Monday, February 23, 2015

So Short

I'm alive. All is well.
I just don't have it in me to say much. It was a fine day and I didn't have time to wallow and I'm just tired now.

I hope you are well too.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. It's good when we don't have too much time to ramble around in our heads! Glad your day was fine.

  2. I am glad you are done with the dr part of the day. I hope you had fun with the boys. Love you.

  3. Yep. Sometimes a fine day doesn't need much reporting.

  4. A day that is finished is sometimes the best think.

  5. I hope you have a peaceful night.

  6. You deserve a day off. I kind of feel the same way!

  7. I am tired too. I think it's because I went to the gym this morning.

  8. It was a very cold day here and I woke up tired and achey. was tired and achey all day. after that week of warm, my body was not happy about being cold again.

  9. I am all about a day off. One of my horse's pals had to be euthanized. We are all sad at the barn. It was unexpected. I hugged my horse a lot today and gave him a bunch of treats.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.