Friday, February 20, 2015

Let There Be Warmth. Please

Well, good morning from cold-as-fuck Lloyd, Florida where there's about three inches of solid ice on the duck water.
Hell's bells! (I remember the first time I ever heard my mother say that and I was so shocked I almost passed out. My, how times have changed.)

Anyway, it's Friday, the boys are coming and I might get a visitor today. More on that later.

I should go take a walk but honestly, the idea of going into my freezing cold bathroom and putting my walking clothes on is enough to make me sort of want to die. My heater just can't keep up with all the air leaks in this house.

Am I a wuss or what? Yes. Yes I am. And I am also a Florida girl and we don't take to the cold that well.

I'll report in tonight. Martini in hand.

Much love...Ms. Moon


  1. I am SO far behind in commenting, so I'll just put it all here.
    This winter has been stupid. Warm, cold, warm, cold, melting, freezing, windy, windy, windy. I'm so sick of it too.
    Congratulations on the upcoming Grandie!! May her pregnancy be wonderful and the birth be peaceful and may you all be blessed with a healthy addition to your family! :)
    My cat's only redeeming quality is that he never bites me. If he did, OMG, I'd not have one reason to keep that little pukeface.

  2. We've been in Sarasota for five months, and though I know it's 3 below back home in Illinois, and they still have six inches of snow on the ground, I'm freakin' cold!!! It got to 30 degrees here overnight, and the high today is to be 55. With the wind chill it's supposed to feel more like 40. By the way, I didn't think the words 'wind chill' were used on the Gulf Coast! Ever the optimist (yeah, right!), I'm glad that at least the sun is shining.

  3. I missed your post yesterday for some reason but I am so thrilled by the news! And I am comforted by the idea that you will report back with martini in hand...that's as it should be.

    I hate cold weather. Luckily in Texas it's supposed to be 70 today.

  4. We have had beautiful weather here in Colorado all week but are gearing up for cold and lots of snow. I am a Colorado girl but I am not looking forward to it one bit. I don't like it too cold or snowy for that matter. Good for you going for a walk anyway. Stay warm!

  5. I too like knowing I can come back for an update because you'll be reporting in later with that martini in hand!

    Cold is relative. I was in FL for a week last month and got chilled at 50 degrees. In MN that is balmy. You get used to what is around to really quickly.

  6. Oh wow....just been catching up....congratulations what a fab way to start the year!!x

  7. I live in England We are renowned for talking about weather lol Have had knee surgery and not been out all winter apart from hospital visits. So the rigours of Brit winter have passed me by. Looking forward to martini post Raising a glass of red to you all across the pond watched GB Sewing B last night. Love it they went back to 50s and had marvellous old footage. Hope ya can get it. Mags x

  8. Stay warm, Ms. Moon. This might be one of the few days that I'm not complaining about the winter weather here in Idaho. I think it might be warmer here than in some parts of Florida.

  9. I was in our city's archives this morning and they keep it cold-as-fuck. Now I am cold and can't get warm. My hot tub is calling.

    I hope your visitor was a nice one.

  10. It is cold here. Sick of this winter. Not enough boat time for sure.


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