Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hey Chimp. Where You Been All My Life?

It was a Ms. Candie day today at the Moon Household and she came in bearing that precious Chimp. She saw my monkey lamp and immediately remembered this guy from another client's house and somehow, it has been gifted to me and I have to tell you that when I saw his eyes, I fell in love and asked him if he would like to live here and I believe he said he would. 

Of course I have to find something suitable to go into the basket on his head. I think that tomorrow I will put a shallow vase of zinnias in it and then eventually, perhaps a little fern in a pot or...something. And I am not even sure where he will live in this house but we'll figure it out. Perhaps he'll stay on the back porch with me. We shall see. 

I do not think I have mentioned the fact that Mr. Moon is about to go on a journey. He is leaving Friday, flying to Las Vegas where his sister's granddaughter is playing in a volleyball tournament.
Ah- that Moon gene comes through again! 
A few other cousins of Glen's and his sister's are going to be there too so it will be like a reunion week. I was sweetly invited but I graciously declined. 
I mean- uh, no thank-you.
Las Vegas in July? Or, to put it more succinctly- Las Vegas?
I have been to Las Vegas several times and I enjoyed it, honestly. But those days are far behind me. I was a pretty wild woman at one time in my life. I always like to point out that I have never danced on a table or a bar nor have I ever done heroin. But I have done a lot of other things. Things that are best left behind in the vast vault of memories. And honestly, I don't think I ever did anything very wild in Las Vegas. Anyone can do wild things there. You're supposed to. It's like the law or something. I seriously doubt that there will be much wildness going on with the Moon family when they visit, and I know that Las Vegas is sort of more of a just plain old tourist vacation location now (supposedly) but still, no thank-you.
I mean, I can barely make it through a Walmart and if I have any choice in the matter, I won't even do that. 

So I will be here in my nest surrounded by my own things, and happy to be. I will miss that man. My heart grows ever-more tender for him but I'll be fine and so will Maurice. We will have our own little support group. 

I picked beans this morning and surprisingly, they have decreased in bounty. A lot. It could be the heat. It could be the fact that I didn't pick for a week. I don't know. But despite all the bitching I've done about TOO MANY GREEN BEANS, I am a bit worried as I haven't made any dilly beans and you know I need to make at least a few pints of those. I will. I feel certain that they'll get a second wind. Or at least I hope so. 
Here's what the sky looked like when I was picking. 

There were two swallow-tail kites soaring overhead while I was out there. They are so beautiful with their distinctive tails and the way they can glide and ride an air current seemingly forever. 
I didn't get a picture but this is what they look like. 

They fly/float so high that they seem to disappear as you watch them ascend. I feel so grateful every year when "our" pair returns to grace our tiny piece of sky. 

Mr. Moon is not here this evening. Lily wanted to spend some time with her daddy without the kids so they're going to see a movie together. Again, I was invited but going out at night is just way too upsetting for my routine. 
I know. I'm getting sort of crazy. But Lily and her daddy don't get enough time together. So it works out fine. 

I wish I could prophesy that for our country. I was in Publix today and they have all the 4th of July stuff out. The hotdogs and beans and beer and cakes decorated with red, white, and blue. I heard one woman tell another, "Happy America's Birthday!" and I thought to myself, "Yeah. Celebrate it now because by next year, it may not be the America we know now."

Like the swallow-tail kite, I let these thoughts rise up until I cannot even see them anymore. The thing is, that doesn't mean they're not still here. They eventually descend and come right back to roost in my brain. 

We continue on.

Love...Ms. Moon



  1. I have to tell you quite honestly, I have never felt less like celebrating the fourth of July.

    1. I never really feel like celebrating the fourth of July.

  2. that chimp is gorgeous and I know you will envelope him perfectly wherever he *wants* to be! the Kite....lovely. And no.....NO Vegas EVER. Went to Reno once to visit friend of hubby (was a slot machine tech) and 2 days was enough (other than the hotel buffet....which was to die for). 4th of July.....there is nothing I can feel celebratory about at the moment.....but will grill burgers and make potato salad.....just cuz? Right? Just us two...hunkering at home and ignoring the rest of the chaos elsewhere
    Susan M

    1. I think for many people there is probably a time in their lives when Vegas is a very exciting place to be. Or even...acceptable.
      I just can't. I've been to Reno for a night, too. It's pretty darn low-key after visiting Vegas.
      I never do anything to celebrate the 4th so this year will be no different for me. Burgers and potato salad need no celebration to enjoy.

  3. The Supreme Court decision is a pro-Trump decision. The court is stacked with pro-Trump judges. The turmoil, havoc and upset the decision causes is real. Disappointing as well. That said, we, the voters will have the final say at the ballot box. Vote JB. JB continues to hold his own. He will not withdraw. Ignore those calling for withdrawal. JB can win over DT, he did it before and he will do it again. Your new monkey is a great gift. His eyes are truly captivating.

    1. I don't know. Every day the news outlets I read seem to have more and more Democrat lawmakers calling for Biden to step down while he says he will not. This is a very bad situation. He cannot win without support. I continue to hope for the best outcome but I am not blind to the situation.
      I love that chimp's eyes. They are very realistic.

  4. Even now, it already isn't the America you once knew :(
    Las Vegas? Television is as close as I want to get!
    I say make the dilly beans now with what you have picked, because there might not be more and if there are more then at least you've made the dilly beans and can just can or eat the rest.
    LOVE the Chimpanzee :)

    1. You're right about that, River. This is not the America anyone has ever known.
      Thanks for the advise about the dilly beans but I need enough beans to make it worthwhile. I think a few more days' picking will bring me more.

  5. It has been so long since I have commented on a blog. I hope I am doing this right. Oh, Many. How I have missed this soft place to land. You are water.

    1. Hello, dear Birdie! Welcome back! You have been missed.

  6. Fruit for the basket I reckon - bananas even! I've never seen a swallow tailed kite - what a magnificent bird. You are so lucky with your climate and wildlife

    1. Your comment about the fruit made me think of when I was young and so many people had a bowl of plastic or ceramic fruit in their houses. I can see some of those in Chimp's basket!
      If you were here right now I doubt you would like the climate much. It has been overwhelmingly hot and humid. But our wildlife can be amazing.

  7. I NEED that chimp! You have so much goodness and beauty around you despite… well, all the other shit. I’ve done a lot of other things, too.

    1. Heh-heh. Not everyone's bold enough to have a chimp made of resin as part of their decor! There was a time in my life when I would have decorated that chimp to the nth degree with sequins, glitter, and glue. I miss those days.
      I don't regret much at all about what I've done in my past. A few things, maybe, but for the most part, no.

  8. Yes, this fourth doesn't feel very celebratory. Oh well.

    1. I've never been a big 4th celebrator so this will be no different to me.

  9. It seems that the US is heading for disaster, as always, the rich get their way (or the pretend rich in trump's case). I hope both you and Mr. Moon have a good week, separately.
    I haven't danced on a table, but I did climb on a table in Mazatlan to write my name on a ceiling, with lipstick. Ahh, to be young. One thing I do miss, dancing. I used to love to dance.

    1. I can definitely see you climbing a table to write your name in lipstick on a ceiling. Good times!
      Lady- I loved to dance more than anything else in the world. God, I miss that too.

  10. I read some rag from Ohio- right leaning. Just to keep up with what the right is thinking- It sounded ,at first , just like left leaning but askew- as though the left had done all of the crimes that the right is responsible for- a topsy- turvy world! THAT is gaslighting at its best and it is little wonder why republicans are so insane.
    Las Vegas, there is no place I would rather NOT go! Pretty sure they will have fun, though- that is what that town was invented for. You are wise to stay put- also tell Glen to wear a mask- this covid variant is about as much fun as having your toe nails yanked out , slowly, over weeks....Wear a mask even in the heat! Get one that has a valve.

    1. I'll tell Glen to wear a mask but I doubt he will.
      I often feel as if we live in Bizarro world. That would explain a lot that I have no other explanation for.

  11. I can’t find it in me to celebrate. The neighborhood is well equipped with fireworks, already setting some off and traumatizing my dogs. I can’t even image being a war vet with PTSD. It has to be dreadful this time of year. But according to some, it’s a God given right to blow shit up. Trying to hold onto my sanity and whatever scraps of hope I can find,

    1. They'll be setting off firecrackers around here this evening, I am sure. Nothing good ol' country boys love more than celebrating the 4th with beer and fireworks. Such a great combination!
      I'm with you on trying to hold on to whatever bits of goodness I can.

  12. we get Mississippi kites that summer over here, and yeah the way they just glide through the air. not as many as we used to for which reason I don't know.

    is that what they call a sundog in the sky? I've only seen that effect once or twice but last night the air had a pink or orange quality to it. pinkish orange I guess because I couldn't decide.

    the eyes on that monkey look so alive.

    1. Ellen, I think that the sundog-looking thing in the photo was just observable through the photo. I did not notice it in real life. But I, too, have seen one of those and it was fantastically stunning and magnificent.
      I wonder if the pinkish/orange glow in your sky came from dust. I have seen that happen before.
      You're right about Chimp's eyes. Very alive looking. I feel like I could have real conversations with him.

  13. Yes, I was going to mention that lovely glow around the sun, too! So pretty. I am sure Mr. Moon will have fun with his relatives - sounds like a fun reunion! Are they all tall? I'm thinking they might be. ;)
    Cute, cute monkey and I am liking the bananas idea!

  14. I live in Las Vegas, moved there for financial and family reasons when I retired 3 years ago, and I do not like it at all. Good things are the breezes, the morning sky, that's all I can think of. Today at 5:00 it was 113 degrees, and it is supposed to be hotter over the weekend. Unbearable. And it is tacky. Jenny

  15. That kite is magnificent, as is the chimp. Wishing Mr. Moon a lovely family reunion and a winning basketball team.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.