Monday, July 1, 2024

Mr. Moon took this picture last night to send to his fishing buddy, I think. The one who recommended blackening the cobia. I managed to do that quite well, I think, and kept the rest of the supper very simple- a baked potato and a salad with Bibb lettuce, peaches, mandarin oranges, craisins, toasted sliced almonds and a very light simple dressing. I was quite pleased in that I did not set off the smoke alarm nor did I ruin my skillet which was my biggest fear. 
In Steel Magnolias, Clairee says to Ouiser, "You know I love you more than my luggage," but in my case, it would be "You know I love you more than my skillets" and there are not a whole lot of people I could truthfully say that to. The one I used to cook the fish in last night is my biggest and my oldest piece of cast iron. It was my patrol's skillet when I was in Girl Scouts that we cooked our campfire stew in over the fire while on camping trips. It was given to me by our leader when we all graduated from high school and I have cherished it since. 
But it remains intact and well-seasoned. 

This morning I decided that screw the heat, I was going to weed in the garden come hell or high water. And so I did. I also started listening to a new (to me) book that, three hours in, is pleasing me very much. 

A fine book with terrific narration. I am at the point in my life where I just cannot read (either with eyes or ears) books that are not well-written and have poor character development and a pitiful storyline,  and...
You know. But this one is not one of those. 
I was just as happy as an old woman could be on my knees in the dirt, pulling up weeds, listening to my book. We've been getting some decent rain and it made my heart so happy to pause and look up at the trees against the sky, their differing shades of green, their branches of leaves, each so different from the other trees. 
It was somewhat overcast at times which was at least some relief from the heat but I was soon drenched in sweat again. I worked for about an hour and a half and then came in and got my lunch, cooled off and went back out. Several of our growing bags are empty of plants and I was in such a gardening mood that I took zinnia seeds and some sunflower seeds and some arugula seeds to plant in them. It's really too late (or in the case of the arugula, too early) to plant any of those but why not? The dirt's just sitting there. I thought about the arugula because when I was weeding, I pulled up a volunteer baby arugula plant and didn't realize what I'd done until I smelled it. The smell of arugula (or rocket, as it is known in some places) is one of my very favorite smells and I thought, well hell. If it's coming up on its own, maybe it'll grow. 
I did more weeding but called it quits when sweat was literally coming off of me in regular drops like I was creating my own salty rain. And now my knees hurt and I am a little sore and my hair is still soaked but I am content. 

When I came in I finished up my Great Bean Project while watching more Reservation Dogs

Doesn't look like much, does it? And it's taken me an entire week. Oh well. I've cooked a few of the snapped green beans and a little pot full of the big shelled beans so there were more. Now all I have to do is figure out how to can the big beans. I suppose I could freeze them but things tend to get lost in the freezer whereas when they're in jars on the shelf in the pantry, they are very surely there. 
And here's a shout-out to Hank for knowing his mama so well and for getting on me for so long about watching Reservation Dogs. 
God damn. I love it so much. The characters are fantastic. The episode I watched today made me cry which was a first in the series for me but I have a feeling it will not be the last. 

So, yeah. It's been a pretty perfect day for me except of course this.

I can't even begin to comment on what I fear this means for our country. I do not have the words, the desire, or the bandwidth at the moment. I will just say that once again, I am terrified, grief-stricken, and stunned. How many times have I said, "Well, things just can't get any worse," and then come to find out that oh yes. Yes they fucking can. And they do. And the levels of hell are endless. 
No one in this world would have predicted that a seriously flawed and sociopathic narcissist who managed to bankrupt casinos and loves to shit on golden toilets would destroy Democracy as we know it. 
And yet. Here we are. 

All righty then! Here are a few more pictures (she said with her fingers in her ears, her eyes closed, and singing as loudly as she can, "La, la, la!")

Cucumber blossoms. 

Today's zinnias.

Two boys probably giving their mother a heart attack. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Ms Moon, I'll tell you what it means for our country: "Today marks a giant step toward the end of our Democracy". Period. Full stop. Those fuckers crafted that decision to perfectly fit Trump's crimes. He will NEVER go to trial for any of his crimes. I'm so fucking mad I can barely see.

  2. Well, they're giving me a heart attack, too. On the other hand, the blackened grouper (?) is beautiful, as is your oldest pan.

    1. The fish was so good. It was cobia, not grouper but grouper can and is cooked by the same method at times.
      I admire the way Jessie and Vergil let the boys do things that might scare the bejesus out of me. I admit to being way too cautious at times.

  3. Our Supreme Court is corrupt, with few exceptions. How will we ever dig ourselves out of this grave?

  4. The only thing I can offer is: Vote and Vote Blue to help save our democracy! Biden will be able to replace 3 on the Supreme Court, as I understand it!
    Fascism is such an ugly thing!

    1. And if Trump gets re-elected, he will be able to stack the court to the point that the constitution might as well be taken and burned. We're very close to that anyway.

  5. Thank heavens three members of the Supreme Court saw the ruling for what it was - anti-democratic and plain wrong. Engineered entirely because of the situation Trump put himself in, the ruling brings the authority of The Supreme Court into sharp relief. They are behaving like Trump's puppets.

    1. They're not just behaving like Trump's puppets, they ARE Trump's puppets.

  6. Today marks a giant step toward the end of our democracy.

    1. You're right. I wish you weren't, but you are.

  7. We know JB can beat DT; he did it once and he will do it again. The general public is pissed about Roe Vs. Wade, DT guilty on 34 count shows strong sentiments and now the Supreme Court (SC) decision. The SC is currently stacked, so no surprise here. The angrier people get the more they are going to vote JB. Your blackened fish looks outstanding. Boys love to climb trees, I did too when I was their age. I sat in my favorite tree reading my book.

    1. If Trump has enough followers, he'll be re-elected and that's all there is to it. The only question is- does he?
      I too, used to read in a tree.

  8. I had a son who regularly streaked away from the house and was found twenty feet up a tree across the street. At eighteen months. The landscapers on the property got used to seeing me running about, they'd switch off their mowers for safety then help locate him. Good old days ;(

    I can't address the scotus rulings, each worse than the last.

    1. One time Baby Hank ran away. He was just shy of two years old. He took the dogs with him and he was found down a dirt road and across the highway, naked but for a diaper.
      I literally had hysterics.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My young adult sons who'd been all blustery about not voting for Biden or doing a third party candidate -- yada yada yada -- are now all in for Biden. So, hopefully that'll be the case with the young folk.

  11. I really enjoyed that book. What a unique way to narrate a story. There was a part that I did not expect and genuinely shocked me.

    1. There are many little twists and turns, aren't there? I will be waiting for the big one.

  12. In France the far right is about winning elections to replace the government since President Macron dissolved the General Assembly. What is happening in the world ?

  13. I love your garden so much :) Also like the smell of rocket and dill and the bright yellow of the cucumber flowers which I thought might be zucchini. And zinnias. This spring/summer I will try again to grow some, but will buy seedlings at a nursery instead of seeds.

    1. Can you grow in containers? It's so much easier and takes away some of the overplanting that I tend to do.

  14. Please urge all pro-democracy Americans to vote in November.It seems the world is struggling to keep a hold on those who support individual rights for all people.

  15. I'm with you on the books. I'm now ploughing through so many physical books that have been lying around here and saving audible for my walks and I've been somewhat surprised at how much I have enjoyed the books. With one exception - a boy meets girl, boy hates girl, girl falls in love and turns out boy is a millionaire. I made it through one chapter of that drivel before throwing it in the donation bin. And I love that last picture but yep I'd probably be having kittens too!

    1. Gawd. I know what you mean. And I can absolutely enjoy a book that isn't the very top notch but please spare me from the trite and sappy.

  16. That final photo is priceless. And that’s all I’m going to think about!

  17. I loved Reservation Dogs and was so sad when it was over. I'd be out there too sweating my brains out if it weren't for the upcoming procedures since I'm trying to stay cool and well hydrated with nice plump veins and arteries. my yard had gone nearly totally feral. I picked a little bouquet of zinnias today.

    and that fucking conservative court just shit canned that main principal this country has stood on for over 200 years and have given presidents the go ahead to be kings if they are so inclined and we all know this was for the benefit of one guy who most assuredly wants to be king. we are in for a world of hurt if he gets elected again.

    1. You are wise to spare your body in preparation for these procedures. No need to kill yourself before possible life-saving surgery!
      As to SCOTUS- you're right. And you know I agree.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.