blackberries which are swelling and bursting off the bushes. Weeding. Oh, weeding. Never-ending weeding.
My drawers and closets. I give up. I admit defeat. I wear approximately ten garments. They are overalls, men's cargo shorts, tank-tops. Why are my closets and drawers bursting with pants and skirts and shirts and dresses I never, never wear? Why is my bathroom filled with make-up I never apply, bath salts I never soak in, candles I never light?
Do women do that really? Light candles and pour bath salts in their tubs and soak away their troubles?
Perhaps I should try it. I have a few things I'd like to soak away this morning. I'm feeling completely inadequate to even basic human function. I showed Mr. Moon the pictures I hung up and of course he told me I'd done it wrong. Of course. I always do it wrong. And then I showed him the picture I took last night from the back yard of the house which I love. "It's blurry," he said.
You see? He's not perfect.
Oh well, maybe he is (when he hangs pictures, a level and tape measure are involved) and it's me that is so far from perfect with my picture-taking and picture-hanging skills that even a saint could not be expected not to remark on such faults.
And he's right, of course. I hang things (aprons, christmas decorations, hula girls, old picture frames, old rose bouquets, mermaids, madonnas, mirrors, hats, handkerchiefs, seashells, plates, dolls- to name a few) all over the house with push pins and tiny nails. The pictures I take are blurry. My garden is filled with weeds and volunteers of things I don't even recognize. Is this a zucchini or some sort of bizarre cucumber? How did its seeds make their way into our compost? Why does zucchini have two c's?
It's one of those days.
I don't know a damn thing.
Which of the dogs is throwing up? Did he or she eat some sago palm? Honestly, I did not give them chocolate.
Why is Rush Limbaugh allowed to exist? How can anyone claim that Sonia Sotomayor will rule in favor of minorities if she gets a seat on the Supreme Court without having to admit that perhaps old white men will rule in favor of old white men and their interests? Where does Clarence Thomas fit into this equation? How can a pro-life person kill a human being? In church? Why do men care so damn much about what goes on in a woman's womb? What gives them the right? If we have separation of church and state, on what basis do we have to rule that gay people cannot marry?
Why am I so imperfect? Why can't I clean out my drawers and closets? Why do I have a male sago cone and no female flower to recieve its pollen? Why do the chickens love collard greens but don't care a thing for red cabbage? Do I have any roosters at all or just six hens, some of them fairly aggressive and butchy? What happened to Mr. Pineapples? How do men who happen to be fathers who are married to women and who have nannies get book deals for books about how hard it is to be a parent? Why don't I allow myself to write more fiction when it is what I love? Why do I read the cozumelmycozumel website everyday, even the parts about where to find bicycle parts on the island? Why don't I get my sewing machine fixed? Why is my left eye so blurry today? Did I sleep on it all night or do I have a brain tumor? How can I be old enough to have a child who is about to turn thirty-three?
And what am I doing here right this second?
Who knows? Quien sabe?
All I know is that soybeans practically leap out of the ground when you plant them.
And that I love my blurry picture of the house at twilight.
And that I better get busy.
What do you know? What are you sure of?
Are you sure?
What can I say? Why are men just as moody as some women? I don't know if you have a tumor but I think I might have one. How can I be about to turn 35 years old this year? Why didn't my scarlett runner beans jump up like that? Why does my house smell so funny today?
ReplyDeleteI don't have any answers either.
Only questions.
I'm not sure about a damn thing, Ms. Moon.
ReplyDeleteI have crazy dreams, too. I think it's my antidepressants combined with the wine I drink in the evenings. I know it defeats the goddamn purpose, but I don't give a damn damn. I enjoy my couple glasses of wine A WHOLE HEAP OF A LOT. I'm sure of that. That's about all.
Sorry, no real answers here either, my dear.
There is love though. Hope it helps some.
Personally, I love a good soak in your big tub, but there are never any salts involved. Unless I'm eating olives while I bathe.
ReplyDeleteThat was funny, DTG. Olives with blue cheese, awesome for tubbing.
ReplyDeleteEh, we're not expected to have answers all the time. Yah, that's pretty much all I know. I enjoyed reading this. :)
Ms. Moon, I don't know a damn thing today except that I am still here and breating. And even on the worst days that sometimes is enough.
ReplyDeleteOf course he's not perfect. You shouldn't have thought he was. And don't let him get to you about your pictures. So there's two more things you did wrong! OH FREAKING WELL. :)
You should TOTALLY try soaking it away in a tub of salts. I usually like to add a glass of vino to that equation. I've never tried the olive thing but sounds lovely. Soaking can really do wonders for you! I learned all about soaking in tubs from my hard working, country, gardening Grandma. Please try it and then blog about it for us:)
ReplyDeleteHe may not be perfect but is he perfect for you?
ReplyDeleteWhat do I know? This year has been all about discovering myself. I know that no matter how much I wish my children just keep growing. I know that there is something amazing about looking at your pictures and seeing the soy beans popping up when I think you just planted them a few days ago. Soy beans just so happen to be one of my favorite foods and one that my doctor has not made me give up. I also know that I love reading your post. They are so real and honest and I learn from your words.
Ms. Trouble- Those are good questions.
ReplyDeleteMs. Bastard- Oh, I am not in a bad mood. Just a questioning one. Thank you for the love.
DTG- You are so funny. Do you think it would be fun to swim on Sunday, too? And go to Ouzt's?
Nicol- I know.
Kori- You're right.
Steph- I think he's pretty near perfect.
Ms. P- I got soaked by rain on my walk. That was good enough for today.
ReplyDeleteSarah- He is perfect for me. Thank-you.
Ouzt's would be a lot of fun, but swimming I could go either way on.
ReplyDeleteI don't ever get to soak in the tub anymore, my bath consists of wrestling Mr. Farty into the tub and scrubbing away the filth he manages to accumulate all day. I don't know how 1 boy can collect so much filth.
ReplyDeleteI don't know where all this laundry comes from, since my son prefers to run around naked.
I'm not sure why my house is always a mess, since I'm rarely in it.
But I am sure that I'm too tired to do anything about it.
I'm with Kori... I dunno nothin today but the sun is out and I'm breathing OK. And chickens and blackberries and mermaids are SO MUCH BETTER than Jon & Kate. And I've never heard compassion in Rush Limbaugh's voice, but on Monday I heard a broadcast of a speech made by Dr Tiller, and I heard compassion in his voice. And I hear compassion in yours.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I know a little something today.
I know that things go better when I remember that I don't know a thing. Trite, but true.
ReplyDeleteI am a wizard at cleaning out other people's closets! Just not my own. Can your daughter do it with you? A month or two ago, I threw out half of my mother's old clothes and her wardrobe got all tidy.
And I honestly don't know who Jon and Kate are.
Not a single bloody thing, truth be told.
ReplyDeleteWell I can tell you why Zucchini has 2 c's. In Italian, if you have a "c" which is sandwiched by 2 vowels, you have to add a "c" and an "h" to make the "k" sound. Also it makes sure that the accent is in the right place. Like my last name RECCHI, pronounced Rakey and not Reesie.
ReplyDeleteThat's all I got.
Squash looks great!
i'm sure the sun will rise, and i've got kids to raise a husband to feed and a lot of bills to pay and that's about the extent of what i'm sure about. all the rest? (in my best manuel from fawlty towers voice) 'i know nothing!'
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm sure of one thing: that I'm sure of less and less the older I get.
ReplyDeleteNot looking for the answers, just came to read your words for the day. :)
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU DTG!! Remember Miss Moon at Maybelle's party I was trying to remember the name of the Oyster shack in the bog??? (You sort of looked at me real funny) It was OUTZ's!!!
ReplyDeleteWhew! I'll sleep well tonight.
I'm sure that I need a nap.
ReplyDeleteI don't know a damn thing either today. And I mean not one single damn thing. Ugh. One of those days I guess. Maybe I should go soak with some bath salts =) Nah. I'm drinking a beer on the porch.
ReplyDeleteDTG- I'm not even sure I have a bathing suit. Well, Jess gave me one but I haven't so much as tried it on.
ReplyDeleteRachel- Bless your heart, honey.
Michelle- I think you know a LOT today and every day.
Mwa- I think one of my daughters should come help me clean out my closet. HoneyLuna, maybe. She is strict and I always obey here. As to Jon and Kate- no need to know who they are.
XBox- Join the club.
Ms. Fleur- Well, that explains it! Thanks!
Aunt Becky- No doubt you do, honey.
Anna- You know a few things, I feel certain.
Blues- I believe tomorrow's post may be about this very topic.
Ginger- Lucky for you, then!
SJ- Sounds like the answer to a question to me!
thought of your soybeans last night. my little girl is not the biggest fan when it comes to vegetables, but ate up her edamame like it was going out of style.
ReplyDeletei guess edamame sort of is out of style, for those in the (food justice) 'know'.
so, your note about them popping right up has me wondering if it is not too late for soybeans in my zone. will ask michelle.
i won't have to worry about the food miles of my daughter's vegetable of choice if we're growing them on our front stoop, will i?
Adrienne- How bizarre it is that we have to worry about all of these things when we do the most basic thing a human can do- eat. What a strange world we have created with our technology.
ReplyDeleteBut I would think that growing beans on one's own stoop qualifies as fairly planet-friendly.
Just wanted to say hi! Also that you ave all the answers when I have a question. That is very helpful for me. You are my world wide pregnancy , cooking, baby and most everything else answer person. I love you.
ReplyDeleteLily- I love you too and you make me feel as if maybe I do know a thing or two and it's nice to be needed.
ReplyDeleteHere is what I know:
ReplyDelete*I have crazy-ass, butt-wild dreams, too. All the time.
*Rush Limbaugh is a fucking fucktard.
*Jon and Kate are utterly boring despite all this uproar. And her hair is SO ugly.
*You should light some candles and soak in some salts today. AND write some fiction. Why not?
Also, I have butternut squash, too. Well, I have one that is growing, anyway. How can you tell when they are ready to be picked?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that I find joy in your writing every single day, even when the topics seem not-so-joyful. In this world, there are life-givers and there are life-takers. You, my friend, are a life-giver. Thank you for giving so freely.
ReplyDeleteLady Lemon- Who has time to soak? Ah. I WILL make time to write. Tomorrow. Or maybe the day after. For a woman with no job, I sure have full days.
ReplyDeleteAs to when the butternuts are ready- uh? I don't know. When they look like the ones in the store, I guess.
AJ- Hush up. You're making me blush.