Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A Fine Day In Lloyd Land

Here we have an approximately eight-pound turkey potpie that I made today to use up the very last of the turkey. Don't worry. The meat was in the freezer part of the time. It has potatoes, onions, celery, mushrooms, broccoli, peas, and carrots in it along with the turkey. I will be baking it here shortly. 
And Thanksgiving will be officially over. 

I've had a very decent day. I have no idea why. It was Candie's day to come and clean but she now has the puke virus that her kids had so she didn't come. 
Kids. They are just here on earth to do the bidding of viruses and bacteria, as far as I can see. Wouldn't it be funny if viruses developed humans in order to have a way to replicate? Like flowers developing stamens and pistils. 
I swear to you, I sometimes think this is a possibility. But you know me and my theories. 

So since Candie did not come, I decided to unleash Ralph, my Roomba. Poor Ralph has been sorely underused since Candie entered my life but he cranked right up today and did fine until he mysteriously parked himself in his little port and shone his red light. He needed a check-up and a little work done so I got out my robot-doctoring stuff and gave him an exam and he had a few problems going on that I was able to diagnose and fix. This included a transplant of the three-armed little brushy thing that Roombas have which spin around. One of Ralph's brushes' arms had been completely ripped off by something. 
Anyway, after his surgery, he got right back to work and then this happened. 

The determined little robot dragged that size fifteen sneaker all the way from Glen's closet which is, in robot terms, about nine miles away. 
Okay. That's a bit of hyperbole but it is a seriously long distance. 
I unwrapped the sneaker's lace from one of the rollers, and once again, Ralph sprang right back to attention and finished up his work. 

So you know, I was busy all day making sure that Ralph was healthy and doing his job and I did some laundry and...what else did I do? It took me awhile to make that potpie because it involved vegetable chopping and steaming and sautéing and then making the pastry and all that stuff. I picked some arugula to make a nice salad with apples and craisins and sliced almonds. I generally use pecans in that salad but I used up every pecan in this house making the fruitcakes. 

I also fed my sourdough starter. I have not done that in a shamefully long time. So long that I think it's going to take a few more feedings before it's really up to the task of raising bread again. I just haven't been in the mood to bake sourdough. It makes me sad for various reasons, one of them being that my loaves are just not the things of wonder and beauty that they could be. 
I just checked the re-fed starter and there are two, TWO, tiny bubbles in it that are probably the signs of dying gasps. 

I had the most interesting dream last night. It was not like any dream I've ever had before. I was a young woman and had traveled to an island somewhere far, far away from everything where there was an indigenous culture who had been living there for eons. I was with my family- a group I did not recognize- and the father of the family was somehow working for the US government which was doing something on that island and there was a large number of other Americans also involved in this work. It was not unlike the colonialism of India by the British. Whatever the Americans were doing was polluting the ocean surrounding the island and the indigenous people had developed strange markings on their skin due to the poisons in the water. 
So that was going on and I was trying, as the oldest daughter in the family (which I am in real life) to get the living quarters arranged and set up and the food organized which was going well but then, I had an encounter with one of the native people and somehow, I inadvertently insulted him and the entire indigenous population. 
I was horrified that I had done this. There appeared to be many customs and rules involving the accepting of food and rituals that had to be observed and no one had educated me on these and I had offended them. 
I felt so horrible. There appeared to be no way at all that I could explain myself or make amends, much less ever be part of the community. And that was how the dream ended. 
I can see that probably some of the dream came from my visits to Cozumel, which is an island where many, many Americans now live. But I have never felt as if I had offended any of the Mayan people who live there and have always tried my hardest to be respectful of everyone I've come across in any sort of interaction. 
This may be an incredibly easy dream to interpret but my awake brain is not really making the connections. 

Here are two pictures of what the Japanese maple tree looked like today against the sky which was so blue it looked impossible. These photos are completely undoctored. 

They almost hurt your eyes, don't they? 
But in such a very, very good way. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Food and a fear of upsetting people. Well, there's a thing!
    That maple is indeed a thing of wonder.
    Ralph is a generous fellow. Ignored but still rises to the occasion.

    1. I'm still pondering the dream.
      I am proud of Ralph.

  2. Whoa, those colors! And that's a great looking pot pie in a very nice dish, too. I do like good baking dishes.

    1. If I remember correctly, that baking dish was a Christmas gift from my sweetheart last Christmas. I have a smaller one too that is perfect for stewed tomatoes for two. I love both dishes.

  3. wow! I want to eat that pot pie! And the colors of the sky and tree just slay me.......beyond words. Glad your day has been pretty good .....and that Ralph has resurrected himself in fine form!
    Susan M

    1. Those colors are unbelievable, aren't they?
      Ralph was a champ! He vacuumed until about eight at night.

  4. 37paddington: I think you just miss the people of Cozumel, and the place, and have offended yourself that you’ve stayed away so long (since they say everyone in your dream is an aspect of you). And you’re at a loss right now about how to get back there. But maybe it’s time.

    1. I don't know that I believe that thing about every person in a dream being an aspect of us. I know that I dream of specific people and they are doing things that they would do, not me. I just googled that theory and it is Jungian. Perhaps it is true. Perhaps I am the maimed islanders as well as the one who caused the maiming.

  5. Perhaps Rosemarie is right. Time for some island time:)

    The sky and the maple are startlingly beautiful. I'm making a chicken stock right now, as I sit on my behind, typing. I bought a cooked chicken for supper and now it's carcass is sitting in boiling water with other good stuff.
    I'm off tomorrow, so a dog walk will be in order.

    1. Doesn't making stock feel so basically good? It does to me. Even when I'm making gumbo and boil the shrimp shells to use as stock in it, it feels righteous and satisfying.

  6. Oh I do love the red maple against the blue sky! That dream would confuse the heck out of me. I wouldn't even try to analyse it, I would grab a good book and put it out of my mind. Your pot pie looks pretty.

    1. I enjoy trying to interpret my more interesting dreams. This one was sad but not scary so not too bad to think about.

  7. The Japanese maple is a stunner! What a complicated dream. I'm amazed you remember so much detail. I tend to forgot most of my dreams within moments of waking. Ralph sure did demand an awful lot of personal attention. It makes you really appreciate Candie, doesn't it?

    1. Sometimes I absolutely make movies in my dreams. As in- I'm an actor in a film. There is a lot of improvisation in those films.
      But that dream was a little more detailed than most of the dreams I have.
      Ralph does require attention but (shhh...) sometimes human cleaners do too. I do appreciate Candie very much.

  8. Our dreams can be weird can't they. I don't have nightmares very often but they usually involve a huge house with loads of unruly children and a complete mess - which only I seem to notice. Either that or I'm desperately trying to take a shower and I keep being thwarted. Wonder what it all means huh!

    1. Yes- I have those huge, completely trashed-out house dreams too. And there are usually lots of children I need to take care of and there is never anything worth feeding them in the house. I HATE those dreams.

  9. I think that your dream says that you feel a great responsibility to right wrongs but feel as if you're failing at it.

    That pot pie! That's what I will do for supper tomorrow. My turkey's gone (thank god for that!!!) but I've got some chicken. And onions, peas, carrots and potatoes. I'm ON it!

    1. I think you may be right about the dream, Debby.
      How was your potpie? Ours was good.

  10. You can't beat Japanese maples for color! I like Debby's interpretation of your dream. I think you are a natural caretaker and nurturer and as such you feel a responsibility to ease the difficulties of others, and to inadvertently ADD to them instead would be appalling for you. The term "puke virus" made me go a little pale. LOL

    1. I swear- you add some direct sunlight to those maples and it's like fire! So beautiful.
      I felt such horror and shame in that dream that I had insulted and offended. It's interesting though, that I dreamed that no one had educated me on the customs so in a way, I was defending myself, all the while knowing that would do no good.
      If you had kids, the term "puke virus" would be as ordinary as shoes.

    2. And I just thought about dog owners who think nothing of getting their dogs' anal glands stripped. Now THAT makes me want to puke.

  11. Haha I think you are the last person to offend anybody.Maybe you have (as I have) been watching that dreadful, never ending series "the 100" on Netflix . The Skypeople are always offending The Grounders .

    1. Nope. Never even heard of that show. Is it good in its dreadfulness?

  12. so brilliant! both the maple and the sky.

    1. I know, Ellen. Flabbergasting. If that can be a word.

  13. I love the maple photos and your new pillow!


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