Friday, February 23, 2024

Our Girl

She is here! I went to pick her up at after-school and we had such a lovely conversation on the way home. When we got to our house she exclaimed, "We're here! My favorite place in the world!" 
Now you know that made me so happy. 

She wanted to do her puzzle first thing so she worked on hers and I worked on mine. She insisted that it would fit on the table and she was right. Next, we smushed down the rising bread dough and she helped me roll it into a loaf. She is very excited about having that with her meatballs and spaghetti and she and I will make the meatballs here in a moment. 

Before she got here I spent the day doing homey things and also took the trash where I saw Miss Shelly, a woman I met on my walks long ago. We have a mutual affection. We bitch about our weight and talk about our yards and so forth. It was really nice to see her. She told me what that bus-stop looking bench is for. It's where Amazon workers wait for the vehicle that picks them up to take them to work at the giant distribution facility one interstate exit away. We both agreed that we were glad we weren't working there. 

Candie was here today and so my house is nice and clean and I did the bed sheets because I actually take great pleasure in that whole process. After I made the bed up I brought out Dorothy Anne, Rosa, Emily, Zippy, and the baby monkey that Lily made me when she was a little girl to greet Maggie when she got here. 

When Maggie saw them she said, "It's like they're waiting for me!" 
"They are," I said. She put her things in that room because as usual, she will be sleeping with me. I always give her the option of sleeping in the guest room. I assure her we have night lights and that the bed is so cozy but she always politely declines and says she'd rather sleep with me. She's a good sleeper so that's okay. And Mr. Moon probably loves sleeping in the guest room.
I ain't gonna lie. I snore.  

And of course she had to play with her Linda Sue treasures. 

Some of my little dolls made their way into her imaginary world too. That girl can create an entire alternate universe to step into at the drop of a hat. I love how she always wants to do the same things every time she's here. Today she wanted to play with one of the very old pillow-cover dolls that were Hank's and May's when they were little. So I let her. 

"You better put her up now," she said. "She makes me nervous that I'll break her."

She asked me a little while ago if it bothered me that she asks me so many question. I told her that no, I loved it when she asked me questions.
"Because it makes you feel smart?" she asked. 
"No, because it makes me feel needed," I said. 

And that's the truth of it. 

Off to make meat-balls!

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. How lovely! And it is so heart-warming that Magnolia announced, "My favorite place in the world!" The image of the two of you sitting there doing your own jigsaws is very sweet. All five of your grandchildren are lucky to have you and Glen close by but I guess that you feel the very same way.

  2. I love that her hair has grown long and curly again. No more self styled haircuts, it seems.

    1. Nope. She may be past that stage of her life. Of course, as we all do, she'll reenter it for a time in her adult years.

  3. I do like reading about the divine miss M. Such an interesting person.

  4. I am also having spaghetti, but no meatballs, just the sauce with vegetables in it. So lovely to see Maggie enjoying her time with you.

  5. Replies
    1. She really is. There's a lot to that girl. She's going to be something. Well, she already is.

  6. I hope you all had a sweet night and enjoyed those meatballs!

  7. My heart! She's looking so grown up suddenly. Oh the feels this gives me.

    1. I agree. It's like all of a sudden, she's changed. And she is going to be tall too, I think.

  8. I can't remember how old my grandgirls were before they stopped wanting me to sleep with them. mine would help me fix dinner too.

  9. So both Maggie and Mary are having a lovely weekend. This made me smile.

  10. Sounds like you're both having a wonderful time -- and the dolls too!

    1. ALL of the dolls got played with by the time she left today.

  11. I loved this post. A little slice of life from your corner of the world.

  12. What a lovely post. Mutual pleasure in each other's company.


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