After having begun walking again, I am happy to report that the problem I was having with my foot is completely resolved. No pain, no swelling.
I am not thrilled to report that the knee that was bothering me so much is still bothering me but may be a little better. However, the other knee hurts now too.
And what I am completely pissed-off to report is that it would appear that the exercise has triggered movement of the kidney stone that is still in my right kidney and it is starting to ache.
Thanks, exercise!
It's nowhere near the level 10 plus agony that a kidney stone can produce but it's there. It is definitely there, biding it's time. I know this feeling. I know what it is. I am not happy. The last time I went to see the urologist to talk about getting it blasted and my urine was "pristine" he ordered a scan and the radiology place never called and the discomfort I was having drifted away and so I just...let it go. And of course I'm hoping that the discomfort this time will do the same. But will it get worse if I walk?
Knowing that Glen was going to the coast tonight to possibly fish tomorrow, I did not dare do anything to promote the movement of the stone and so I did not take a walk. I don't think that I'll wake up in agony tonight and want to be taken to an ER but I'm not going to do anything that might increase the odds of that happening. Plus, the humidity was almost 90% again today and I just could not force myself, even without the worry about that rock in my side.
I didn't work in the garden, either. Hanging the sheets was about the most physical thing I've done all day. I spent a lot of time shelling peas.
Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise and if I don't end up needing morphine between now and then, I'll finish shelling the few I didn't get to today and blanch and freeze them.
I started watching the first episode of Season Three of Reservation Dogs and I cannot stand the thought that this is it for the seasons. I got Glen interested in the show and now we're watching it together, starting back at Season One so I am immersed in it and that does not make me unhappy. I am almost giddy, watching the episodes I've already watched. "Oh, this is a good one!" I'll tell my husband. I think I say that every night. And to me, they truly are all very special. Not a dud among them.
So yep, the man is on his way to the coast again. Now let me tell you how his day went. He got up at 5:30 a.m., drove to Apalachicola, which is a couple of hours away, picked up the guy buying the Subaru he was selling for his friend, took the guy to the credit union in Tallahassee where he was getting his loan, then to the tag agency. Then they came out here, the guy took possession of his new car, and I think they were both very happy. When Mr. Moon came in the house he said, "I really like that guy," and I know he did. The fellow lives down in Aplach where he studies rare animals (I think) and his girlfriend studies birds. He lived for a month on Cozumel and so he and Glen traded stories about my precious island.
At this point it was after two o'clock and Glen hadn't eaten so I heated up some grouper I made a few nights ago and made him a fine grouper sandwich with cheese and tomatoes and then he went and sat in his chair for a little while. I hope he caught a little nap. He really is not sleeping well.
He offered to stay home in case I needed him but I told him that I'd call if I did (hurray for cell phones!) and I wouldn't let it get to the point of agony before I did that. So he packed up and hit the same road he took this morning. and off he went.
"Be safe, be safe, be safe, be safe!" I said. Just to make sure he understood.
I have to tell you a funny story that happened this morning. The routine with the wet cat food has become part of the day here. When my cheese and tomato toast (my regular breakfast) is in the toaster oven, Jack knows it's time and comes in and makes sure I remember what I'm supposed to do. I get the little can of food and I smush up the pill and mix it in with about a tablespoon of food and by that time, Maurice is usually in the kitchen too because she knows the routine as well as Jack and I do. I give her an equal amount to what Jack got in her bowl and this has been working well. He eats his, she eats hers.
This morning, however, after I put their food down, I went to the bathroom to pee and Maurice came in to the room and meowed at me and I knew exactly what she was saying.
"Is Jack eating your treat?" I asked her.
She meowed in the affirmative. She then led me back to her bowl where yes, Jack was chowing down on her portion and I fussed at him and got out the spray bottle which by this point, I don't even need to use. He sees it and darts. I may have to keep a closer watch on proceedings, spray bottle in hand for a few days. I just think it's so funny that Maurice told on him, exactly as a child would tell on a sibling who stole part of a treat which was rightfully theirs. And having raised four kids, I needed no translation.
Justice will be done!
I'm sipping on my Friday night martini. I have clean sheets on my bed. I just watched a hawk soar across my backyard as he does every night. I'm pretty sure it's a juvenile but he can sure raise a racket. A bluejay is unwisely yelling at him and I hear thunder again off to the south. Seems like every day we get a promise of rain that the thunder makes but cannot keep.
I'm going to make myself a miniature chicken potpie with the cutlet I didn't cook last night when I made our garlic-lemon chicken with cherry tomatoes. I'm going to put carrots and peas in that thing, onions and green beans. I will not forget the potato or the rosemary and oregano.
Instead of a pastry crust, I'll do a little biscuit thing on top because it's so easy to do and I'll bake it in the toaster oven.
Comfort food.
Happy Friday, y'all. May we all sleep painlessly and wake up the same way.
Love...Ms. Moon
I hope that you have GOOD pain pills on hand just in case- From Stella I have learned that it is important to have them for kidney stones even though they barely take the edge off. I am so sorry- dammit. Fingers crossed that all of that pumping iron you did has not disturbed the stones. Thinking of you, Mary!
ReplyDeleteI have leftover pills from two years ago when I went through that first stone. But it's true- they barely take the edge off. Morphine is what works and unless you're in hospice, you can't get that at home. I didn't pump any iron! I just took walks!
DeleteLivin' the high life in Lloyd FL - I guess this is similar to how the Kardashian gals live their lives. Nice and wholesome. Shelling peas and all.
ReplyDeleteOh yes. The Kardashians and I are BFF's. They come to me for make-up tips.
DeleteWishing you a peaceful weekend 🙃
ReplyDeleteThank you, Monica. And same to you.
DeleteLove your laundry line. And good for Mauricio, telling on Jack. Such a bully (Jack).
ReplyDeleteYou would have laughed, Joanne, at the way Maurice tattled on Jack. She was right to do it, too! Jack is a bully which is funny because he never bites or scratches us while Maurice frequently does. He just beats her up.
DeleteI thought you were kidney stone-free assuming it had passed or you had it removed. The blasted thing is still there and now threatening. Take care and keep the pain pills nearby. Jack is being a little thief. You and Maurice will cure that.
ReplyDeleteI WISH the stone was blasted. It seems that a martini really helps things. I'm pain-free for the moment. Jack is not only a thief, he's a bully. The water bottle and I will hopefully take care of that.
DeleteBeautiful flowers. I hope the stone stops bothering you and that Mr. Moon enjoys his fishing.
ReplyDeleteThe stone has been quiet today. Thankfully.
DeleteI don't think the walking has anything to do with the kidney stone. I do wish your kidneys would stop making them though.
ReplyDeleteFunny Maurice telling tales like that. I wish my Lola was more vocal, she rarely makes a sound and any meow is so tiny and rusty sounding.
Your zinnias continue to make me smile.
Well, walking is indeed recommended to get a smaller stone to pass. So I think that it can actually affect the movement of a stone. I remember when I had that last stone, the pain in my side would increase noticeably when I walked.
DeleteJack hardly talks at all either. Just little "meeps" now and then.
Maybe it's worth following up with the radiologist and seeing about that scan. If you can get that thing blasted it would take it off your mind. (Although I understand that is not a completely painless procedure either.)
ReplyDeleteMaurice is so funny! And Glen has the patience of a saint, picking people up and ferrying them around and walking them through the steps of an auto sale. I never knew people like him existed but I sure wish I'd known one back when I last bought a car. (Which is a long time ago now!)
You're right, Steve. I should very much follow up and you are also right that breaking up a stone can result in lots of pain when the tiny grit comes out.
DeleteSo many people bought cars from Glen because he made it so easy for them. His entire business was built on word-of-mouth. I think he was a rare dealer.
I hope Mr. Moon has a wonderful time (I'm sure he will, right) and that that damn stone buggers off and stays buggered off!
ReplyDeletePoor Glen didn't get to fish. But the stone is being quiet.
DeleteHope the stone shifts into a comfortable place and leaves you alone for a while. I love how our cats tell on each other!
ReplyDeleteDo Dudo and Moose tell on each other? I could just hear Maurice saying, "Mom! Mom! Jack's stealing my food! Come tell him not to do that!"
DeleteThey regularly tell on each other. It’s hilarious. Moose also comes and complains to us when Dudo won’t play with him. As I write this, they’re having a fight. I hissed and it stopped.
DeleteThey really are our babies, aren't they? "Dad, Dudo's being mean to me."
DeleteWhat a guy Mr Moon is. Such a caregiver. He's a lot like Gary. Your flowers are lovely. I still have buds and hope. And I also hope the kidney stone quiets down.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's why I love your stories of Gary.
DeleteWhere there are buds, there is hope! Your flowers will bloom.
I'm glad you are listening to your body and taking it easier so that stone doesn't move. Enjoy a relaxing weekend, Mary.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to have quieted down for which I am grateful.
DeleteI love that photo of the rosemary and oregano! I saved it. and yes, Reservation Dogs. I loved every bit of it. it was only ever planned for three episodes.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, Ellen. I took that picture after I'd posted and although I really liked it, I had a small internal debate about editing and additing it to the post. I'm glad I did.
DeleteYou are one of the reasons I watched Reservation Dogs.
37paddington: here’s hoping the stone goes back to sleep and leaves you be. And yes, hooray for cell phones, these little computers that accompany us everywhere. Glen stays busy doesn’t he. Well so do you.
ReplyDeleteGlen does stay very busy and if he doesn't, he doesn't do very well.
DeleteOur pocket computers! I figure that in the fight against dementia, these phones will help us be more independent for a little longer. Does that make sense?
You have completely converted me to a zinnia lover. I don't have the variety of colours that you do but mine are blooming and so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThis morning the sun was red again but this time you could smell the smoke in the air. I just looked at a fire map and Northern Alberta is burning up, into the territories.
I'm feeling better today, still hot but better. Yesterday I was stuck at home so I made a patch pocket for one of my linen dresses and thought of you. I didn't have enough fabric so I sewed pieces together and it looks like a tiny quilt pocket.
I forget to tell you that I've been walking the dogs a lot and it affected my knees quite badly. I'm not as young as I used to be and need a lot more stretching, otherwise the muscles in my legs get tight and start pulling stuff around the joints including one ankle and both knees. I reduced the amount of walking, down to just half an hour and I'm stretching more. It's helped a lot and I can now get off and on the toilet, I felt like my poor mother for awhile:)
Zinnias are prettier than a birthday cake, aren't they? They come in so many colors and sizes and designs. They are infinitely interesting.
DeleteYep. The smoke is making the atmosphere into a weird filter that's making your sun red.
Oh! I'd love to see your new pocket. No way to wear a dress without a pocket.
Thank you for reminding me to stretch. I never do that and should. The least I can do is to do a few knew-to-chest stretches before I even get out of bed. I think that would help some.