Saturday, February 10, 2024

Cheer Up, Buttercup!

 Last night when I had served the fellas their supper and was bringing my own bowl of chicken and dumplings in, this is what I found. Jack was obviously thinking he had a place at the table. He really does, though, as he always lays between me and Mr. Moon while we eat, hoping that a miracle will occur and we will offer him some tasty tidbits. 
He is ever optimistic, that one. 

Owen and Mr. Moon both proclaimed the chicken and dumplings the best ever and they were good. The dumplings were very nice and fluffy and I even had to make two batches- one with self-rising flour and buttermilk, and the second with self-rising flour, milk, and plain yogurt because I'd used up all the buttermilk. I know that I can add vinegar or lemon juice to make a fake buttermilk but the yogurt worked beautifully. 

Gosh but we had a good time with our boy. He's just the sweetest. He wanted to go to bed early because that 5:00 a.m. wake-up call was going to come fast so he took his shower and got in the guest bed, fondly known as the most comfortable bed in the world. 
And it is true. 

Mr. Moon's alarm woke up me up this morning but I just rolled over and went back to sleep while the guys got up, put on their camo, loaded up their stuff, and headed out to the ponds. I got up late for me and I'm blaming it on Maurice who actually came and snuggled up to me after Glen left, and Lord knows I don't ever want to give that cat reason to become upset with me so I just stayed right there in bed having crazy dreams until I finally realized that unless I intended to sleep all day, I'd better get up. Maurice did give me one of her yowls of bitchiness but I was spry enough to get away from her before she could get her weapons out. 
I found a pot of hot coffee, just made, and two sweet notes from my boys when I got to the kitchen. Glen always makes the coffee the night before and when he goes hunting in the early morning, he sets it for when he's going to get up and then he pours that into a thermos flask and makes me a separate pot, set to brew later. 
Now that is love. 
The guys had a great time. Glen sent me a video of an eagle, soaring over the water, looking for fish or a duck. And Owen told me that he'd loved it, especially the eagle and watching the dogs work with the hunters to retrieve their ducks. It's a whole world and I know that nothing could make Glen happier than to share it with his boy. It would not be my choice of something to share with a grandchild, of course, but it is my husband's and I am happy for him to have these opportunities. He is proud of the way Owen conducts himself on hunts and fishing trips, too. And they get to go to breakfast afterwards and eat like Real Men. 

When they got back, Owen walked with me down to the post office and I was really surprised to see all the cars at the farmer's market organized by the My Gypsy Soul Boutique lady. Good for her! We didn't buy anything but it looked like other people were. I wanted to go to the PO because I'd gotten notification that a puzzle I'd ordered from eBay had been delivered and it had been. 

Now this one really is going to take me a year to do but I am excited to start it. 

And then Owen had to get to work. He took a shower and put on his Publix clothes. 

His grandfather is about six feet, eight inches tall. I love seeing them together. 

I drove him to work and then did a little shopping. When it came time to check out, I got in the line that Owen was bagging for. I took this picture when he wasn't looking, bagging up the groceries of the lady in front of me.  

I was so proud. I tried not to embarrass him and did not even kiss him when I left. It was hard. 

I've been a little low today, again completely unmotivated to do anything. I made myself get out and do some garden weeding but that and some laundry is about all I've managed to do. I really have no excuse. It's been a perfect day, weather-wise, and there have been so many birds at the feeder, chirping and chipping and even lining up in the camellia bushes to wait their turn to fly in and take their share. We've had so many cardinals this year. Their brilliant scarlet feathers, black faces, and yellow beaks are such a contrast to the mockingbirds' and wrens' dull grays and whites. And then of course the red-headed woodpeckers and blue jays and gold finches bring more colors to the feeder, to my life. I absolutely do observe the birds and listen to their songs and love the fact that I share my tiny part of the world with them. 
I have so very, very much that I am grateful for. And yet, as I have confessed before, sometimes these things, these riches, only serve to make me feel guiltier because how can I have all of this and still so often find myself sad? 

It's okay. I'm okay. 

And this made me giggle today. 

I love "Pickles." I've read that the artist bases a lot of his strips on his parents-in-law. I think. I could be wrong. It could be his own parents. But whatever, he is paying attention and he gets it so right so often. 

And for my (by now) quite familiar "one more thing"- here's another picture I took at the Trident restaurant yesterday which I find to be richly ironic. This is how one wall above the wainscoting in the ladies' room is decorated. 

For those of you who do not know- those are oyster shells. There was not one oyster on the menu that I saw. Sadly, they have cut off oyster harvesting entirely from the Apalachicola bay due to over-harvesting and water issues concerning the Apalachicola River which has been devastating to the local economy so it's not completely unreasonable that they don't serve those sweet, salty bivalves which have been gathered since before white people ever showed up in that part of the world. Other local restaurants are substituting oysters shipped in from places like Cedar Key, Florida, and Texas. And in fact, we stopped at a seafood retail place on our way home and Mr. Moon bought some in the shell and had them shucked and I am going to make him an oyster stew which he loves. 

I hate to think that the day will come when we've fucked up the precious waters of our planet so badly that oysters will be known only for their shells' ability to adorn a black wall in a restroom in a seafood restaurant. 

I am so ashamed at what we are leaving our grandchildren. They deserve so much better. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I love Pickles! Thanks for reminding me about them. Sounds as if The Men had a grand Manly Time!

  2. Oh my , that Lad is so handsome, what a good kid! Maurice could learn something from him!
    The oyster wall is horrifying! Up here there is a rule that the oyster shells be put back from where they were harvested or the babies will not grow. Cold water, winter months are the only good oyster months.
    It is not about "deserve" rather the timing of their births- climate change waits for no soul, takes nothing into account - moves ahead furiously. BUT, I do believe that the youth whom we love so dearly might just adapt.

    1. Apalachicola is built on oyster shells. I swear to god. Part of the deal with the oyster situation in Apalachicola Bay is that the Apalachicola River goes through Georgia and Atlanta gets a lot of the water for their use. Thus, the balance of fresh and salt water has gotten fucked up and a system which has worked for eons no longer does thanks to humans.
      I think the next generations will adapt but it's not going to be easy.

  3. Owen is a joy, aside from being SO handsome! And TALL! Glad he and Mr Moon have so much *man* fun together....and then the Mer love- too good! Love the Pickles! One of our ranch neighbors came this morning w/ her 2 *littles* to hunt with *Uncle Buzz* for wild mushrooms. Yee gads! Once back, their Mom and Buzz chatted in drive for an hour while the littles came in and entertained, amused and delighted me for that hour. Sheesh, I'd be worn out....(I almost was) but they are delightful, bright children (5 1/2 and 3 1/2) and we played hide and seek, and discussed their interests, their thoughts, drank water, ate tangerines.........and I SO enjoyed them- highlight of my day. The older one even read half of a sentence in the book I gave them, *The Little Bear* by Else Minarik, and she did well! I only hope she and her little brother will love the book as much as I did when I was their age. They brought a light into my (recently) drab days....and I am thankful for that tonight. Now....a big pot of pinto beans with ham, pasilla peppers awaits.....with corn tortillas.....and I may be even better after that!
    Susan M

    1. None of my grandkids loved the Little Bear books as much as I hoped they would but I surely did read the books to them. My favorite is "A Kiss For Little Bear."
      Kids are amazing, arent they?

  4. I hope you feel better soon, Buttercup. I don't know if it's the air or the water.

  5. I love the way you do grandparenting. You both are just the best. Owen is growing so beautifully. I know those days when things feel a bit gray. Rock with it, dear one, the colors will bloom again soon.

  6. I admire your restraint for not kissing that gorgeous boy in his place of work.
    There are limits on things that can be taken from our waters. Not being of the fishing breed I am unsure what but I do know that steps are in place to protect and there are penalties for those who disgregard.

    1. Oh, Florida is absolutely filled with specific seasons for the different fish and bivalves and crabs, etc. And the rules are very much enforced here too.

  7. I do not like that oyster shell wall, it is creepy. I'm glad you got to see Owen at work. I'm very surprised that Maurice snuggled with you in the bed.

    1. The oyster shell was was creepy. Also, the toilets were black. As in, they were black, not dirty.

  8. I think it's lovely that Mr. Moon and Owen share a passion. There can be no better memories than those - for either of them. And enjoy your puzzle. It's Frida right?

  9. What a great puzzle.....I wish I could find one like that in the local charity shops, which is where I always buy mine.
    Owen is getting to be a handsome young man, and the tall one ain't bad either!!

    1. I carefully peruse the thrift stores now for jigsaw puzzles that I like. I think my favorites of the ones I've done have all come from thrift stores.
      I think my fellas are quite handsome.

  10. And still, this post is filled to overflowing with love. I looked at the photo of Grandpa and grandson and said to myself, I thought Owen was tall. Then I read on. I had no idea Mr. Moon was 6’8”! Wishing you good thoughts on Sunday.

    1. Mr. Moon is very tall. Almost inappropriately so. He did play basketball. I always say that he has to be that big for his heart to fit in. I also say that he is "well-proportioned." Which he is.

  11. I was surprised to see the profile of Owen. He and Magnolia look a lot alike. I guess I never really noticed before.

    The oyster shell wall? How would you keep that clean?

    The puzzle. All I can think of is your first puzzle and your proclamation "I will do it but I won't like it." Yet here we are. That puzzle is a dandy.

    1. The oyster shells have all been covered with some sort of acrylic, I guess. Still- a pain to clean.
      I think Owen looks far more like Lily than Maggie does. To me, she favors her other grandmother.
      Haha! It was probably just a little over a year ago that I started doing puzzles. I swear- they got me through that kidney stone.

  12. Future Generations do deserve the very best World we can let them Inherit, since, it was just Loaned to our Generations and should be Preserved for all of the Future ones. I think a Boy and his Grandpa should be making such Memories as yours are, those are Priceless. I've felt low too and can relate to the Guilt of feeling that way when everything is so glorious in Nature and Life is Good, yet, the Blues overtake us sometimes anyway. The Bipolar Mixed Episodes are so unpredictable and I try to stay Mindful it's a Condition and has very little, if anything, to actually do with particular circumstance, at least for me anyway, it's a Mental Health Disorder I've always had and just learned to Cope with. Sometimes in healthy ways. *LOL* May it all Lift for you soon, that Cartoon made me Smile too... she sounds like me if The Man were to ask. *Ha ha ha*

    1. It is definitely not external circumstances that rule some of our mindsets, is it? I mean, they can trigger situations but all-in-all, it comes from within. Bad chemicals, I call it.
      I'm glad you liked the cartoon.

  13. Owen has so many wonderful memories of the times he has spent with you and Mr. Moon. You guys pack so much fun, good food, and love into each visit. It's lovely, Mary.

    1. I think he has good memories. We try to make it so that they all do.

  14. My Jade is in town for the weekend, had a party to go to last night. she's coming over later. I looked at that picture of the oyster shells and thought what the hell is that before it coelesed into recognition. Owen is a treasure.

    1. I know how special your grandgirls are to you. Like my grands are to me. What an amazing sort of relationship this is.

  15. My father grew up in a place called North Oyster and he loved oysters. Me, not so much, not at all actually. They make me want to gag. We have definitely fucked up this world. All that we can do is teach our grandchildren the skills they will need to survive in this world.
    Owen has stretched so much. He's a nice looking young man:)

    1. Oysters are an acquired taste for many of us. My favorite way to eat them is baked with various toppings, generally involving cheese. But I do enjoy a few raw on the half shell.
      Can you imagine how tall Owen is going to be by the time he's seventeen?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.