Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Forty years on, you are still so missed. You are still so loved. 

Send a good thought to Yoko, please.




  1. It blows my mind to think she has been without him, the love of her life, for 40 years now.

  2. I was never a Beatles fan - a bit too young - but I remember a colleague coming to work in tears that day. So sad, and so unnecessary!

    1. He was so important to so many of us. It's hard to understand, harder to explain.

  3. I didn't really know much about John Lennon, same as Treaders, he was just a bit before my time. It's hard to believe he would have been eighty years old now. I read up on John, he was a complex person, like most of us I suppose. But what a waste of a lifetime, to be shot by some random person who was mentally ill.

    1. As I said to Treaders- for anyone who hadn't lived during the time that the Beatles became who they were, it would be impossible to explain what he meant to us. His death will forever be a source of deep pain for me and I am sure, millions of others.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.