Monday, January 7, 2013

This Ain't No Slumber Party

My mother is having...difficulties. The combination of everything has made her extremely disoriented.
To say the least.
And we are still here at the hospital. I have my toothbrush. And pillow.

Gonna be a long night.


  1. Sending love and courage and strength . And some experience.

  2. If you need an outlet, text.

  3. Oh darlin. I am sorry about this. Sending love and wishes for speedy recovery.

    Hang in. xo

  4. I hope that all will go well. It is so hard to deal with the issues that come with aging. Please take care of yourself.

  5. I am glad that she has not been sent home. Sleep tight, Ms. Moon. xo

  6. Ms Moon...You got this. But is gonna be a long night. Feel my big hug from Colorado to you.
    Love you,

  7. Oh boy and Oh dear. Hoping for strength for you. Even if you were feeling 100% this would be rough, and I know you are still sick. Oh boy.

  8. Yes, when older people hurt themselves or have infections, it's a whole other layer to deal with. My heart goes out to you. I'm thinking a lot about you. S. Jo

  9. Oh no. We'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

  10. Hope you'll both be able to have some sleep and things will be smoother in the morning.

  11. I'm just catching up here -- holy cow, you've had a lot on your plate! I'm sorry about your mother and sorry you're still sick. Ugh. I hope you begin to feel better, or at least stronger, so you can deal with mom issues. And yes, thank goodness for morphine.

    I'm also glad you had a good conversation with your brother. I often wonder how my family feels about my blog. I try to be careful about what I write, and how much, but I often feel I'm not really telling the story out of an abundance of caution, which I hate. You know? I guess we all go through that as bloggers.

  12. Just to say the same thing happened with my grandmother - the combination of the shock of the accident and the change in surroundings is really unsettling.

    It's most likely it won't last, but it's hard to cope with in the moment.

    Love and strength xx

  13. Thinking of you, sending you strength and sending your mother peace and healing.


  14. Love you and am thinking of you. Check your email, okay?


  15. The hospital is really hard on older folks. it totally disorients them. my aunt used to hallucinate all manner of things. get your mom back home as soon as you can. maybe she can do the remainder of her healing in familiar surroundings.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.