Friday, July 5, 2024

Day One-Half Of Solo Time

Glen made it to Dallas where he met up with his sister, Brenda. She lives in Texas and drove from her place to pick him up at the airport and they'll fly to Las Vegas tomorrow. Isn't Brenda beautiful? She is an amazing woman. Some of you may remember that when she was young, she played on an all-woman's basketball team that toured the country called The All American Redheads. This was a huge big deal. They were even enshrined in the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in 2012. Brenda was there. 
I have heard Glen say that really, she was the best basketball player in the family. Of course, when they were playing, women's basketball teams were virtually nonexistent and so while Glen got a full ride scholarship at Auburn University, Brenda had no such opportunity but she did have the opportunity to play with the Red Heads which was a completely different and absolutely as valuable, if not more so, education. 

Here's a retrospective video about the team and Brenda is in it.

She was and is an extraordinary woman and it is her granddaughter who is playing in a national volleyball tournament in Las Vegas this week. She and Glen are very close and I know they're going to have a great week of fun. 
And by the way- have you noticed that Lily is Brenda II? 
Both of Brenda's kids are boys and they favor their Uncle Glen so it all works out. 

While he's gone, Glen wanted to lend a car to a friend of his whose car was in an accident and it's taken so long for repairs that the insurance has quit paying for a rental and so we dropped off his car at her and her husband's house on our way to the airport and we stopped for lunch too. Then off to the airport we went and he unloaded his suitcases and I kissed him good-bye and that is the last I will see of him for NINE DAYS! 
It's funny how I don't even have the slightest bit of FOMO about this. But it's really all for the best that I don't go. If I'm not there, Glen doesn't have to worry about my anxieties or needs or big liberal atheist mouth. He can just be with his family and enjoy the time. I do enjoy listening to the family stories and memories. They're all part of what and who made my husband the man I love. But I think we'll all be happier if I just stay here and live my little Lloyd life. 

I stopped by Publix on my way home and bought a few things to cook for myself. When people hear that I'm going to be on my own for nine days they're like, "Oh, and you won't have to cook for anybody!" and I'm like, "Uh, I love to cook and I will cook for myself." I truly do not understand people who can eat a bowl of cereal for dinner and be happy with that. Sad to say, I guess that cooking and eating are one of my main forms of creative outlet and entertainment.

I haven't done much since I got home this afternoon. Made up the bed with clean sheets, took the trash, stopped by the post office, swept the kitchen, cleaned my kitchen sinks. Stuff like that. Same things I'd be doing if Mr. Moon was here. I finished listening to North Woods by Daniel Mason and I hated for it to end. What a satisfying book. The author has written other books and I will look for those too. He is also a physician. What IS it with doctors who can also write gorgeous books? Abraham Verghese, for example. 
One of the hottest sex scenes I've read in a long time was in Mason's book and it was between two wood beetles and he used the correct scientific terms for all of the parts that were used in the act. 
You gotta be good to figure out how to do that. 
And he is. 

Okay. Here's some pictures. 

What in the world? you may ask. Although it looks like Vergil, August, and Levon have discovered a portal into the red clay underworld of North Carolina, it is actually part of the septic tank system that they've just installed on their mountain property.

I have a picture on the range hood above my stove that Levon drew when we were visiting and were at a restaurant and he was bored. I handed him my little notebook and a pen and asked him to draw me a picture. 

That is Coober, Levon's own personal best stuffed animal friend. I always thought it was "Cooper" but I was wrong. I like Coober even more. Whenever I look at that picture with all the hearts, MY heart misses all of them so. 

That's a Japanese glorybower which is growing in my front yard and although it is closely related to the regular glorybower I have and hate all over this yard, this one does not seem to be nearly as invasive. I say that and I hope it's true and that whoever owns this property after us doesn't end up hating me as much as I hate whoever planted that other variety in the yard because yes, yes, yes. I planted the red one on purpose. 

Can you feel the heat? That's my fig tree from which I got ZERO figs this year. None. Nada. Zip. Too much heat, squirrels, birds...I don't know. I feel like I'll never get to make fig preserves again and I do love them. 

And for right now, here's where Chimp is and what he's wearing. 

Just as I put some of my favorite things in my bathroom, I also put some in my laundry room. I mean- the folding table is a thing of beauty on its own! I spend a lot of time in the laundry room and I walk through it at least twenty times a day, getting from our room and my bathroom to the back porch or to the guest room and vice versa. 

And it has such a nice window. I think that Chimp is happy there. 

I guess that's it. I haven't decided what the menu will be tonight. Glen and Brenda are eating at an Argentinean restaurant in Dallas where the menu is mostly MEAT. I told him that I might just buy myself a steak and cook it to eat while he's having a meat fest. And I did buy a steak today. But I also bought tofu because I love tofu and I'm thinking a nice tofu and vegetable curry with rice might be what I actually want. Of course it won't be an authentic curry but good enough for my uneducated palate. 

I'm leaning towards the tofu. There are also left-over white chicken enchiladas with mango/peach salsa and some pasta with a tomato and spinach sauce. I will not starve nor will I eat cereal.

Maurice seems to have come to terms with her father-human being gone. It's 92 degrees on that back porch. 

Time for a martini. I do believe I'll go shake one up. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I thought Lily had either bleached her hair or gone gray overnight until I read on; strong genes! Margaret

    1. I'm telling you. I was just an incubator for the Moon DNA.

  2. OMG! I laughed so hard....'big liberal atheist mouth'!!! That's ME!! I'm sure when I walk into a room there are family and acquaintances I know that are going ...'oh no, here HE comes again'. The welcome mat isn't always thrown out for me, and I could give a flying shit. I do believe we're kindred spirits, Mary. Well...we're both nurses! The tofu and curry sound yummy. Being a vegetarian, those meals are right up my alley! It's hotter than the devil's jock strap in Ohio and the humidity is bad. I'm sure your numbers can beat ours, though. Enjoy that martini!
    Paranormal John

    1. Ha! I could give a flying shit too but I don't want my husband to be uncomfortable. He is much the same as me when it comes to politics and religion but he doesn't have the same need to tell the world about it, especially if the world is his closest relatives.
      Tofu being pressed as we speak.
      And it's hotter than Satan's balls here. I swear to god.
      My martini is delightful.

  3. Yep, I'm one of the cereal eaters. Or pb&j. If I don't have to cook I don't. On the subject of audio books have you ever had one where you can't stand the reader? Something in their voice just ruins it. And sometimes it's the author!

    1. I have definitely sent back audio books to the library because of the horrible narration. "North Woods", however has several narrators and they are all terrific and add to the story.

  4. I always liked a real meal for supper and didn't mind making one for myself. But when the pantry was bare for want of shopping, I could eat anything. Leftover cake comes to mind.

    1. I love that your pantry could be empty but you'd still have leftover cake.

  5. I'm on day 7 of 9 days of Rob being away (in Armenia, the homeland, with Dashiell, before Dashiell heads off to Cambridge for the summer for study abroad because that child is smarter than anyone I've ever met). Just me and Jonah at home like old times and it's been quiet and lovely and also hot as balls. 96 today and hotter the next few days. No thank you very much.

    1. Welcome to the over 95 degrees club! I'm getting tired of this and July isn't even our hottest month here. But I know y'all are struggling. You're not used to this and it's awful. Don't get overheated! You hear me?

  6. I routinely cook interesting food for myself, because I like making it and eating it! No need to have anyone else around to cook. If you like to, that is.
    Enjoy your solo time.

    1. Right! Even when we go places I like to stay where there's a kitchen. Well, not in Mexico. So much good food to eat there that others cook in ways I cannot.

  7. I am like twelve years old when I have alone time- Nine days sounds like a great start! You are smart to stay home. Your sister in law is quite remarkable ! Basket ball is about the only sport/game I tolerate, loved playing it too but was never THAT clever! WOW. Love the redheads! Excellent clip!

    1. Brenda is remarkable. And she's still working! She got into working with computers way before they were used for much and has made a niche for herself. She keeps retiring and companies keep calling her back and making her offers she can't refuse.

  8. I had to laugh when you said you hadn't done much when you got home and then listed 5 things you had done already as I have spent my day being slug and have done nothing except fed myself today! lol.

    1. Well, all those things are tiny little things. Not anything big. I like to keep order around me. It helps with anxiety.

  9. I'm going to have to check out that book. That monkey looks so cute holding that plant and you are so lucky to have so many lovely windows to put your plants in front of. Do you cats destroy your plants? Bagheera has improved but for years she destroyed my plants.

    1. I think you'd like the book. So well written and so interesting and fanciful, too. Just...all the good stuff.
      My cats don't mess with plants. They have so many outside that I guess there's no need to. They let themselves in and out whenever they want.

  10. I have eaten a bowl of hot porridge for dinner on days when I absolutely can't be bothered with cooking but know I have to eat something.
    Chimp looks perfect where he is in the laundry room.
    Are the American Redheads all redheads or do they dye their hair when they join the team? My nieces played basketball when they were teenagers, in the beginning they played netball which is similar, but basketball was only for boys, then girls teams began and D and K played basketball very well.
    Brenda is very pretty.

    1. Porridge as in oatmeal? I wish I liked it more. I think I ate too much when I was young. I keep thinking I'll learn to like it again but I just can't seem to even when I make it fancy.
      The Redheads died their hair. They all used the same Clairol color.
      I bet it was women like Brenda who paved the way for your nieces to play.

    2. I think oatmeal is the really finely cut oats, almost like powder, I use a less fine cut, but smaller than rolled oats, so it cooks quickly in the microwave. I add cinnamon and brown sugar before the cooking.

    3. We use rolled oats. That's what we can oatmeal.

  11. If left to my own devices, I’m one of those people who could eat a bowl of cereal for dinner and be happy with that. Anything’s better than cooking (well, maybe not ANYTHING). Brenda sure is a beauty. I remember reading about the All American Redheads. Amazing!

    1. Occasionally I will eat a bowl of grapenuts with raisins for dessert. That's as far as I'll take cereal. Although you and I have found we have much in common, we differ greatly when it comes to the desire to cook!
      I'm surprised you've read about the Redheads. Not many people know about them.

    2. One of my cousins was a star basketball player at Vassar. She told me about the redheads ages ago. She was a brunette.

  12. When you mentioned about that author also being a physician my first thought was "how come some people seem to be standing in front of the door when talent was handed out" - but good for him! I have his book on my wish list after I've finished my current book. Mind you, the same could be said of Mr Moon's sister right? And my, do they ever look alike!

    1. Right? It's like why are so many musicians good at art? It's crazy. And the rest of us are out here going, "Well, uh, yeah, I used to sew..."
      Isn't Brenda cool?

  13. I do not, will not cook, ever. That's my husband's job when he's home. When he's not, it's pbj or tunafish or cottage cheese and I'm perfectly happy. The cooking ability (desire, want?) completely passed me by. I do enjoy reading about the meals you make - and wonder how anyone would want to do that all of the time!

    1. If you don't want to cook, no need for you to do it!
      I believe I like to cook because I like to eat. That is the simplest explanation. Also, I love to feed people I love.

  14. How did I get to be this old but have never heard about those redheads before! Really amazing to see! Mr. Moon's family is sure a talented bunch!

    1. They kind of went under a lot of people's radar. They were a very, very small operation. I sure wish I'd seen them play.

  15. 9 days alone would be heaven! for me anyway, not that I don't like having my husband around even though sometimes I don't, it's just that we not only have lived together we worked together. being together 24/7 for 48 years means I've spent about 3 times more time with him than ordinary couples. it has not always been a picnic.

    anyway, I think I want to see a floor plan of your house.

    1. Oh, Ellen. I know you would love some time to yourself. I used to get upset when Glen traveled but now I cherish my time alone. I sure am glad when he gets home though.
      I have tried to make a floor plan of my house but I am so lousy at not only drawing but proportion and visualizing things and getting them on paper. I should try again.

  16. Oh gosh we are soul sisters with our "big liberal atheist mouth". Can't take us anywhere, LOL. I think you will enjoy your time alone. I was thinking the same thing. I would stop and get all the ingredients for the things I like (and he doesn't) and have a feast while he was gone. I love Mr Merry dearly but a little break just once in a while would be nice. He retired during Covid and I think we are joined at the hip.

    1. So is your big liberal atheist mouth profane too? Because mine is. Goddam, but I sure do curse a lot.
      That's kinda what I do when Glen's gone- go to the store and get all the stuff he doesn't like so much.
      When Glen retired during Covid I was scared to death that we'd end up divorced but turns out we do pretty well together at home. He's always busy with one project or another and we have a sprawling house so...

  17. 37P: I’d love to see a photo of those young men who look like Glen. How handsome they must be. That video was fascinating. The players all wore red wigs! And yes they could certainly play ball! And it must be said, I love your big liberal atheist mouth!

    1. I don't think I have any pictures of Greg and Grant. Greg, the oldest, looks most like Glen while Grant favors his daddy more. But you can see that Moon in him.
      The women playing ball didn't wear wigs- they all just dyed their hair the same Clairol color. Can you imagine what life on the road was like for those ladies?
      I'm glad you like my mouth because if you didn't, we wouldn't be friends!

  18. Also, what beautiful hearts Levon drew for you!

  19. "Liberal atheist mouth" good one! I'd love it to be 92F, it's 107 here at 4:00PM in Tucson. Time to head back to Washington!

    1. Yeah. Global warming. Who know it was a thing?


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