Friday, July 26, 2024

We're All Over The Map With This One

First things first. I got this e-mail today and I feel somewhat stunned that something happened so fast. I really hope no one got fired. I would feel terrible if that had happened. I would never want to take anyone's livelihood away from them. 
Unless it was the racist asshole who used to work at the dump but that was a different situation. 

Anyway, boom! Done! Have I gone back to see if the materials are still there? No. I have not. 

I didn't do much of anything today. I slept late, I spent way too much time reading blogs and doing the crossword and okay, okay, looking at reels on FB. That is becoming a total time suck in my life and I need to STOP IT! Why are the bad things so addicting and the good things so...not?
Well, some good things are but not exercise or eating totally healthy and stuff like that. 

It looks like Lon and Lis are coming over tomorrow evening to spend the night and help celebrate my birthday. I am so excited. I can't remember the last time we got to spend time with those darlings. For a very long time now, well over a year, they have been taking care of a relative who has had serious health problems. And when I say "taking care" I mean that their entire lives have been dedicated to her treatment and recovery. But she is doing better now and is back in her own house and so they have a little more time to travel and so forth. 
When Lis called me to tell me that they were thinking about coming over, she insisted that I do not lift a finger in preparation for their arrival and I promised that all I'd do is change the sheets on their bed and honestly, that's about all I've done. And I washed the quilt and the pillow shams too. All the towels are clean and due to Candie's efforts, the bathrooms are presentable and the floors are not a sin. And honestly- what we're going to be doing is having martinis and eating a delicious dinner that I am very much looking forward to cooking. And laughing and talking and laughing some more and if I know Lis and me, perhaps a few tears. 

Tomorrow at noon I am meeting up with Hank and Rachel, Lily and her children and perhaps (hopefully) Lauren at the Mexican restaurant in Monticello and then we'll all probably go to Wag the Dog and search for thrift treasures. What a great birthday outing! This is going to be the best birthday ever. 

Speaking of birthdays, here's what Magnolia made for her Boppy's birthday. 

I need to get a frame for that. I love it so much! The sequins just set off the popsicle sticks so nicely. I asked Owen what he thought it might be (don't tell Maggie I asked that) and he said, "I think it's just a Magnolia art thing." I think he's right. 
As I was tidying up the guest room today which included arranging the dolls and Babar and the owl in the cradle, I thought to myself, "Mary, how long are you going to keep toys around this house?" 

There are also two giant bears who live on the love seat in the library and toys in the Glen Den that the children have so outgrown. 

Let's not even discuss the shelves of children's books I have. A few of them are not too young for my grandchildren but many of them are and how many kids want to read Dr. Doolittle books now? Or The Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew or "The Little Princess"? Or one of my dearest, favorite books of all times which is "Hitty: Her First Hundred Years". My copy was given to my mother for Christmas in 1938 by her older brother, Jimmy. How can a story about a doll carved from wood compete with things like Transformers and Marvel Heroes and Dog Man or Disney Princesses? Even with pictures like this. 

I am not, however, going to moan about children today. We all live in the world in which we are born and that's all there is to it. Just because I loved something as a child, does not mean that my grandchildren will have any interest in it at all. I can remember how very, very ancient my grandparents seemed to me and how meaningless and mysterious so many of the things they enjoyed were in my opinion. 
Horehound candy anyone? 
But back to the question I asked myself- how long will I continue to keep these things, these toys and books as if they were a shrine to the childhoods of me, my children, and my grandchildren?

I do not know. And I guess that I don't have to figure it out right now while can still find pleasure in tucking up the dollies that Maggie did play with last week and handling the books that have given me so much pleasure in my life. Which indeed, some of them probably had a part in saving my life when I was so young and my life was so strange and so frightening and reading allowed me to be in an entirely different place and time, a place and time that was safe and cozy and where the Little Women loved each other and had a mother and a father who cherished and cared for them even through the darkest days. 

I suppose birthdays are always a time to look back and remember. To be nostalgic, to look at and wonder at the way the path has been traveled from there to here. And going back to Roseland does the same for me I am. 

Mr. Moon is just now back on land. They caught some beautiful fish including mahi and a huge triple tail that Glen himself reeled in. A triple tail is a most delicious fish, probably because its diet consists of shrimp, crabs, and baitfish. The man won't be back for hours, I'm sure, because of all the work that must be done when a day's fishing is completed. He will be, as he always is after a day on the water, exhausted but so very happy. 

The garden is about done for the summer. I picked a few more crowder peas today and also these two lovely bell peppers.

There were more peppers but I'm letting them stay where they are for now, hoping that some of them turn red. The chocolate-colored one is small but pretty. At least I think. The tomatoes are done. There is no doubt about that. The green beans are too. The cucumbers never did much. The zinnias are still bringing joy to this world. Or at least my world. 

I shelled the peas I've picked and will cook some tomorrow night. As I carefully ran my thumbnail down the seams of their pods and urged the peas out into a bowl, I watched another episode of "Reservation Dogs" which I am so loathe to be finished with that I will only allow myself one episode every few days. It was beautiful. Graham Greene was in it and I have been in love with that man since "Dances With Wolves." 

He is older now and thus, more beautiful. 

Which reminds me. It's another beautiful older man's birthday today. 

Happy 81st birthday, Mick Jagger. And I thank you with all of my heart for not getting that face altered to try and look younger. Your body and your voice and your presence do that for you, no surgery needed. 

Happy Friday, y'all.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Hooray for the USPS, maybe! Hooray for you and your birthday! Hooray for Hitty! Don’t even think of getting rid of her. Another of my favorite books, and I - umpteen years older than you - still have my childhood copy, and am happy to say that my daughters loved Hitty too. Margaret

  2. I loved Hitty, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Bobbsey Twins, among others that my grandmother had. They were originals and I wish I had them now...Happy Birthday!

  3. Nothing more welcomed than a Lis and Lon visit! Much needed all around. I'm stunned you got such a quick (if vague) response from USPS, but at least you got one! Graham Greene.....madly in love with that gorgeous man well as Birthday Man Mick..... who's lovely lines of his face have never been altered.......thank goodness! Not sure when your Birthday actually IS......but sending huge wishes and a hug. We can stretch (and should) a birthday celebration into days...weeks and a month!
    Susan M

  4. You will be young as long as you have the cradle of babies and dolls for the bed and all those books. There may be great grands to read to, you know.
    I do believe your garden did you will this year. My sister's cucumbers failed, too, so far. Rabbits. She has some fencing too small for tiny mouths to penetrate now. Perhaps there is once last chance, what with summer lingering till the last gasp of global warming, these days.

  5. Happy Birthday!! I loved Nancy Drew too

  6. That is good to know the post office has taken action. They will likely offer training to the Lloyd postal employees so that these types of errors do not happen again. As for your dolls, books and teddies - if they make you happy keep them and continue to enjoy them. Happy B-day Mary and enjoy your celebration with Liz, Lon and Mr. Moon. Celebrating with good friends is the best.

  7. Your house is loving and comforting, beauty everywhere. I love your toys of course, I do. They are not toys , they are real entities watching out for you.I know this for a FACT! As you know - toys are my business!
    Maggie's art is definitely frame worthy, It is very cool design wise and the material used is authentically Maggie. It is sincere art.
    You are having the BEST birthday ! Nothing like a perfect day with old dear folks that love you eternally! Rare and special!
    Happy Birthday Mer, All of my toys are cheering and throwing stuffed kisses at you.

  8. Keep the dolls. They are a part of you.
    Happy Birthday Mary Moon!

  9. Happy birthday Mary. I love the dolls and teds and your house in general. Sounds as if the PO has read the riot act about the materials, good

  10. I love Dances With Wolves. I have the same problem with stuffed toys and childrens books, though not so many books since I already gave most of them to the twins. But I'm not handing over the four little redheaded dolls or the stuffed gorillas and chimps. Maybe when they are older. But only if they want them because they love them.
    Your bell peppers are what we call capsicums.

  11. Wow! Very impressive from the USPS! We had loads of stuffed animals, toys, games, and books for kids. And made good use of them with friends and family. When we moved to Spain and had to lighten the load, we left those behind. But we’ve had and have friends with kids who would love those things. I’m sorry we didn’t keep them. And the book can still be enjoyed. Gorgeous peppers and Graham Greene. OK, and Mick! I have always found that sequins are perfect for setting off popsicle sticks.

  12. And, how could I forget to wish you a happy birthday! Hope it’s a wonderful day and year!

  13. We have finally hit summer here and I commented to the kids just yesterday that I know I could never live in a hot country. My son said the same - give me the mountains any day, but in the meantime I sweat and am miserable. And I get what you say about expecting your kids/grandkids to like the books that you liked. Charlie is a bit young yet to be into my English books but I'm trying to push it gently. Maybe that will work out better when he's in school. In the meantime I wish you a lovely birthday and here's to many more!

  14. Happy Birthday, Mary! Hope you have a wonderful day and hope your year is filled with good times, good health, lots of love and fun adventures! xxoo

  15. glad to hear the post office reacted so quickly, separating church and state.

    happy birthday! not sure if it's happened or about to happen. been busy purging my sister's house. omg, so much stuff.

  16. You did it! The people at the post office have now learned something important.

  17. Oh, I love Hitty! My mother gave me a copy years ago, which I had to replace. Thank goodness for good mothers, who give us good books.

  18. Graham Greene is an amazing actor and easy on the eyes. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, complete with friends and family. Sending hugs Mary.

  19. I hope you have a fabulous birthday -- it certainly sounds like that's the plan. I'm glad you're seeing Lon and Lis and having a martini and spending time with the family and going to Wag the Dog.

    I loved "Dances with Wolves" and saw it multiple times in the theater when it came out. I wonder how it has aged. Amazing to think that was more than 30 years ago.

    I know what you mean about kids moving on to new things. We have "Hitty" in our library but she is a hard sell these days. We have Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys too, but yeah, not as popular as they once were.

  20. Happy Birthday. If anything has meaning still to us, we never do have to rid ourselves of it IMO.


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