Thursday, July 4, 2024


 This is what all that picking and shelling of the post-mature green beans added up to. Actually, there are five pints there, you just can't see two of them. They were really easy to can since they were already shelled. I just par-boiled them for a few minutes, put them in the jars, added boiling water, lidded the jars and put them in the pressure canner and turned it on. 
Okay. Yeah. There was a little more than that involved but not much. 
I know that was a lot of time and effort to get five pints of beans but when we eat them, we will truly enjoy them. 

I picked beans again today and the amount I got has decreased drastically. As Glen pointed out, it may be that when the vines produce beans that don't get picked and become mature enough that when dried, they would grow more beans, the plant has essentially done its job and says, "Yep. That's enough of that."
Of course, that may not be the case. It could just be the heat, as I said yesterday. 

There has been no 4th of July-ing around here today. What's to celebrate? You want to know what I really think?
Fuck that shit.
I mean, the Supreme Court just undid 248 years of the most basic premise of this country which is that we do not have a king, we have a president, elected by the people and that president is held accountable to the same laws and rules as the rest of us. 
I feel like we should be doing something about this. But what? Besides voting and encouraging all the other non-fascists to vote. 

I wonder what would happen if a militia of armed, concerned patriots stormed the Supreme Court building and threatened to hang John Roberts and killed a bunch of police officers and relieved themselves wherever they felt like it? 
I don't think it would go well.

Well, anyway, that's my mindset on this most glorious of American holidays. 

So I canned beans. 

Mr. Moon has spent part of today packing. Jack got right into the spirit of it but Maurice has not even looked his way, much less sat on his lap since those suitcases showed up. I've tried to tell her that everything will be fine, that her mommy human will be right here and not to worry but she doesn't believe me. It's going to be a month after Glen gets back before she'll sit on his lap again. And it does hurt his heart a little that his crazy girl cat is upset with him. 
I am very used to my husband taking off for a week or more to go hunting or fishing with his buds but somehow, this trip seems so different. Probably because it is. Las Vegas is not the woods or a forest or a lake or a river. It's like the opposite of all of that. And although I am sure that people go to Las Vegas to hunt many things like pleasure, excitement, fortune, entertainment, and all-you-can-eat crab leg buffets, that's not the same as sitting in a deer stand at dawn watching the world wake up. 
Thirty years ago I would have had a shit-fit if he'd gone to Vegas without me for eight days. Or is it nine? Whatever. I would not have stood for that. And now look at me, sending him off with my love, my wishes for him to have the best time with his family and so very happy to stay here at home. 
Things do change. 

Lily and Lauren and the kids are also heading out tomorrow but they're driving to Lauren's parents' house which is a place they all love because there are animals of every description, and delicious foods, and a place to fish, and a barn with a TV for goats, and a pool and a hot tub, and...I don't even know! And there are other cool places in that area where they can day-trip and have a fantastic time seeing springs and manatees, mermaids and the oldest hippopotamus in captivity. I am so happy for them. Lauren's parents, whom I've never met, seem to be the sweetest, most generous and loving people which makes a lot of sense, seeing how Lauren is too. 
I hope they have the very best time. 

Hank asked me yesterday what I was going to do this weekend. I answered, "Gardening, piano playing, mending, jig-saw doing? Like that."
And that's pretty much my plan for the next week. It'll keep me busy. I also plan on driving to the Wacissa at least a time or two to jump in and then maybe sit and read for awhile. 
Eat some peas and cauliflower, maybe even some tofu. Just be wild in general. 

Sounds very good to me. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Safe travels to Mr. Moon, and Lily's family and I hope you have a relaxing time too.

    1. Oh, I will have a relaxing time, most likely. Thank you.

  2. Well, you've pretty well summed up how I feel this 4th of July. That decision is a fucking nightmare that will haunt us for years to come.

    1. I don't know if we'll ever get ourselves out of this mess.

  3. Perhaps Mr. Moon can ignore sitting in Maurice's lap. At least the several days he's in Vegas. That will show her.
    Pretty beans.

    1. She did go nap with on his lap this morning. So I guess she's worked some things out in her head.

  4. Good times for Mr. Moon and Lily and her family. Given this old world, we could all use an escape.... Money, power, corruption. Not the ideal but this is what we see today. Hopefully, the November vote kicks DT to the side.

    1. Yes. I think we all take mini escape breaks throughout our days. We have to.
      As to your last sentence- hell yes.

  5. I just finished 'The Evolution of Annabel Craig'. It was our book club selection and to be honest, I thought it was going to be one of those 'chick lit' pieces of fluff...but it wasn't. I think that it is very relevant and so well written. I started reading it on Tuesday and finished it on Wednesday.

    1. Okay. I'm going to look for that book and read it. I trust your taste in books. And if you trust mine- find North Woods by Daniel Mason.

    2. I cannot wait to hear what you think of it! I looked at North Woods, and I knew right away that it would be a book that I love. I will get that book tomorrow from the library.

  6. TV for the goats?? I think your plans are just fine.

    1. Yes m'am. Not to be punny, but I think the goats are like their kids. You know, now that their real kids are grown.

  7. Your plans sound fine to me. Peaceful easy living. Do those goats watch the TV I wonder?

    1. I am not sure. They definitely see it, right?

  8. Your week sounds like bliss to me!

  9. I agree with you (fuck that shit) about the celebration of the 4th. My heart just wouldn’t be in it. I love the sound of your week.

    1. I've never had the patriotism gene to begin with and so this year is just another added layer of having no desire to celebrate. All I did to be an American was to have parents who lived here and that's not something I see as a huge personal achievement.

    2. I, too, never had the patriotism gene. Flag waving makes me uncomfortable.

  10. 37P: I really like your plans! Safe travels all.

  11. I wouldn't mind some alone time. Nobody else to cook for or to confer with about supper. Nobody telling me it's late (it's 9pm). Nobody else to make a mess. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

    Have a lovely time Mary.


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