Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beans And More Beans

 Not a one of you commented yesterday on the photo of my salacious sago palm. Does this mean that I am more easily amused by juvenile humor than the rest of you?
Probably. I should apologize if I offended anyone but hey! I didn't design sago palms that way. Talk to your own personal creator/god about that. 

I basically did two things today. 
One was weeding one of the field pea beds. Bean beds. Whatever. 

At this point in summer, if you don't keep up with the weeds they'll be knee high and thick as the fibers on a fine shag carpet if you turn your back. I had noticed that there are sections of our garden that are right on the verge of that and those three rows was one of the areas so I worked for probably about forty-five minutes, clearing them, and that was absolutely all I could do of that and I had to come inside. Soon after I did, though, we got a beautiful little storm, thunder and all, with a decent soaking rain. Not too long, not too hard but it surely did drop the temperature a good ten degrees which was a blessed gift. It's still cooler. 

I settled inside with my beans and worked on those some more. I started watching a series as I snapped and shelled that I've been meaning to watch for a long time. Hank has told me over and over again how much I'd like it and I know that Ellen and her husband love the show as she speaks of it frequently. So I began and before I knew it, I was deeply involved in the characters. Oh! I forgot to mention the name of it- Reservation Dogs. Perhaps reading Quiet Until the Thaw, which takes place mainly on a reservation, influenced me to finally see what was what. Hank and Rachel love it so much that they have not watched the two final episodes because they don't want it to be over. 
That, when it comes to a series, is true love.
So yes, I'll be watching that and another thing that summer provides along with weeds, is plenty of beans to shell which is a very fine thing to sit and do while watching TV. I know, I know- everyone's grandma always sat on the porch to shell their bushels of beans but it's 2024 and I'd prefer to sit on the couch in the air conditioned Glen Den and watch some television, thank you very much. 
I bet your granny would have too. 

So. What has Mr. Moon been up to since we got back? 
Well, he got a call from Tom who is now ready to make the move into the Tiny House. Although rain and bugs and no electricity was not enough to get him out of the trailer, this heat has been. And of course the Tiny House has not yet been hooked up to electricity so guess who rented a trencher today in which to lay the power line which guess who arranged to be put in? 
Oh, you know. Glen Moon. Who also used the trencher to dig the trench and who also hit a water line because Tom did not remember it was there, nor was it marked, so when he goes back tomorrow to return the trencher to Home Depot, he'll get the PVC he needs to fix the water line. 
This project never will really end, will it? 
But I know that it really makes Glen feel good to do these things, not only because he loves to work hard at a project but because he knows that no one else is going to do it. 

Here are the beans I shelled today. 

And that was a few hours of work. This is not a speedy operation. But that's okay. I enjoyed every moment of it, being all cool and comfortable and watching a new (to me) series with excellent acting, good story lines, and, as I can tell, even better ones to come. 

I've got those beans cooking right now with a piece of bacon, some chopped onions, and a few of the more tender snapped beans. I hope they are good. For whatever reason, growing beans of that size makes me feel as if I am growing REAL food, as opposed to, eh- cucumbers? So silly. 

I'll let you know how they taste.

Oh- I have gotten an e-mail from a regular commenter who says that her comments won't publish. Is anyone else having that problem? I haven't changed any settings so I have no idea what's going on. Of course, if you can't comment, you'll have to email me to tell me. My email address is right up there on the blog page under Ms. Moon. Also- it appears that the method of posting pictures on the blog has changed. It actually seems faster and more efficient. Any of y'all notice that? 

Technology. It is a boon and a bane, isn't it? 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. You need to throw a few more strips of bacon 🥓 🥓 in that pot of beans 🫘! One piece simply will not do! Kielbasa would work, too!
    Glen is bound and determined to get Tom into his tiny house before winter sets in! LOL That hubby of yours is a keeper!

    1. Nope! One was enough. It was a small pot.
      I will keep Mr. Moon for as long as I possibly can.

  2. Growing palms with a great big old penis in the front yard is hilarious. I guess I just got carried away with the phlox and beans yesterday. Your supply of beans continues to be impressive. My neighbor makes gallons and gallons of tomato sauce; he grows tomatoes, like you grow beans. When Glen finishes Tom's build, he's going to have some free time.

    1. Man, I wish our tomatoes did a quarter as well as my beans do. Florida is just really not ideal for tomato growing.
      Glen NEVER has free time. He's always got a project or two cooking.

  3. I had to bite my tongue on the Sago palm, didn't want to offend any of your readers. Sure did agree with your comments tho.........

    1. Jim, I think most of the readers here are pretty hard to offend. If they weren't, they wouldn't be here long!

  4. PS: Comments are publishing just fine.

  5. The commenting thing seems to have resolved itself, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. Maybe someone at Blogger read my published long list of blogs I wasn't able to comment on and took pity on me?
    Anyway, that is a fine lot of beans and the soup will be wonderful. If I had weeded for forty-five minutes I'd be in the cool with my feet up too!

  6. No changes at all for me, pictures loading exactly as always, comments appearing. So I dunno.
    I think people comment on what interests them, I know I do.

    1. Oh, I agree about comments but River had emailed me about her problem not being able to comment.

    2. I was referring to the sago palm! I wasn't interested so I didn't comment. I wasn't very clear, I guess.

  7. I've just had a chance to sit down to read my blogs and it's 9:30 pm already. Having my grandkids visiting is sure exhausting! It's a LOT and I actually needed a little nap today while they went off to the beach in town. But they are having so much fun with their cousins that live near me so that's sweet to see. I've just forgotten how non-stop it can all be!

    1. Good Lord, YES! Kids are so much! When mine are around I look at Glen and mutter, "I'm too old for this." It's our little joke. Sort of a joke. Sort of not. But yes, wonderful too.

  8. Hi Ms Moon, I think in these more liberal days it takes more than a sago palm phallus to get us roused, chin rubs for Maurice and Jack please. Best wishes Willy Wombat, Dorset England

    1. Hello, Willy Wombat! Do I know you? You're probably right about the sago palm but it is a funny sight, sitting right there in front of the porch, being all proud and everything.
      Chin rubs will be delivered.

  9. Mr. Moon really goes above and beyond, doesn't he!

  10. Much praise goes to Mr Moon.
    You made me think of my granny, the one who actually shelled her garden peas and whatever it is you do with bundles of black currants and other berries and runner beans, and whether she would watch tv while doing this. She died before there was daytime tv. Probably a good thing.
    I think she would, to an extent that she would forget shelling. But no series, she would watch all the shopping channels and comment on the outfits of the presenters.

    1. Oh, so your granny was THAT sort of lady? My grandmother never shelled a bean in her life that I know of. She grew up the youngest of ten kids and I believe they had servants in their house. She admits that she didn't even know how to cook rice when she got married.

    2. I still can't cook rice. It's either undercooked or a soggy mess, so I do mashed potatoes instead.

  11. Hmmm...I didn't notice the picture thing this morning, but I'll keep an eye on it tomorrow. Commenting is always a bit wonky with Blogger, as you know!

    I'll also keep an eye out for that show. Dave and I need some new TV. I'm forcing him to watch "Worst Roommate Ever" on Netflix, which I love but he is merely tolerating. :)

    1. I don't know if y'all would like the show. It's billed as a comedy/drama but I think as the series goes on, it becomes more of a drama. At least from what Hank has told me. It has its humor though. For sure.

  12. I love beans; they are comfort food! I need to find some series to watch on TV. I tried a German one called "Nordic Murders" but it was so dark and depressing.

    1. I can't bear to watch dark and depressing these days. Or frenzied, either. Know what i mean? "Calm down!" I want to tell the characters.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.