Little Miss Precious Daffodil didn't make it through the day yesterday. Mr. Moon buried her out back and I'm so sorry. He got home before I did from the great moving adventure and I'm grateful. I don't think I could have handled seeing her little cold body. This is my first chicken death and I know it was only a chicken and I'm not crying or anything but it's sad. And I feel guilty because I probably stressed her out by picking her up and making her pose for a picture.
So we're back to fifteen chickens and that's really okay, although I'm sorry she died. She was so tiny and I guess I just didn't know what to do with such a tiny little peep or maybe see was ill. The rest of them seem to be fine, eating chick food with a furious intent, pecking insanely at what they perceive to be bugs in the walls of their little cage, then settling down in a heap for naps.
It was a long day yesterday. The moving went fast and furious and it was actually pretty fun. Miss Maybelle and I stood in the truck and took the boxes and stowed them away and then the boys moved the big things in. Then they all took the truck over to the new house and Miss Maybelle and I stayed behind and swept and Fabulosoed.
I saw the new house earlier in the day and I sure am happy for Billy and Shayla. They have a dishwasher! And a refrigerator which makes ice! And Billy has a den of his own! And there's a guest room for Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw AND a nursery room. And two bathrooms! Plus a big fenced back yard for Mini Pearl and Axel, their two dog-beasts.
They deserve it and have worked long hard hours for it and I can't wait to see it all fixed up and with a new baby in it.
Lord, children, time flies.
Ms. Lily had a pregnant-lady breakdown yesterday. She called me and cried so hard I couldn't tell what she was saying and I was scared at first- what if something was wrong with the baby or with her? She was just sad. She wants a house so much. I understand. I do. You want everything to be perfect when the baby comes. I keep telling her that if they still live in their apartment it'll be okay. Babies don't take up much room if you don't buy all that plastic crap. Not at first, anyway. All the room they need is in your heart. But still, I understand. And when May and I finished up cleaning we went to see her and we made her laugh and we hugged her and May offered to go to the grocery store. "I don't know what I want to eat," she sobbed. "How about some hummus?" I asked her. "That would be good," she said. "And some cut up fruit?" "Uh-huh." And there you go- she just needed her mama to tell her what to eat. It made me feel so needed.
Then I went to the grocery store myself and bought snacks for the trip we're going to take today down the St. Marks River in the boat to celebrate DownTown Guy's birthday which is coming up on Wednesday. I was so tired that I just kept wandering around the store in a daze. And then came home to Lloyd to hear about Miss Precious and heat up some dinner from last night and check the big chicks who are fine and fancy and went to bed.
And today we'll go out on the river- something we used to do on Sundays a lot when the children were young. It's a winding, cold river with beautiful North Florida jungles on each side. Once when my husband and his dad were out fishing there they saw dolphin, herding mullet up onto the shore and then half-beaching themselves to eating them. Once they saw a deer swimming across the river. Now I've never seen such fanciness, but I've seen rednecks whooping and hollering and quiet people fishing. They wave their hand when you pass by and we wave our hand back. "Catching anything?" Mr. Moon will ask and they will either smile and nod or shake their heads. It's all okay. It's a day on the river. Once we got into a huge mess of mullet and Mr. Moon netted as fast as he could and the fish jumped all over the boat and we took them home and I fried them up and that was as sweet a meal as you could want.
That's us for today. Off again and the weeds are growing waist high and the chickens will have to take care of themselves but that's okay. I love it when my babies still want to do the things they did as children. It shows they had some good times as kids and that makes me happier than anything.
Sunscreen, mosquito repellent. Corn chips and salsa. Sodas and maybe beer. I don't know. Big hats and do I have a damn bathing suit? Shit. I hate bathing suits.
But I love my family and it'll be fine to get out on the river and watch for amazing sights and the most amazing to me is watching them, all grown up, smiling, Mr. Moon at the helm of the boat, me laying back, making metaphors in my mind about flowing rivers, overhanging ancient cypress trees, gray hair and travels through a life.
I'm so sorry to hear about Little Miss Precious Dafodil.
ReplyDeleteI have just read most of your post aloud to Dawn. You are wonderful. You sound like the mother that I wanted to have.
ReplyDeleteI'm just sick about Daffy. I'm so sorry. Your picture-taking had nothing to do with it - you have to know that. You told us yourself that she was very small and weak. You let her shine a bigger shine puddle before she had to go.
Thinking of you -
You wrote this:
ReplyDelete"I love it when my babies still want to do the things they did as children. It shows they had some good times as kids and that makes me happier than anything."
This is what I strive for. I try for big adventures and small quiet moments, all memorable and lovely, such that when they are grown they will want to continue on with them. What a wonderful day you will have!
Also, I'm sorry to hear about Precious Daffodil. :-(
Sorry bout ole Daffy... she completed her circle a little early, but I have a feeling she'll be back.
ReplyDeleteHave fun on the river. I hope you see a dolphin, or a swimming deer, or some other rarely seen natural wonder. I saw two really large woodpeckers in the Miller's tree today. It was pretty cool. I wonder why stuff like that is so thrilling. I'm not really even a bird person.
Anyway, if you think of it, give a buzz when you get back. I have some things to return and some baby stuff to drop off.
xs n os pf
Life, life and more life. Really beautiful. Happy B-day DTG!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I know the pain of wanting a house. There's not much to say to make it better, even knowing that it will happen, someday.
A river boat ride down the St. Marks river sounds like heaven. I can tell you plan on enjoying every second.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry about Ms. Precious-Daffodil. :( I am glad you didn't see her too.
Love and hugs to Miss Lily. Tell her to draw pictures, and cut out pictures, and write descriptions, of the house and life she's going to have, and look at it a lot.
ReplyDeletePicture it strong enough and your brain believes it's true and starts working towards it, quietly. One day she'll be standing in her house, and look around, and realise all her pictures came true :)
I remember those pregnant days when the emotions would overtake me and the sobbing would start and the tears would squirt out of my eyes like a cartoon character. Ms. Lily is so lucky to have a momma like you.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about Precious Daffodil. Poor chickie. We get attached so easily
Thanks so much for coming over last night. What a day, glad it is over. I love you so much and I hope ya'll had great fun today.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about Precious.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to feel needed. I've been wanting that a lot lately!
Poor Lily. I can definitely understand wanting an actual house for a home.
Ms. Hope- Well. She was not well. I'm sorry too, though.
ReplyDeleteWindy- You sound like a woman I would be proud to call my daughter. I don't feel so guilty about Miss Precious. It's bound to happen that you lose a chick now and then. The miracle is that such tiny fluffs make it at all.
Lora- Your children will feel the same.
Ms. Fleur- I think we all become bird people as we grow older. I do not know why.
Steph- We all want our nests, don't we? I passed your birthday message on to DTG.
Nicol- It was pretty heavenly. Indeed it was.
Ms. Jo- I'm sure Lily read your comment. I'm pretty sure that girl has visualized and visualized.
Michelle- It's a crazy, crazy time, isn't it? But sometimes so sweet...
Lily- We missed you today. We can't wait to take your baby on a boat ride.
Ginger- Isn't it funny how crazy-making being needed ALL the time is, and yet, it makes us know we are alive, too.
ReplyDeleteSigh. Sign me up please, for all of that, someday. For what it's worth, I'm the metaphor-person in my family too. Always the one spinning circles and stories in her mind, and going through life with a daydream in the eyes.
ReplyDeleteWhat a marvelous day we had! I forget sometimes that we live in paradise. It's so amazing to me that so much of it is still left, that you can slide down that tea-brown snakestream of a river and thick on the right is viney green and fat on the left is handsome jungle. I wouldn't trade my spot on earth for one thousand Hawaiis, not for a million redwood forests. I don't even care that every inch of it is covered by something that could kill you, such beauty should be so savage.
ReplyDeleteOh Mama! Thank you and thank Daddy and thank heaven for Hank! I feel my soul all filled up again! My skin is soft with the river and my eyes are blued with sky. Thank you for the loveliest day. You are my loveliest love.
Ms. Maybelle- Nature is what makes us sane and then keeps us that way. If I must leave my home, let it be to go to the water, let it be to spend time with my children, let it be to remember what it feels like to slip my body into the cold river, to bake it afterwards in the sun, to laugh with my family.
ReplyDeleteWasn't it a beautiful day? Didn't Hank choose the right birthday wish?
Sweet bay magnolias, cypress, pine,palm, cedar, oak, the lilies of the river, dragonflies, turtles, clouds and rain-mist, sun and cold water.
Old stories and new ones.
I'm glad we came out.
Sorry about the little chick.
ReplyDeleteYou do sound like the most amazing mother.
The boat trip sounds lovely to me, Ms. Moon. Just lovely.
So sorry about Precious Dafodil. That sort of thing really gets to me. I'd be a mess. Good thing Mr Moon took care of the hard part for you. He's a good man.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have a bathing suit either anymore. It may or may not be lurking around my closet, somewhere. One thing I know for sure is that I am NOT about to go shopping for another one.
SJ- Life is one big ol' metaphor for me, too.
ReplyDeleteAdrienne- And thank-you, too.
Mwa- I'm just a mama. It's my kids who are amazing.
Ms. Bastard- We sure enjoyed it.
Lady Lemon- I wore a bathing suit which HoneyLuna had given me. It was extremely old-ladyish and she had bought it in an emergency situation. But what the hell?
I think it's something we don't notice until we're left feeling un-needed, at least in my experience.