Saturday, June 29, 2024

If You Are Arachnophobic, Just Skip This One

 Not an overly exciting looking cake, is it? I assure you that it is not as tipsy as it looks in the picture. For one thing, my kitchen goes downhill from one side to the other and also, I was taking the picture. 
Anyway, that cake is pretty much the sum total of what I did today. 
I realized when I was making it that the filling of a German chocolate cake is quite possibly the most calorie-dense food on earth. It contains a can of sweetened condensed milk which has so much sugar in it that it should be banned, a cup of sugar because the sweetened condensed milk didn't have enough, four egg yolks, and 3/4 of a cup of butter. Also a bunch of coconut and pecans. And that doesn't even include the four eggs, two cups of butter, two cups of sugar, and a lot of chocolate in the cake itself. 

Eat at your own risk. 

Just got a text from the birthday man. They arrived safely in Lanark which is where they dock. They appear to have had a great day of fishing. 

That is one hell of a red snapper. 
I cannot imagine how happy and how tired he must be. He was tired when he drove down there last night and I know they get up so very early to get out on the water, then fish all day in this heat which is no joking matter, and this is not sit-on-the-bank-with-a-worm-on-your-hook-under-a-shade-tree fishing. 
I'm ashamed to say this but there is nothing in this whole world that I can imagine putting out that much effort for in the name of pleasure. And you could also take off the "in the name of pleasure" part of the sentence and it would still be true for me. 

So yes, I made a cake and I also met up with Lily, Rachel, Owen, Gibson, and Ms. Magnolia June for lunch at the Hilltop. I was so happy to see them all. I swear on all that is holy that Owen has grown a few more inches in the two weeks I haven't seen him. He's not just taller than me. He towers over me. He's as tall as his mama and he is nowhere near growing yet. Gibson, too, is growing and I'll be looking up to him before the summer is up. Maggie's getting taller too. That Moon gene is a strong, strong gene. 

I imagine that DNA getting together with my DNA and saying, "Get out of the way, you puny little runts!"

We had a good time at the old Hilltop, as we always do. I got one of my usual lunches- a chicken salad on a salad which is a tasty mayonnaise fest. I eat so slowly now. I remember my mother doing this. What the hell is that all about? There are SO many things they don't tell you about aging and eating slower is one of them. I do not mind eating slowly at all but when I'm eating with a lot of other people, I always feel as if I'm holding things up. Glen and I both remember when Lily was a baby and then a toddler and when we'd go out to eat with the family, one of us would have to take her out in the stroller to walk her around because if we didn't, she'd scream bloody murder. So we'd rush through our food as fast as possible to let the other one eat and after it was all over we'd look at each other and say, "Did I eat?"
But these days I take it slow and it's nice. I enjoy it. And I enjoyed talking to the kiddos and to Lily and Rachel. Hank had a lunch planned with another friend so he couldn't join us and of course May was working. But it was a very nice time.

Dear god it is hot again. Actually, the temperature isn't quite as high as it has been but the humidity is 72% which means you basically need scuba equipment to breathe outside. No sweet, sweet rain to offer relief today. 

I've done a lot of thinking today about the whole debate debacle and how everyone in the Democrat party is calling for Biden to step down. I mean- I opened my New York Time's news app and there were like five or six opinion pieces on that very subject. And meanwhile, have there been ANY Republicans who have called for Trump to step down as their presidential candidate due to his mental, moral, and criminal liabilities, not to mention that he's a sex offender, did a terrible job of running the country when he was president, and reportedly shits his pants? No. No they have not. They throw the red carpet down for their royal Emperor with No Clothes On, tossing flowers and praise and begging and pleading for the honor of kissing his butt. They have, with very few exceptions, blindly followed this sociopath into complete La-La-Land and handed over the keys to the kingdom, making his daughter-in-law the co-chair of the Republican National Committee. 
So- what the FUCK, NYT's and all you other news outlets? Why haven't you made a big deal of the Republicans having a convicted felon as their candidate? 

Another thing I've been thinking about is how Biden does have a stutter. A speech impediment, and I think that most likely the fact that he knew that he only had two minutes or one minute for each answer or rebuttal stressed him out a great deal which of course caused his stutter to be worse. You could see him pause and search for how to say what he was thinking. And I am not saying that his performance was anywhere near what it had been at the State of the Union address when he was on it, strong and clear. But in that speech, he had the time to find and use his own rhythms and employ the strategies he must use in order to express his thoughts clearly. He did not have that on Thursday night. 
And on top of everything else, everything that was thrown at him by Trump was such an obvious lie that I'm sure he was somewhat flabbergasted. 
Which is just as outdated of a word as "malarky". 


When I went to bed on Thursday, after watching the debates, I saw this on my new bark-clothed covered little nightstand dresser. 

At first, my brain would not accept what I was seeing. It wanted to believe that that was just part of the print design on the fabric but I quickly realized that it was not. I did not scream but I did take a picture, and texted Glen who was still in the Glen Den that this was in our room and to bring a jar, please, right now! 
Unfortunately, in my agitation, I sent the picture and message to someone else whom I'd been texting with about the debates. When he didn't respond, I rushed to where he was sitting in front of the TV and told him what was going on, hurried to the kitchen to get a container to catch the spider in, and he followed. Unfortunately, at that point, the spider took off and scampered under the bed so...I have no idea where it is now. I looked under the bed for it but did not see it. I think it was a wolf spider which is scarier-looking than it is dangerous. 
Still. I mean. My god.

And then the next morning, when he'd already gone to Tom's, I found a mouse in the library whose head had been removed. I am sure that Maurice killed the poor thing and ate the head although who knows what Jack does at night? And so I had to sweep the poor little corpse into a dustpan and throw it out into some distant bushes. 
And I suppose- better dead than scurrying around, making more mouse babies. 

I thought once again of what Lily said once when we'd recently moved here and she got up before dawn to go to work and somehow a bat and a cockroach both got themselves into her personal space in the bathroom and she screamed, "Too much nature!"

Never boring in Lloyd. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Dang spiders don't bother me, but I would want to know where that one went. I wonder why cats would eat a mouse head and leave the soft body? What a beautiful fish. And a beautiful family. You are all fortunate.

    1. I have seen my cats eat the heads and leave the bodies on prey before. Maybe they like the brains? And the crunchy skull? Oh who knows?
      We are very fortunate. Thank you.

  2. I thought almost exactly the same when I saw the NYT articles. Why does rump get a pass?

    1. I understand nothing about why he is where he is now and how he's gotten away with it.

  3. It's nice that you show genuine compassion for President Biden Mary and try to understand his predicament. However, it seems clear to me that he is really losing it and if drastic action is not taken by The Democrats or Mr Biden himself then America and the free world will be facing the unthinkable - another term for that horrible Orange Monster.

    1. There is no guarantee whatsoever that ANY other candidate would win against Trump. None. And that is the worst part of all.

  4. DT supporters are flooding all outlets with their trash talk. Even NPR (National Public Radio) is flooded with the same when they open phone/email lines. People are supporting JB because he is the better man. JB is the best option today. The news outlets are not vetting/countering what people are stating. No counter shows bias. (I will no longer donate to NPR.) The B-day cake looks very fine. Glen seems to have caught the great, great, great granddaddy of all snappers. He looks very happy. I do not like spiders and would probably be vacuuming like a crazy lady.... in search of that roaming spider.

    1. Absolutely Biden is the best option. For many of us, the only option at this point.
      I have erred embarrassingly about that fish- it is NOT a red snapper. It is a red grouper. I know nothing.
      I hate to vacuum so much that I'd rather just live with the spider.

  5. I've always had a passion for white cake with white icing.... but your chocolate cake might have brought me to my knees! I haven't had a piece
    of cake since last year. I've lost 66 lbs. since last August. I went vegetarian and usually walk about 3 X day. But...had that cake been sitting around could have been all over! LOL! That spider was scary. My cat, Eddie, delivered a dead mouse at the beside at 3AM the other morning. I nearly shat the bed! I can't deal with dead critters. That's kind of ridiculous as being an RN for decades, I did plenty of post mortem care and it never bothered me. I had to rouse my husband up to do the deed. Not a happy camper! But, where in the hell did that mouse come from? I think that was the largest red snapper I've ever seen. Congrats to Mr. Moon and a Happy Birthday!
    Paranormal John

    1. I know you must feel so proud of yourself. I hope you do, anyway! That is an amazing achievement, John. You go, man!
      I don't deal with dead creatures well either. I have said that the main reason to have a husband is so that someone else will be able to deal with dead animals. And why do the cats seem to bring me presents when my husband is not at home? Dang things.
      That was a grouper! I made a mistake on the ID. I am so ashamed.

  6. That cake is a masterpiece in my eyes! Life is short, calories be damned, if that cake was sitting in front of me, I'd definitely be eating a slice! And my god what a fish! I know there will be some fine dining at your table shortly. Happy Birthday wishes to your man. And many more. CHA CHA CHA!!!
    Angie D

    1. I ate a slice of the cake. It's pretty good but I do not know if it's worth the calories. We should freeze half that thing.
      We're eating fish tonight but cobia which I have never cooked.
      There was some cha-cha'ing going on over here today. Nice.

    2. Slice (and wrap?) before freezing then you can just thaw a slice at a time when you feel like cake.

    3. HA!! All right now! Nothing quiet like a little cha cha-ing on your birthday or any day for that matter! Delightful!
      Angie D

  7. That's an impressive spider. I wonder if the cats will deal with her.
    The Philly Ink wire ( local name for Inquirer) came out strong today demanding T***p step down!
    Joe came back very strong next day, while the stupid step downers were still crying. Go Joe.

    1. Well done, The Philly Ink Wire!
      I have all my chips on Joe.

  8. The cake looks amazing , that was Dennis's favorite cake and then he got diabetes...just sayin'.
    Biden has a stubborn streak, he should have not run at all but there you go. Now it is being questioned - have we been lied to about his health all along? Trump gets a pass because what's the point, his cult will follow him no matter what. This whole thing is being handled so badly.

    The man in a boat with a gigantic snapper is the best photo!

    1. If any one food would give you diabetes, it would be this cake. I am not kidding.
      I really have no understanding of how we got where we are at this moment in time when it comes to our country. I honestly never thought I'd see anything like this.

  9. Good-looking bunch of grandkids there and that's quite an impressive cake, to say nothing of Mr. Moon's snapper. I haven't had German chocolate cake in over three decades. Nobody but me likes coconut in this family. (What's wrong with them!?)
    Always enjoy hearing what the Moons are up to!

    1. What is wrong with them? Coconut is awesome and you can't make pina coladas with them.
      We Moons are generally up to something.

  10. If you are going to eat cake - that is the cake to eat! It sounds and looks wonderful! What a great bunch of lunch companions!
    I finally slept on the debate too. I want to know who prepped Biden and then I want to suggest that we switch to a team of people several decades younger. This isn't grampa's debate stage anymore - rules are out the window. No more Mr Nice Guy. And I really think some moron shot him up with antihistamine's for that cold. An hour later he was fine in a speech and was great all the next day. Surely we can do better.

    1. Well, you know- we all have bad days and better days. And i think as we get older, the bad days just get worse. At least in my experience. Whatever, we, the not-insane-cult-followers will vote for Biden.

  11. You might be right about that stutter. My brother has had a terrible stutter all his life and it's only gotten worse with age. Funnily enough I was thinking about him last night and wondered if he ever actually speaks to anyone at all now (other than my sister and her husband) as talking to strangers always made him worse¨!

    1. Oh, that's so sad! Stuttering can truly limit lives in ways that I had not really considered. I am sorry for your brother.

  12. Did you actually sleep in the bed with that thing underneath? I would have had to leave home until it was found! ( Or at least sleep in the furthest away bed I could find in the house)

    1. Oh, of course I slept in my bed! I doubt that spider wanted to have anything to do with me. Still though, I have thought about him/her a few times since.

  13. That is a beautiful snapper.
    “Too much nature!” Brilliant!!!
    The spider does look like part of the cloth, but are you sure the spider didn’t eat the mouse’s head? Any idea what kind of spider that is? I might check into a hotel.

    1. I found out that fish is a red grouper! God. I'm ignorant. Whatever. I just cook them.
      Too much nature is one of our family sayings. It gets used a lot.
      Okay. You made me laugh with the suggestion that the spider ate the mouse's head. I think it was a wolf spider.

  14. That's a fine looking cake and wow! what a fish!
    I am so disappointed at the number of republicans who just can't see how they are being duped by that lying criminal.

    1. How can they not see it? It is so frustrating to see so many people who are following him like he was Jim Jones.

  15. a) all the chatter about biden stepping down is because people in the party aren't ready for an african american female president yet. me, i voted for him to get her as a fall back plan tbh. b) we just had the SAME conversation on the stutter issue. c) def a wolf spider. if you see them again ask them if they ate the mouse maybe? xxalainaxx

    1. I agree with you about Kamala FOR SURE! I was so happy she was part of the bargain in the last election. I think we are probably right about the stutter issue. And you may be right about the damn spider eating the mouse's head.

  16. I love german chocolate cake and it's been ages since I ate any. that is a wolf spider and they like, for some reason, to hang out in human habitat but they are not dangerous and do us a favor catching flying things. I also am a slow eater, have been all my life. Marc always has to wait for me to finish when we eat out. in fact, if I'm out with a group of people I try not to enter into conversation because that just slows me down even more. I just tell people I like to chew my food before I swallow it.

    and you are right about Biden. plus the NYT has a vendetta against him because he refused an interview with the publisher. the format for that debate was not beneficial to Biden's way of speaking and his speech the next day proved it. I've read since from one poster that he timed both Trump and Biden during the debate to see if the moderators held to the time limits and at times they let Trump go on for over two or three minutes and cut Biden off at times for less than the two minutes allowed. also the lighting and the camera angles were not complimentary to Biden. I read they always showed Trump face on but would show Biden from a different angle which made it look like he was staring into space. total hit job. and did you see the picture, a close up of Trump's ear during the debate that showed what looked like an earpiece in his ear?

    1. Yeah, I've read Jeff Tiedrich's theory about the NYT's and their vendetta against Trump. I hate to believe that's true but I can believe anything at this point.
      I honestly can't believe that the debate was in any way rigged to favor Trump. I mean- the rules themselves favored him but Biden agreed to those. I hadn't seen anything about Trump wearing an ear piece.

  17. 37paddington: The cake looks delicious to me! As for Biden he sounded so much stronger at his rallies the next day. And I do believe your grandsons may grow as tall as their Boppy! And their hearts will be as true.

    1. For sure Thursday night was NOT Biden's shining hour. I am truly hoping it was just a complete one-off. But hell, let's face it- in a coma he'd be a better president than Trump.
      I am absolutely stunned at how fast Owen is growing. When he hugged me had to bend over! If I have one wish for my grands, it is that they all have their grandfather's heart.

  18. Happy birthday Glen! I think that’s a grouper that he’s caught, and a mighty fine looking one. Just catching up, I too woke up feeling very depressed the morning after the debate. I sure as hell hope there are enough of us to keep another four years of hell, madness and wtf from happening.

    1. God, Barbara- you are right. It is a red grouper!
      I agree with your hope with all of my heart.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.