Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sweetness and Light

Up and at 'em. Lis is chopping apples for oatmeal and I have been instructed to go pack.
She would do it for me if I let her. We're only gone to be gone for twenty-four hours. How hard can this be?
Oh but you know me.

God, it's a beautiful morning. I am so excited to be about to drive down to the coast and oh! we are going to have the best time.

Happy  Valentine's Day, everyone!

I send you hearts and love and flowers galore. And time spent with someone you love, someone who makes you laugh and someone who is your comfort and your joy.

Candy optional.
Kisses not optional.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Have a great time! Not that there is any risk that you won't...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. ┊┊┊┊Happy┊Valentines┊Day┊

  4. Isn't this an appropriate song for you and Mick-Spare-Parts? (maybe better not drive along to it, though)

  5. I hope you're having a great time, and Happy Valentine's Day (belatedly) to you too. :)

  6. We did not have a big deal for Valentine's day--lunch and then an oyster roast. Not fancy stuff but what we like to do. Hearts to you each day.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.