Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rusty Report

As you can see, he is doing quite well. That's his buddy, Parker and they are sitting in one of the boys' chairs.

I don't have any profundity to pass your way this morning so I'll just leave it at that. Two cats. Maurice just asked me if I'd like to take her picture too. Wait! What? She just kissed my chin and purred.

Holy crap! Call the Pope! It's a miracle!

Okay, Maurice. Here's your picture, you super model, you.

As Hank always says, the internet was invented for two things: porn and cats.

You'll have to go elsewhere for porn but I've got you covered for cats today.

Much love...Ms. Moon


  1. Two cuddlers!! I wish mine would snuggle. I gently suggest every day that they become best friends, but they refuse. Maurice is the best.

  2. They look cosy and cute........unlike me this morning in the snow!!

  3. Awww ... Those are good shots!

    Maurice is a girl, right? Is there a story behind her name? (Apologies if you already answered this somewhere)

  4. I can honestly say, I've never watched porn on the Internet! I'm not a huge fan! LOL

  5. OMG to the darling pics of those two cats together and of course to Maurice! I could look at pictures and videos of animals all day long. Sweet Jo

  6. I thought this wasn't a cat blog?! :)

    (That's OK -- I love cats!)

  7. I cannot believe how big Rusty is! It seems like you just found him last week! Such beautiful kitties.

  8. must be something in the air. my standoffish cat, who thinks affection is being in the same room with you, who has taken to sleeping on my side of the bed lately, purred when I climbed in last night.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.