Sunday, February 18, 2024


Of course I had to do a little research on the Moon Infused Water I saw for sale yesterday and it is everything I expected and more. Surprisingly, it's a quite well-known thing. That photo is of a tin sign that you can buy on Amazon for wall decor. It is 6 by 8 inches and costs $5.57 which sounds like a steal to me. 
A long time ago I did a post on "ancient wisdom" and other related topics. It really disturbs me when people get all excited about something because it's based on ancient wisdom or ancient customs or ancient beliefs or...well, ancient whatever. 

Turns out that Moon Water is based on several of those ancient things or at least Moon Water's proponents claim that to be true. Here's a quote from a Yoga Journal article about the stuff. 

"Rooted in ancient traditions and infused with otherworldly beliefs, the sacred ritual of placing water where it will be infused with moonlight holds significance in cultures that revere nature and align with the lunar phases."

In this case, Moon Water is rooted in "ancient traditions." If you click on the link above you can find out all about it. 
I think humans are incredibly gullible creatures and that's all I'll say about that because Jessie says I'm judgmental and after doing a casual mental inventory, I do believe she is right. I'll probably write about that someday too. 

Next up! The garden! Mr. Moon, as I noted the other day, got a truckload of compost at the Tallahassee Waste Management facility. They give it to you for free. This is exciting. Yes, I do have a compost pile but that does not mean we have our own compost because we don't do it "right". We just throw stuff on a pile and occasionally pitchfork the stuff over. One of these days we have to use it though because it still has the goodness of chicken shit hay in it. I do believe it's mellow enough by now. 
In the meantime, Mr. Moon unloaded the truck and spread the compost around on the rows and it looks like this.

Now is that not beautiful? He's going to get another truckload and then the pine straw I mentioned. I think he's a little disappointed in me that I did not help him unload that truck. When we first started living together (which was approximately five moments after we met), he said he'd help me make a garden and he did. We went to a horse farm and got some of their horse shit hay and I helped him load it on the truck and then did a lot of the shoveling of it off the truck into the garden. 
Between seeing that and watching how I made biscuits without a recipe or so much as a measuring spoon, he fell in love. Well, there was another thing involved but it would not be ladylike to mention it. 
And I have continued to shovel shit over the almost-forty years we've now been married but my days of that could be over. I just did not feel compelled to help him. And I do believe, as I said, that he was somewhat disappointed. 
I told him that I still make him biscuits (I did that this morning, in fact) and the other thing too. He agreed that this was probably sufficient. 

We do make each other laugh. This morning we were talking about the standing water across from the GDDG. He said he'd noticed it too. We both shook our heads in dismay and then he said, "Yeah, before you know it, there'll be fish in there."
"Yes," I said. "There's always a bright side." 
He is an optimist, isn't he?

Now let's discuss Maurice. Sorry for the blurry picture but she was up in my face and I was in bed, lying down. For the past two or three nights that cat has claimed the space in our bed for her own to sleep with us. Jack is our usual co-sleeper and there have been bloody fights over the land rights. But for whatever reason, she has lately been determined to sleep with us and Jack doesn't even fight her on it. She's gotten into a little routine wherein when she knows I'm going to bed, she leads me into the bathroom where I brush my teeth, take my shower, apply various creams that do nothing they promise, and all that stuff. She patrols every nook and cranny of my bathroom, under the dresser, behind the tub, etc. When I am done and in my nightgown, she stands by the door, I open it, and she waits until I get in bed and then she gets in bed to cuddle beside me. 
None of this is particularly surprising but what IS surprising is that she is letting me pet her without biting me. She even does a little tongue grooming of my arm. Also- she does not get up with Mr. Moon who is always out of the bed before me, but waits until I get up, follows me back into the bathroom, waits until I am dressed and washed and brushed and ready for the day and then follows me out. 
I have no idea what's going on. This is the friendliest this cat has ever been. I am under no delusions that she's never going to bite or scratch me again. 
None. But it is interesting. 
I have a theory that she's only using me to get back at Glen for going off and leaving her on his hunting and fishing trips. But who knows? Not me. 

I've spent a good portion of the day trying to make us something for dinner. The thing I'm making has gone through several iterations. At first I thought to make a greens and white bean, chicken and parmesan stew, and then I thought, nah, I'll make a white bean and chicken chili, and then I discovered that I had no no green chilis and now it's going to be mutt soup with chicken, greens, white beans, parmesan, and pasta, I guess. With tomatoes. 

It's taken me four different pots to make that soup, including the pressure cooker I had to use to get the beans cooked. They were white kidney beans which I bought because I'd never seen them before and was curious as to how they'd taste. 
They seem to taste pretty okay. 

Whoa! I'm getting texts about Vergil being in a circus today. I must explore this. 

Oh my god. Blindfolds, handcuffs, and popped balloons were involved. Cirque Italia. 
I'll update you on this tomorrow.

Meanwhile...sunset in Lloyd tonight. 

No filters. No editing. 
Not unlike this post. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Your garden is a thing and work of beauty! Moon water? I'll leave it, rather than take it.......but interesting read. Maurice's bathroom antics made me a bit sad...thinking about our long departed cat *Stinky*.....who followed my bathroom routine for years...daily..sink, tub, sink....faucet for a drink......aptly, when she got quite old at near her end.....I came home from work one evening to find she had died laying on the floor next to the laundry hamper....her place......which was in fact, a blessing. Cats are quite surreal......I find. We are having a soup similar to yours tonight...been working on it all day and it's almost time, we look forward to it
    Susan M

    1. Cats do seem to be fascinated with bathrooms.
      I'm glad your beloved cat was able to die peacefully in the place where she felt most comfortable and safe.

  2. When there is something in it for her, a treat, food, bed, Kitty waylays me at every point for half an hour or more before.
    It's possible that shoveling and moving heavy loads are beyond your back or shoulders these days. Your garden looks glorious, and that sunset is divine.

    1. Cats are definitely interested in what's in it for them. I'm pretty sure that's their whole purpose in living with us.
      You could be right about my shit-shoveling days.

  3. That photo of Maurice is adorable. She is watching over you. That circus sounds interesting. Certainly the boys were enthralled. Have a sweet night.

    1. The boys were extremely enthralled!
      Maurice was feeling quite possessive of me that evening.

  4. Your garden is a thing of beauty.
    Moon water ... hmmm. I would like to see a double blind clinical trial on the purported benefits, please.

  5. Long ago, Organic Gardening had an article about Wonder Water. This was water that had been brought to a boil, poured into canning jars and capped. The theory was some magic ensued and this water, if used on your plants would give wondrous results. I never tried it but later they decided it was bunk. The moon, on the other hand can make us go crazy. Do you believe in planting according to the phases of the moon?
    I think Maurice wants to be a dog.

    1. Oh god. I used to get Organic Gardening magazine. And Prevention. I guess I learned some things but I do not remember Wonder Water. What a joke.
      The moon really seems to affect us and I am not arguing that but water that was exposed to moonlight? Ummmm. No.
      We don't plant by moon phases but I have known people who do.

  6. Yes I think that cat has switched allegiance to the human who's reliably there at night and doesn't suddenly go away.
    I heard of that boiled water idea, and there's some idea behind it. I think it's chlorine gets driven off so it's purer for plants. Or something.
    I think the moon water idea is nice for people who believe in it.

    1. And then of course last night, Maurice would not leave her human man's lap to come get in bed with me! Cats are just so unpredictable.
      You could be right about the chlorine but I doubt it creates something with amazing plant growing powers.
      Your last sentence reminds me of what a kind person you are. What a graceful way to put it!

  7. Beautiful sunset. I'm curious about the circus too now. And why is Maurice suddenly being so nice and cuddly? Has she realised that you are both women and can support each other?
    Your garden looks absolutely fabulous with the compost.

    1. Don't ask me about Maurice. Maybe she was just asserting her dominance over Jack. With that cat I never have any idea.
      I think my garden looks tremendous.

  8. Cats are weird. Bagheera has started sleeping with me again, not sure why, but I enjoy her company. As for moon water, really? I love the moon, love looking at it, watching it go through it's phases but I don't think it can impart any special properties to water. But who knows.

  9. I’m not being judgmental, just skeptical. Anyway, you always water your plants with Moon water. (Or, Mr. Moon can pee, bottle it, and make a fortune.) Cats are strange creatures. The soup is a beauty, as is the garden and the sunset.

    1. I've told Jessie that I'm not judgmental, I'm merely opinionated. And it just so happens that my opinion can often be summed up the words, "That is horseshit."
      I wonder if the My Gypsy Soul Boutique would sell Mr. Moon's Moon Water? I'll discuss this with Glen.

  10. Love the cat story. I had 5 cats over many years and I don't remember any of them in bed with me.
    Great photo of the boys.....looking forward to hearing the circus story tomorrow.

    1. What? Five cats and none of them ever slept in the bed with you? I thought all cats liked to sleep with humans.

    2. Mine always came to bed with me and the minute I switched off the light they were off doing whatever they did at night. They'd show up early morning to get me up.

  11. Flower essences are also a thing. The idea is you harness the power of the flower in the water which you then drink. So for example early on a sunny day you pick dandelion heads and float them on a bowl of freshly sourced spring water in the sunshine until noon. Then you drink the water. It is fun to do in the early spring when the the spring water is running fresh and clear and there are plenty of dandelion heads popping up all over and I am pottering in the garden and need a drink at noon. Of course drinking the dandelion water makes you grounded and resilient as there is nothing more grounded and resilient than a dandelion. I have also used daisies (helps you to be more open to new experiences and opportunities) and violets which help if your heart is broken and crab apple blossom which is good if you feel you need a fresh start. There is more to this than you might think. I loved seeing your vegetable garden, it looks similar to mine here on the spring line of the South Downs, which is a range of gentle hills (600 feet high) about 60 miles south of London and 10 miles from the English south coast. I added squeaky fresh spinach from the garden to our lemony spaghetti dish last night. I feel I know Florida a little bit as my husband spent a year working his way around the USA in 1980 and one of his jobs was valet parker at Mister Pip’s night club parking the fancy pants cars. I know he once parked Chris Evert’s car! Sarah in Sussex

    1. You are very lucky to have a source of fresh spring water. Most of us do not. I will have to take your word on flower water.
      Your garden sounds lovely. Fresh spinach is a delicacy. Unfortunately, it does not grow well here.
      I've never heard of Mister Pip's but have looked it up. Ft. Lauderdale is not a place I've spent a lot of time but it is near where I used to live as a child. Did you ever visit the Tallahassee area?

  12. I get pathetically excited about compost too. The local Mairie gave every household a free compost bin a few years back and I dutifully throw stuff in it and occasionally fork it over but I'm not sure that does as much good as the grass clippings my gardener dumps in a pile at the top of the garden to become complete sludge. I really don't know what I'm doing but it is one of life's little pleasures isn't it!

    1. It is! And I can remember my grandfather turning his compost with a pitchfork. He was very particular about his compost.

  13. Do people not know that moonlight is actually reflected sunlight-- and that the moon emits no light on its own?
    But still, being outdoors in the country late at night when the moon is bright enough for you to see your shadow on the silvery ground is truly magical.

    1. Yes, but you see- after that light has bounced off the moon, it's different!
      I guess. I read that if you expose Moon Water to sunlight, its powers dissipate.
      I agree- just being outside under the moon is plenty of magic for me too.

  14. At one time I had a singe bed and slept with two cats that hated each other. Issy slept on the upper inside and Ellery slept on the lower outside, I slept on the diagonal to keep them apart. If I had to get up during the night I would slip out of the bed without disturbing either of them.

    1. Oh gosh. The things we do to keep the peace between our cats. My cats hate each other too. To the point where they will NOT both sleep on the bed at the same time, no matter how well I try to keep them separate.
      You are obviously a good cat daddy.

  15. Cat follows me around though she only sleeps with Minnie and me sometimes. Moon water. I'll give the benefit of the doubt to some woo woo stuff but this is a little too far. Wouldn't it be better to just sit in the moonlight seeing as how we are 60% water ourselves?

  16. Beautiful sunset! I'm very curious about Vergil's adventures at the circus. As for Moon Water -- well, let's just say I'm even more judgmental than you!

    1. It was an amazing sunset, even in Tallahassee.
      I will not judge you on being judgmental about Moon Water.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.