There we have Mark, Hank, and Rachel. It turns out that Japanica is closed on Mondays so we ended up at Chow Time where none of those three had ever eaten. So, back Mr. Moon and I went to partake of the delicious foods and Lily was there too as the restaurant is quite close to where she works and so she could scoot over and eat during her break. I had a great time and I think "the kids" did too. I was so glad to see Mark. It's been awhile. And my birthday boy. I wrote him a card and as I always do, I worked myself into a fit of weeping as I wrote. I swear, I am the most emotional person you can imagine. I just...I just love my babies so much. And remembering the days they were born is simply guaranteed to bring forth tears. And of course I want to put all of those emotions into words and really, I just can't. But I do try. I think they know, though, those babies of mine.
By the time we got to lunch, I was in a cheerful mood. I had woken up in a terrible state of anxiety. I'd had yet horrible dream but I shook it after an hour or so. Now here's something funny- I'm freaking out because we're leaving on Friday. That will give us two days to get up to North Carolina so that we'll have time to stop and ramble and explore a little before we check in to our house on Sunday. But that seems so soon! And yet, Mr. Moon was freaking out because he thought we were leaving on Wednesday which gave him so very little time to do all the things he wants and needs to do before we leave. Once I told him that no, he had an extra day, he calmed right down. I've called in refills for my medications, I've discussed with Mark the food he wants to be here for him, and I've...well. That's about it. I am nowhere near ready to go. But I will get there.
I heard from the vet today and the news is pretty darn good. All of Jack's bloodwork is perfectly normal and fine except for his thyroid levels, so despite him not being hyperactive, that's his problem. We will be able to give him a pill every day and that should take care of it. The doctor said he'd be putting on weight and puking less. Which is so good. I miss the sound of horses when that cat runs through the house. "Tra-dum, Tra-dum, Tra-dum." I will go pick up his meds tomorrow. Poor Mark. I hope he doesn't mind giving Jack his pill every day. Actually, we start out with only half a pill so maybe he can just crush it up into some kitty pate. I don't worry that Maurice will eat it because Jack won't let her. He spends a good part of the day lying beside the doorway of the kitchen so she can't even get in to eat her own bowl of food. I am sure her disappointment with the fact that he is not dying yet is vast.
Another thing I need to do tomorrow is to go get my phone-charging port cleaned out. It'll barely take a charge these days. I spent at least thirty minutes on the internet, trying to figure out how to clean it myself and I did try but it's still barely working. I have long since started putting the phone in a plastic baggie and sealing it before it goes into my pocket when I garden but I guess that's just not enough. I probably need a new charger cord too.
So. Dammit.
Here's something sweet. Glen told me that yesterday he talked to Tom on the phone who told him he realized what an amazing job he'd done, getting that house all set up for him. And that yes, he probably is going to end up living there. Humans are so funny. He told another friend of his that he didn't want to move out of his trailer because the Tiny House didn't feel like "home."
There's an entire philosophy of life and being in that statement. Home may have been a fifty-year old single wide trailer with no heat or air conditioning or hot water was home. It IS home. Tom's home. Glen told him that although he understood, that if he just starts taking one little thing at a time to the Tiny House, eventually, it will be home. I hope this is true.
For most of us, there would be no hesitation in moving from that wrecked old trailer into that beautiful little well-crafted and comfortable house but we are not Tom nor have we lived his life nor have we had the health problems and also neurological divergences that he has. And although my patience with him would have worn out long ago, Glen has intuitively known why he thinks the way he does, or at least given him the grace of knowing that he DOES think the way he thinks. And I guess that Tom understands that and appreciates it.
Sixteen years ago I wrote THIS.
Rereading it is eye-opening to me. In some ways, my life has changed so little and my love for Hank and all my children has not changed at all. If I am to be honest, I will admit that I was a much better writer then than I am now. I know I am losing words these days and have to search the databanks to find them. I should probably get some testing done to see what stage of what sort of dementia I no doubt have but I really don't want to know.
But hey! Another great reason to be glad I've kept this blog. I can go back and read what I wrote years ago and be pleased and remember.
Here's a picture Jessie sent me today from a hike they took.
Good news for Jack and a nice day! To answer your question, the tire may be a two person job and my vendor for the chair will take care of it in a couple of weeks as it seems medicare will fix but not sell my chair. I may attempt this if I have a back up chair at some point but not now because if something went wrong now, I would be screwed.
ReplyDeleteGood thinking!
DeleteLovely happy pictures. I often wonder if kids realize their moms relive labor and delivery that day? I know I do, anyway. Also the rush of joy when I met him!
ReplyDeleteOne of the biggest lies ever told is that after you have a baby you forget the pain.
DeleteUh. No.
At least I didn't.
But- it is so worth it.
That was a bloke writing in the New Testament. Big liar. Bet he never asked his wife.
DeleteOh, those boys! I remember my niece, maybe forty years ago, announcing at the end of a hike, Too much walk, walk, walk!
ReplyDeleteSuper good news on Jack. You can keep him fixed up for the rest of his life.
I'm sure that Jessie was tireder than those boys. They are mountain rabbits. Or goats. Or something.
DeleteYes! Hurray for Jack!
When ever you mention your home canned green beans I wish I had a bowl of them. They are one of my favorite veggies!
ReplyDeleteYou would like these, I bet.
DeleteI've been reading your blog for a few months now, first time commenting though. Your writing is so expresive. I'm also losing words. It's annoying. That is very good news about Jack. If Jack won't tolerate a pill, there is a cream version you rub into the skin on his ear. I had a cat with the same problem, and she spat pills out.
ReplyDeleteHey Celie! Welcome to the reportings of the Church of the Batshit Crazy!
DeleteSeriously, I'm glad you're here.
Losing words is annoying and also a bit disturbing. For me at least.
I think we can get these pills down Jack easily. I crushed one today and mixed it in come wet food and he licked the bowl clean.
I am so pleased Jack will be with us for a bit longer.
ReplyDeleteProducing a small human being is amazing but I find I am more blown away by the wonderful big human beings they have become. That, and watching the grandchildren grow into wonderful big human beings too. I am more aware of the changes in the current crop of littlies. Another bonus of being a grandparent - you are not run ragged with the day to day parenting and can appreciate the subtle changes.
I really truly love newborns and babies. It's just such a pure love thing. Whatever it is that makes us fall in love with them hits me HARD! It's lovely watching them grow, too.
DeleteAnd you are so right- we are able to experience some things with our grandchildren that we just did not have the luxury of experiencing with our kids.
I sometimes wish I had done better for and with my kids, but I did the best I knew at the time and we all survived. They grew up to be well adjusted adults and have parented their own children very well.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of phone charging ports needing to be cleaned, I've never had any trouble with mine no matter how old my phones have been. If the battery isn't taking a charge, perhaps you need a new battery.
Show me a mother with no regrets and I'll show you a narcissist. At least that's my theory.
DeleteI imagine that you don't treat your phone like I treat mine. It is always in my pocket and I am outside a lot, as you know, and dirt just does get in there. This happens to all my phones. It's not that it won't take a charge, it's that the little charging plug that goes into the port isn't able to connect properly or stay connected.
I hope that Mark has a gift for giving pills to cats. There are little snack pockets to hide pills in that cats seem unable to not love.
ReplyDeleteYou will just have the best time! Road trip with Glenn, not in a hurry. Lovely, Mary! When you get back to Lloyd , there will be a small parcel at the P.O> for you.
It's going to be easy. I already figured it out. I did look for those snack pockets but didn't find any.
DeleteGirl! You give me too many treasures! I owe you one million hugs.
I so understand the anxiety about going away. We are off to Slovenia next month for our son's wedding and the stressing has been awful. Not been on holiday for a long time, never mind flying to a foreign country! I have started putting " stuff" on the spare bed and things are gradually coming together!
ReplyDeleteGood news about Jack...hope he is good boy and takes his pills.
Re losing words......I couldn't think of the surnames of 2 friends yesterday, but when I thought about it later they came to me immediately. I think that there is so much in our heads that it can take a while to retrieve sometimes.....or that the brain " panics" if it can't do it when ordered to!
SLOVENIA????!!! Wow. Yeah, North Carolina will be easier.
DeleteI especially notice my word disappearance when I'm doing crosswords these days. It is so frustrating.
I keep my thesaurus within arm's reach.
DeleteThe 16 year old post is exceptional. But I still love your writing and your insights. You have an incredible family and I love that final photo. Perfection!
ReplyDeleteThank you, sweet Mitchell.
DeleteWell, there's a lot of good news in this post! I'm glad things are looking up for Jack -- though pilling a cat can be a difficult task. When I had a cat with thyroid issues, I had her meds compounded into a liquid, which I would then use a dropper to put on her food. It was the only way I could get medicine into her. Maybe Jack will be more docile!
ReplyDeleteGreat news about Tom coming around to the tiny house. I guess even he realizes that living in a wrecked trailer makes no sense when he has a better option just a short distance away.
I feel like I was a better writer years ago, too. It's weird to look back on something we wrote a long time ago and read it as if it's by a different person. (Which I guess it was, in some ways.) Sometimes it seems better than we expected, and sometimes worse!
The vet did tell me about the liquid or an ointment but I am pretty sure we got this figured out. All I need to do is make sure I have some wet food on hand. But if not- the pharmacy that compounds my hormones also compounds pet meds too!
DeleteOh, when it comes to Tom, who knows? But yes, he has had time to think about this, I guess.
You are so right about what we wrote being written by another person. Yes. We were different people then.
Great news on Jack, such a relief. Hank's B-day meal was a success for all. You could not ask for more. Change is hard for Tom but he seems to be accepting the TH as his home. Your Glen has worked miracles with Tom. Wonderful photo of Jessie and her boys.
ReplyDeleteGlen has absolutely done what no one else would do. That is the plain truth of it. Tom's other friends are on the same page as me- we have all lost patience.
DeleteI love that picture too.
Glad you got to celebrate with Hank and have so many lovely memories to share. Your trip will be fabulous and you will have what you need when you get there or you can buy it if you don't. Relax and enjoy.
ReplyDeleteOh, I know, Ellen. It's a lot more than that. I'm not really afraid of forgetting anything. It's mostly all illogical stuff having to do with my anxiety.
DeleteI read your previous post, it made me cry a little. You articulate so many of the thoughts and feelings I have. Jenny
ReplyDeleteOh, Jenny. We mothers feel so much, don't we.
Deletegood news about Jack. yeah, I did all my best writing years ago, told all my stories.
ReplyDeleteEllen, I bet you anything that neither one of us has even come close to telling ALL our stories!
DeleteI think Steve has the right idea on pilling a cat, I've never had any luck getting one to swallow a pill. Every time I tried blood was involved! (mine)
ReplyDeleteJack is not much of a fighter. He's pretty docile.
DeleteHow did I miss this??? Anyways, love your goofballs and that darn cat. You have some lovely human beings woven into the tapestry of your life, my dear!
ReplyDeleteI wish Hank many happy returns of the day!