Saturday, October 8, 2016

We Do Reap What We Sow

Don't I live in a pretty place and don't I have pretty chickens?
Yes. Yes I do.
I got that garden planted today. I planted collards, mustards, arugula (including a variety called "wasabi"and isn't that going to be delicious?), rainbow chard, winter kale, beets, carrots, Romaine, and a row of Mesclun.
It took me all afternoon due to the fact that it was 90-something degrees out there but I got it done and now the sprinklers are on it and I sure do hope it all comes up because damn! That was a lot of work.
Mr. Moon is going to laugh at the crookedness of my rows but I do not care. They are nicely spaced with enough room to walk between them and I'm as excited as an eight-year old to watch everything come up.
Well, you know, if it does.

I've spent some time today watching as the Republican party falls apart. It is odd that after everything Trump has said that it took the words "grab them by the pussy" to really create the horror and disgust necessary to cause the rats to flee the sinking ship. But I get it. There's just something so inredibly violent and wrong about the image those words describe.
Ugh. Not to mention that any woman who has ever been kissed or touched in places or ways that have made her feel demeaned or invaded or violated can't help but react in a visceral, immediate and passionately furious way. And I'd venture to say that a large majority of all women have been the victim of this sort of unwanted invasion in their lives at one point or another and most of us have shrugged a lot of these things off, thinking that surely we must have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time wearing the wrong clothes and somehow signaling that we were asking for it because why else would a man do that to us? And it wasn't...rape? Right? And we took the anger and sense of shame and confusion we felt and stuffed them up inside ourselves silently and I think that many women probably never admitted to themselves until the moment that they heard those words on the video that what had happened to them had been a real and hideous violation of their bodies. By not just an asshole but a complete monster who never once had a thought about the heart and the soul of the woman he was touching and thus, for that moment, claiming rights over them that they had no right to.  
And right there, on that tape, Trump revealed himself to be that monster. We all knew he was an ignorant asshole but he just kicked his ass up into the monster category and even his running mate realizes that.
It makes me laugh, all these Republican politicians calling for Trump to step down, to be replaced. It's too goddam late, motherfuckers! You created this situation and now you have to suffer the consequences. Or, as Bill Maher said, "Don't let Trump quit! You assholes voted for him, nominated him, handcuffed yourself to this dead hooker, now drag it to the finish line!"
Although I would not have used the word "hooker" in there. That's disrespectful to women, too, but I agree thoroughly with the gist of what he said.

So. That's been my day. Planting seeds and watching the seeds that the Republican party planted and nurtured so carefully for years come to fruition.

My seeds will feed me and my loved ones if I take care of them. The seeds that the Republican party planted have revealed themselves to be the horror that they are and they are finally realizing that it's too late to weed them out. The damage has been done.

Good luck with that, you hateful motherfuckers.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. It blows my mind that with all the things he's said, the one that nailed him was when he talked about beautiful white women.
    Blows my mind.
    I knew it was a matter of time before he'd shoot himself in the foot. What freaks me out are the people who still support him, STILL!

  2. I have believed since day one that the Republican Party allowed that POS to run because they thought it was one big joke....then it got serious and they painted themselves into a corner. They deserve that son of a bitch to represent them!

    1. Yep. They created this monster. And they can't tame it.

  3. Oh, man. I got to the part in your post that reminded me of the time before I met my husband. I started speaking to this guy that brought the red flags up in me but I didn't pay attention to them. We met of dinner at a local pub and he kept saying he could tell how sexually attracted to him I was. I wasn't. Not by a long shot. In fact, I was repulsed and wanted out of there. I paid for my dinner and left and because I was still young and silly I gave him a hug goodnight and that is when he grabbed me and forced his hand down my pants. There were even people around! I was so scared and shocked and when he pulled back and said he wanted to take me into his truck I refused, got into my car and drove away.
    So anyone reading this that has even the smallest amount of respect for Trump I say, fuck you. I was sexually violated by a man that thought it was fine to "grab me by the pussy". It was memory I buried until I read this post by Mary. Any person who votes for this most evil of humans can sit and explain to me how this was okay.

    1. I think that most women have some story like this and it's sickening and horrible and it's NOT ALL RIGHT and until men realize that, this world is going to be a dangerous place for girls and women. And to listen to Trump's apologists is making me sick.
      I'm so sorry you experienced this, Birdie. You should not have had to.

    2. Trump epitomizes the term, "Rape Culture" so completely. Everyone in his mind is simply an object for his use. I'm sorry for every woman and girl who has been subjected to this form of abuse. That he is allowed to keep running for office despite these revelations tells me how low we have sunk as a country.

  4. I have been a wreck because of this damn election for months. It is the level of disgust we've been forced to see exists in our world. I'm 43 years old and I think I will never be the same. I am grateful when I can read in this community and know there is good too.

  5. If only the focus had been more on growing gardens and less on growing monsters over the years. Mhmm.

    1. Yeah, hmmmm...
      Gardens? Might be a good idea for the White House?
      Oh yeah. Michelle has done that.

    2. Yup, and taking it to schools all over. It's a great thing.

  6. Bill Maher certainly has a way with words. I hate to say it, but I did laugh when I read that.

    Nothing funny about Trump, though. Nothing at all.

    I love your yard and your chickens.

    1. He can be sort of snarky but he's funny. And I generally agree with him.
      I like my yard and chickens too!

  7. What gets me mad about it all - and I am very far away from your country - is that the "good guys" are now all up in arms as if trump has done something that's never been done before.
    Plus, their outrage now about what is done to "our women and daughters" as if they own them.

    1. This is true, Sabine. Very true. That tape was just so damn ugly.

    2. Beautiful tweet by Joss Whedon on that score: 'As a father of little girl, I am upset by how far I have to drive her to her ball games. As a human person, Trump said WHAT??!'

  8. I am 70, and I know a lot of women in my age group, must be feeling repulsed by Mr. Trump. When we were young it was commonplace for men to grab at you, especially if they were in a position of power over you. I don't think that as a teenager I had a boss that thought he was doing anything wrong by groping a young and innocent girl (and yes, we were innocent in those days) I now wonder why we never complained either to our parents or someone in authority, but we didn't. We just felt dirty and shamed and somehow that we got what we deserved. I hoped things had changed, but obviously there are still men who think they have a right to use women as they will. I believe in Karma, and I'm sure this person will get what he deserves. I just hope it's soon. Blessings

    1. I have no idea why women have always felt so guilty and ashamed when we are assaulted, abused, raped. Is it the church teaching us that we must suffer the sins of Eve? Is it fear? I don't know but I know that the more women speak up, the better off we'll all be.

  9. I've been groped in a crowd and I never ever thought that I was in any way to blame. All the crap this man has said and it took this to outrage republicans and they want him to quit? sorry kids, you have to leave with the date you brought to the party.

  10. I hope he not only loses big but everyone who sold their soul to the devil and endorsed him, instead of having the courage to stand on principle, goes down in flames with him!

  11. The additional fact is Trump is surrounded by men who have demeaned and abused women and who advise him. I don't think he is any different than he was when that tape was made a decade or so ago. Whoever released that tape knew what they were doing because they are saying the vote depends on the women's vote. The words in the tape can't easily be "unheard".


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.