Saturday, April 15, 2017

While Jesus Rests In His Tomb

Oh my goodness! What a day! There are the baby chicks, Little Bear is hiding in the back. Those are the strangest chicks. They will NOT eat out of my hand and are still shy and skittish and are not growing very fast but they're fine and healthy and it's not their job to love me, is it? And they will get big eventually.

So. I just had a visit from Mel! 
She and I have been communicating for eight years now and she and her husband were in Tallahassee watching their daughter play volleyball at a tournament/competition and I invited them to stop by on their way back to Atlanta where they are catching a plane to go home to Illinois.
And just as with all of my blog friends I've met in real life, it felt as if we'd known each other always. The funny thing is, is that she's just a little shorter than me and her husband is almost as tall as Mr. Moon! We had a very, very nice little visit and she got to meet Mick and the girls and the teens and the babies and Jack and Maurice. It was all lovely.

Here we are!
Yes. We are adorable. 

But now they are off on their journey home and the boys are coming out later today and spending the night and I have food to cook for tomorrow and Mr. Moon is trimming and mowing. I'm in a good mood due to such nice people visiting and having cooking to do. Because...well, I love to cook. Let's face it. Big pots of things and big bowls of things and tomorrow will be a feast and the children will hunt Easter Eggs and we'll make deviled eggs with them and it's just going to be a fine time.

So. Good day and hello and I hope you are doing well on this So Very Holy Weekend where we may not celebrate Jesus coming back from the dead but are celebrating the rebirth of life and green and being together and all that we have and all that we love and I am grateful for every drop of it.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. always fun to meet a friend face to face.

  2. I've only met one blogging friend and yes, it was like we knew each other forever. You go straight from the small talk to the meaningful stuff. I think it's a pretty awesome thing to have with a otherwise total stranger.

  3. I so enjoyed meeting you face to face and I feel sure Mel did too! It is an amazing thing to met someone this way and have them be real and just as wonderful in person. Gail

  4. It was so nice to hug you and hear your voice, not to mention meeting the chickens and the kitties, and exploring your lovely yard and house. . Thanks for letting us pop in on such short notice- I barely know if I'm coming or going these days :)
    I love to cook for my people too. I have a big sticker on my kitchen fridge that says Love people - cook them tasty food that I got from a wonderful company called Penzeys spices.
    I love that company like no other. And I love that notion too. Cooking and hugs - they're all I know to do most days. Have fun with those boys! xo

  5. How fun! I have met Elizabeth (And Henry, Oliver and Sophie) and that was very exciting. I think it would be a blast to have a big ole get-together in your forest (how I think of it) with all your kids and grand kids and you and Bop. You and Elizabeth andAngella's daughter and Rebecca do the cooking (what nerve) because I've deduced you all are the best cooks and the rest of us would pay and serve and kiss your feet. I can dream can't I? Or you all just visit and I'll play with the kids.

  6. Oh Mel! She's such a loving soul, like you Mary, and I can only imagine the sweetness of your meeting. Yes, you're both absolutely adorable. (And I smiled at Joanne's comment.)

  7. So glad you got to meet another blog pal! You DO look adorable. Glad to see Little Bear is doing OK, and that he/she and the other chicks got to experience some outdoor time. (That was in a subsequent post, I think...)


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