Wednesday, June 12, 2024

No Title

That's the old shed that was built to house the well pump. The pump is not in working order but it's still there and Glen's talking about getting it fixed so we can use that water for the garden. We could definitely use it for our house purposes too, and for drinking, but we're big ol' hotshots hooked up to city water now. Of course the shed is filled with junk we'll probably never use again and should definitely throw out. One of these days...
Meanwhile, the phlox are decorating the exterior in their fine and cheerful manner. 

So. What does one do when one is leaving town for a week or so in two days? Organize and pack, you say? Tie up your loose ends? 

Of course not! One cans all the beans in the house! 

I decided to do quarts today because when we have big family dinners, that will be more appropriate to have on hand. 

I did a lot of other stuff too. I got Mark's bed all ready for him and did some laundry and I filled up the pill containers I need to take with me and I put all the potatoes that were on a sheet on the guest room floor into bags and put those in the pantry. I gave Jack his pill. 
And there was this.

I ironed shirts and dresses. And watched "Call the Midwife" as I did so. How many thousand years has that show been on? It's still so great. I love how it deals with so many difficult subjects like infidelity, alcoholism, interracial couples, domestic abuse, poverty, autism, sex work, abortion, incest, homosexuality, racism, rape, death, and adoption, always with realistic and accurate scenes of births regularly portrayed, and let us not forget- nuns! The best nuns ever are on that show. And those women do not age! It can be a bit treacly at times, but then it'll turn around and bite you on the butt with reality. 
I hope the show stays on for another thousand years. Watching it makes ironing fun. 
You can quote me on that. 

All right. Those of you who have been here forever (and thank-you from the bottom of my heart) probably remember when I was acting in plays in Monticello. That was one of the best times of my life. And one of the main reasons was this man. 

Jack Williams. 
And he was just as dear and loving and smart as that picture makes him look. Some years ago, his true love, his wife Jan, died not so long after they finally got together and I just found out a few days ago that Jack has died too. Jan and Jack got married in my back yard

in 2011 and it was an almost perfect day. I say "almost" because our dear friend in crime and in life, Colin, had recently passed away. 
So many people from that group have died. My heart breaks every time I think of them. I loved them all so. 
I wrote a very long post in 2010 about Jack and Jan's love affair. 
Nobody needs to go back and read that but I just want to say for the record that it's there and I wrote it with all of the tenderness of my heart, and all of the truth in my soul. 

And now Jack is gone. So many people have said, "Well, he and Jan are together again," and I kind of wish I believed that. I don't really understand though, why that would matter. They were together here. In their real living-on-earth lives. They didn't have nearly enough time together but in the time they did have, I doubt they wasted a single moment of the joy they had in being together, finally and at last. 

That's it from me today.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Infidelity, alcoholism, interracial couples, domestic abuse, poverty, autism, sex work, abortion, incest, homosexuality, racism, rape, death, and adoption - sounds like Lloyd FL in a nutshell.

    1. Well, any place where humans dwell, actually.

  2. When my mother was actively dying (ie minutes before she took her final breath) I told her it was OK to go, we would look after Dad and she would be with her parents and sister again. When I told my aunt this, she jumped on it and was convinced I had returned to the religious fold. I tried to explain I have no such beliefs but if it eased my mother out of this world then I would say anything. My mind is constantly boggled at blind beliefs.
    I cannot get over the quantity of beans you have produced so far this year.

    1. That was a kindness that you did for your mother. I think people believe what they want to believe. Religion gives them a rationale for doing that.
      I picked about another two gallons today to take up to NC.

  3. OK ... I have just gone and read Jack and Jan's beautiful love story and I need to know what happened to the villain of the piece. Hopefully something poetically just.

    1. Nah. She's still around. She has done many productions at the Opera House, mostly with children and has become an important part of the community. I guess. I still don't like her.

  4. I am sorry for your losses yet again...thanks for sharing their story.

  5. I'm sorry about Jack. The fact that he and Jan made their connection, and did so with the generous availability of your back yard -- is what really matters, I suppose. Time is so brief for all of us.

  6. I so envy people who were able to make that connection in life - however short. I'm not unhappy at all in my single life but kinda sad that it never was for me!

    1. It's a beautiful thing to love and be loved. You have that with your children and your grandson and soon another grandchild. A different sort of love, of course, but still love, deep and true.

  7. So sorry about Jack. It sounds like he had a good life filled with love. Hope the travel preps go smoothly and easily. Bless your hearts and bless Marc’s! The shed is a bit of art. I thought the phlox were painted on.

    1. I hear that after Jan died, he just sort of...declined. They truly did love each other fiercely.

  8. Sounds like Jack had much love in his life.
    I wonder what happened to that person who you didn't like at the opera house...

    1. Jack was very much beloved.
      The person at the opera house is still a part of the community.

  9. It's hard to outlive our friends. But it's good to know he had a great life in the end.

    1. He did until Jan died at which point I think he probably sort of gave up.

  10. The Jack and Jan love story and wedding is beautiful. They found love and lived well. Your garden made a lovely venue for their ceremony. Your garden phlox are beautiful against the white pump house. I miss my phlox; as the deer ate them all to the ground.

    1. I would hate it if something came and ate all my phlox! It would have to be a lot of somethings- I have a yard full of them!
      Jack and Jan's wedding was rather perfect.

  11. I read Jack and Jan's love story, it gives one hope, doesn't it? Sending hugs to you Mary.

    1. They were such sweethearts. Thanks for the hugs. I am hugging you back.

  12. I am glad that they found love. It's not up to me to question how it happened. On a personal level, I will say that I think it is important and respectful to end a relationship before embarking on another. I feel strongly about that. Again...on a personal level. All that being said, I also think that it was awful that your mortal enemy set out to wreak moral judgement on them. Whenever fingers begin to point, and tongues to wag, I always find myself wondering about the finger pointer.

    1. Oh, I cannot say I don't agree with you, Debby. Not really the way to end relationships before embarking on another. But you know- it happened the way it happened.
      The finger-pointing woman wanted Jan's job herself. She did not get it.

  13. I forgot to say there's a family story about my late handsome partner, on his way to the hospital, explaining to me how to start the lawnmower! I think he was afraid he wouldn't be back! But I thought if that happened I'd hire someone..his timing was like yours with the emergency canning.

    1. Oh my goodness. That's a great story! I wonder what Glen would tell me in the same situation. I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't tell me how to start the lawnmower.

  14. I love the blue of that dress. And I think it comforts people to think that Jack and Jan are together again since they didn't have near enough time on this side of the veil, assuming there is a veil. As someone once said, "Aint it pretty to think so." I am sorry for your loss. And I remember those theater days well, especially when you dyed your hair red. You were, and are, a star.


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