Friday, January 4, 2013

A Little Life, A Good One

What is it about illness that makes you feel during the day as if you truly are feeling better and then, the sun begins to go down and the aches come on and the eyeballs start to hurt and the throat feels scratchy again? Why?
I don't know but it's true.
When the children were little they'd fool me with normal temps during the daytime when I thought their illnesses had passed, only for them to come to me in the late afternoon with those fever-eyes and I'd kiss their foreheads with my Mama Lipmometer and sure enough, hot-browed again.

I'm making Fuck-This-Shit soup. Sounds tasty, doesn't it? Leftover venison and the broth it cooked in with onions and garlic and more garlic and ginger too. And vegetables. And I'll make a salad with arugula and apples and a pecans and of course I have bread rising. This loaf has a ton of oatmeal in it and whole wheat as well. It's not sourdough but it'll do.

Funny how I can't do housework when I'm sick but I sure can still cook. When the day comes when I can't cook, just go ahead and call the undertaker 'cause I'll be on my way out. Help me pick out my winding sheet and lay me gently down because I'll be dying for sure.

Well, that's not going to happen for a long time I hope.

The sun is down, the chickens are closed up, Mr. Moon is home, it's cozy inside and smells good, or so I hear and imagine. My nose is too stopped up to really be able to tell. But I'll probably feel even better tomorrow and maybe I'll go for a little walk or maybe I'll trim back some of the dead brown things that are making the yard ugly. It would be good to clear away the dead so that perhaps spring will feel more welcome when it's time for it to make its appearance.

I was talking to May today on the phone and I said, "I lead such a little life," and she said, "But it's a good one."

She is right.

I think I'll put barley in the soup. And maybe make a dressing for the salad with blueberries and vinegar and olive oil and a little sesame oil.

I ain't dying yet. I promise.


  1. I hope you continue to feel better, even in the evenings. Leading a little life is the key to happiness, I think...finding satisfaction in small things.

  2. I'm glad you're not dying, and I wonder, too, what happens in the late afternoon to make fevers rise. And why is it always darkest in the soul right before dawn? I believe these are the questions that try women's souls in the little lives we lead.

  3. My seven year-old palate cringes at the mention of venison, but everything else sounds great. Especially the name of that soup. That made me laugh out loud. And yes, I can't stand the tricky fever that goes and comes and goes and comes. Uggh.

    Thank you for sharing your little life with us.

  4. Sorry you're still feeling punk... I wish I had some of your zuppa right now. Apparently, I have developed GERD. Eating has been hard for me and I am quite underweight.

    Miss you guys,

  5. Well good, cuz I need you here forever. I love hearing about your little life, which isn't little at all. But I know what you mean. I made bread today with oatmeal too but I used the wrong salt, table instead of kosher and put way too much. I almost threw it out it's so saltly but am hoping it somehow magically calms down when it rises and cooks. I'm going to try to make pasta fagoli tomorrow. I'm sick too, stuffed up and yucky feeling. Really glad it's Friday.
    Feel better Magical Ms Moon.

  6. Steve- Well, I certainly do find satisfaction in the small things. No doubt about that.

    Elizabeth- You're right. Those dark-morning-hour thoughts are evil. They do try our souls.

    gradydoctor- Thank YOU for sharing it with me.

    Ms. Fleur- OH NO! You must be miserable. I'm so sorry to hear this.

    Bethany- I always use table salt. Is that wrong? You're so sweet. But honey- no one lives forever. I swear. I'll do my best, though.

  7. No, it's not wrong to use table salt at all, nothing about your bread could ever be wrong. The recipe I uses calls for kosher and if you are using table instead you're supposed to use much less to have it taste the same. I am going to try to make breadsticks out of the dough tonight maybe with garlic butter so perhaps the extra salt will be welcome.

    I know you will do your best to live forever. I appreciate that. Since I would be lost without you.

  8. The little lives are the best Ms Moon. My blog has the subtitle: about a little life in a little country... Nothing wrong with little. Size does not matter, content does...

  9. Sounds like someone is clawing her way back....yay!

  10. Mary you lead one of the largest lives I know. You have a big heart. Be well.

  11. My kid always got sick on Friday right after the drop-in clinic closed. Always.

  12. Well, the soup sounds good. I could go for something like that. Hope that you get better. My MIL is back in the hospital with the same stuff--bad cough and not getting any better. She weighs less than 90 pounds. Sad.


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