Monday, July 3, 2023

Pretty Pictures Of Pretty Babies

 Lord only knows how many times I've posted this picture of Magnolia June but every time it comes up in my memories, you can bet I'm going to post it again. It may be the best picture of any of my grandchildren I've ever taken. I made Maggie that dress and she was helping me pick the vegetables and grabbed those three squash to her chest and somehow it all came together. The colors of the squash and the dress, the green grass behind her, those beautiful eyes and lips. Those curls. 
She was an artist's vision of a cherub, without a doubt and I love the determined way she is holding the squash. She is doing work! She is helping! 

And since I'm posting memories, here's a picture of Baby Maggie that I have been meaning to post for awhile. 

She has always been a glory, that one. 

My across the street neighbor texted me this picture from the Tallahassee Democrat (the local paper) this morning. 

I had already gone through the paper and yet, somehow missed that. Look at that precious little boy. Three years old. Four years ago! He has always loved a good story, that one. 

I am waiting to hear from the fisherman that he is safely back on land. I swear- I do not know how he managed to get up at four this morning to go back out on the water. He sent me this about the time I got up but I know he took it much earlier. 

I hope they had another good day. We surely had a wonderful dinner last night. I fried some of that mahi and made a Thanksgiving-worthy green bean casserole out of our fresh green beans. Mr. Moon had asked for it, and I so I made it. It was delicious and the fish was beyond excellent. 

This morning I called my compounding pharmacy to see if there was any progress being made in getting my hormones to me. They were ready to go, but they still hadn't gotten an order back from my doctor. They said they'd resend everything and that it might help if I called them. So I did. I swear- the woman who answered the phone was fairly clueless but I will say that she figured it all out and had a nurse send over my refill order. I am so grateful. But first she told me that the doctor was out of town until Wednesday AND that they were having problems with their internet but that the internet guy was coming RIGHT THEN to fix the problem and it wasn't half an hour before I got a text from my pharmacy that my hormones were ready to pick up. 
Saved from lunacy and divorce! 

So my day's plan changed. I had thought I'd can the last of the green beans I am going to deal with, preservation-wise, but instead I drove to town to get those troches. "Troches" are the form in which I take my hormones. They are sort of like a gummy, at least in texture. You hold one between your cheek and gum and let it dissolve. It Like not much. 
And since I was going to town I put on a dress that I love so much but that has no pockets so I rarely wear it. I decided to go to Joanne Fabric and get some material to make pockets for it although why I think I can do this is beyond me. But it's so simple! They're going to have to be inseam pockets because the fabric is a close match but not an exact one. Shopping for fabric is fine and sometimes even fun and I don't mind it. I found something close enough and there was only one lady cutting material and a line of people waiting. I needed all of half a yard. Probably not even that much but I'm allowing for fuck-ups. So I stood in line and waited while the one lady cut what the people in front of me needed. The woman who was right before me in line had her daughter and her granddaughter with her. She was fairly old, the woman. She was leaning on her cart and I could tell that she needed that support. She got her cloth measured out and tagged and then it was my turn and when I went up to pay, there was only one cashier and again- a line. The same three women were in front of me and when it came time (finally) for them to pay, the grandmother was having a bit of a difficult time with her debit card and was also trying to use a Joanne gift card that appeared to have no money on it although she swore she had not used it. 
Anyway, it took some time and the granddaughter turned to me and rolled her eyes but not in a mean way but more of a I'm sorry this is taking so long, way and I said, very sotto voce, "It's all right. We will all be there eventually. I'm already speeding down that road myself."
The young woman nodded. 
For whatever reason I think I may remember that brief exchange for a long time. 

Somewhere in that errand-running, I stopped for a sandwich and by the time I got home it was too late to fire up the pressure canner so I have put that off until tomorrow. Instead, I finished up the black dress and I would be ashamed for anyone to actually look at my handiwork but I'll be able to wear it and that's what matters. And then, since the iron was out, I moved that operation to the Glen Den and watched a little bit of one of my horrible reality shows while I smoothed out the wrinkles in some garments. A few hours ago the sky got a little darker and there were some rumbles of distant thunder and suddenly, the power went out. In a few seconds, our generator kicked on which is why I was able to iron and watch TV, run the dishwasher and a fan, all in air conditioned comfort. 
Although, just as I have written that, the generator appears to be making a rather loud sound and by that, I mean much louder than usual. Of course this makes me anxious and the fact that I have not yet heard from my husband makes me even more anxious.

Well, the generator has resumed normal decibels but Glen is not answering his phone. I worry so and he always says, "Why were you worried? I was fine!" which is just such useless nonsense. Of course I know he's fine when he's TALKING TO ME! 

Ay. I'm sure he's fine. Of course he's fine. 

One last picture. This is one that Jessie sent of Levon from yesterday. He was a tired boy. Her friend Dana took the picture and she is a very fine photographer. She did the wedding pictures for Jessie and Vergil and they are perfect. 

Look at that sweet boy. How I miss him and his brother. Jessie also texted me that August said yesterday that his favorite food is my chicken and dumplings. I can't wait to make him all he wants. 

Love...Ms. Moon

P.S. And just like that- within seconds the power came back on, the generator went off, and I got a text from the man that they are safely on land again. 


  1. Maggie, darling- I have that photo in my file for just in case- in cease of what? I am not sure- in case of the blues maybe.
    Now, you can't tell me worry does not have any power ,other than shortening your life,..see what it accomplished this day?!

    1. It charms me to pieces that you have that picture saved, Linda Sue.
      And yes! The power of my worry to ensure that everything is all right is amazing! Thank you for reminding me, you smart woman.

  2. i find the older i get the less of a hurry i feel like i need to be in. bonus points if that aggravates some young whippersnapper... xxalainaxx

    1. Sometimes I feel that way and sometimes I feel like I need to prove to myself, mostly, that I am still capable of making an efficient payment with a debit card. Or whatever. In fact, I realize that I spend probably way too much time doing small and subtle checks of my mental abilities these days. It's scary, getting older, and knowing you're in no way as capable as you used to be.

  3. I am always a little envious of the organized women who take the time to put things back in their purse while I jam everything in. Then panic when I can't find my debit card. I guess I fear looking like a rattled old lady.
    Isn't hormone replacement a miracle?

    1. HRT has been amazing for me, Carol. I always put my debit card back in my wallet because I know what will happen if I don't. I may step away from the cash register to do it but I do it!
      I panic at LEAST once a day, thinking I've lost my phone. I'm not sure that I've EVER really lost it.

  4. that Magnolia June photo is just sublime....those lips, that hair.....and that expressive face she has....just perfect! Glad Mr Moon will be home soon...... and yes, putting inseam pocket into a dress is WAY easier than what you just did with the black dress. Levon is just gorgeous..... may you spend the next few days with hormones at full dose..and enjoying your Lloyd life! Canning beans tomorrow....... I'll be pickling beets if I'm up to it....and I *need* to be....because my fridge is full of them!
    Susan M

    1. Pickled beets are some of my favorites! Do you add in onion? I like onion in mine. I hope you had good success in the kitchen today.

  5. Marvelous baby pix. Of all ages. One of my friends used to swear that only if she worried enough would her daughter be okay! If she took her foot off the worry pedal, who knew what might happen. The power of worry to keep things right.

    1. I think your friend's belief about worry is very common, especially among mothers. And what could be more ridiculous?

  6. Our power went today too. A tree limb from a willow growing in the middle of the river on a little island got tangled in the electric wires. It caught fire, and then fell across the bridge, taking the wires with it. During the clearing away, one of the tree guys fell and an ambulance came and two police cars, and our street was heavily trafficked because the bridge was closed and people were detouring. It was all very dramatic. It got even more dramatic when the skies opened and the rain came plummeting down. It was too much excitement for me. But, bless their hearts (to borrow a phrase), 3 1/2 hours later, the power was back on.

    1. Wow! That's like a worst-case scenario, Debby! A real...dare I say it? Cluster fuck! I hope the tree guy was okay. It's sort of amazing they got the power back on in 3 1/2 hours.

  7. I worried right with you through that post when you described a storm bad enough to put the power out. His being in a boat during a storm, very scary. So appreciated that last line that said you got a text from him.

    1. We didn't get a storm! Just distant thunder. Sometime after the power came back on, it rained approximately 28 drops. I think we just have random trees falling around here all the time.

  8. I'm happy you found fabric to make pockets, but would it really have to match? Patch pockets in a contrasting colour could be a feature that stands out and makes your dress unique. Sweet pictures of all your grandbabies. Good to hear your generator kicked in and that Mr Moon is safely back on land.

    1. I almost got some pretty batik fabric to make the pockets with but I talked myself out of it. And these pockets are going to be inseam so they are not supposed to show. Technically.
      I love that generator more than I can say.

  9. Getting served in a fabric store can be a nightmare because of course if you're like me you need a lot of help and advice. Over here they now take your name as soon as you come in and the first available assistant is "yours" until you're done. I also now go a little farther afield and virtually have an assistant to myself because there are far fewer customers. Oh and happy 4th!

    1. Whoa! You would never find service like that here. Ever. Maybe in fancy expensive boutiques but definitely not in a fabric shop. It's root hog or die. I am so impressed!

  10. Why can't they understand that we need to know they are safe from their own mouths. Constantly. And it's not nagging. It's protecting us from total melt down.
    Magnolia was/is indeed a cherub

    1. Exactly. Are men just so sure of their immortality that they don't understand why we worry? Who knows?

  11. One of the chief delights of digital pictures is the way they pop up as "memories' and the ease carrying and of stumbling across images than conjure joyful memories. Paper prints are fine and feel substantial but are less accessible, flexible, or sharable than their digital equivalents - I would not want to go back

    1. And say what you will about Facebook, it is very good about showing you memories. Sometimes I can't remember posting them but sometimes it's a real heart-sweetness.

  12. glad they finally got your hormones. the last time I went to Joanne's Fabrics I bought 2 ½ yards of fabric (because how can you go to a fabric store and not buy some, the problem is choosing which to buy) to make a new skirt and it is still sitting there, unmade. and yes, inseam pockets. I have to relearn how to do that every time.

    1. Me too, Ellen. And honestly, every time I put some in I think, "Oh gosh. This is so easy." Thank goodness for Youtubes. I have no ability to visualize how things fit together. None.

  13. It seems that the power goes off a lot where you live. I can't remember the last time the power went off here and I'm thankful it doesn't.

    Lovely photos of your grandchildren and glad you're having a good day. I wish my husband would go away for a few days, so I could miss him:) He's not my favorite person right now, but I'm not sure if it's him or my own depressed mind. Fuck I hate depression, makes you mistrust your own mind.

    1. I think our power goes out a lot because we do have many storms and also, many, many trees that are frequently dropping on the lines.
      Depression sucks in every way. It can convince us of the most horrible things. I'm so sorry you're going through it. It's a torture.

  14. Back out fishing again! Mr. Moon is committed! Yay for the hormone delivery, and for the fact that your power came back and you got that all-important text.

    Doesn't it seem like more and more customer service experiences are like yours at Joanne -- involving too few staff? Or is it just that those are the experiences we notice the most?

    1. Mr. Moon is very committed! He just loves to fish. And I'm sure he'll soon be talking about hunting.
      I think that businesses are short-handed these days. I have to say that there were more employees in the store yesterday, but none of them were cutting fabric or checking people out. And when I was at Bass Pro World last week I saw far more employees than I saw shoppers. And then at Walmart I saw a group of employees just hanging out by the self-check-outs, shooting the shit. WTF?

  15. Being retired, I never mind waiting in line anymore. I always feel like I have plenty of time to kill.
    Glad Mr. Moon is safe and had good fishing. Darling photos of the kids, Mary!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.