Thursday, December 15, 2011

Old Testament Ms. Moon

You know how God is an angry God? Well, today Ms. Moon is an angry Ms. Moon.

I am not going to get into details but I'll just say it- I am angry. Not at Owen or any of my sweetlings or Mr. Moon but I am just PISSED OFF!

It's sort of a universal pissed-offedness with a soupcon of personal directed anger.

Is "soupcon" the right word? Spell Check doesn't seem to mind it.

You know what I mean. You've been there.

And for once, I am not taking that anger out on myself. I am not going to direct it inwards. I am not even spending a great deal of time trying to be all compassionate about it. I am just going to be angry and eventually I won't be and that's that.


  1. Sounds like a John McEnroe moment, no?

  2. Elizabeth- Let us just say I understand the breaking of a racket. Is that the right spelling? I do not know.

  3. Good stuff. Real anger can be good.

    soupcon is right, but there's a little cedilla on the c to make it an s sound. No idea how to get the keyboard to do it.

  4. Well, you can start the day over at any time. And tomorrow is another day.

  5. Oh, I like anger like that! It gets me very productive and successful. Enjoy it!

  6. Passionate anger....perhaps some creative time? Cooing up a storm or a long nap....

  7. Rage. Rage. Until the storm blows through.

  8. i embrace my anger.

    There's a lot to be angry about. And then it passes.


  9. Ms. Moon always wanted to name a boat "Mama's Pissed".

    That shit cracks me up every time I think about it.

  10. seething.
    I can do seething well. It seems a little controlled , a little one up on the person who is getting my evil eye and tongue. :)

  11. You see? that's why I don't believe in that god. who wants an angry god? I'll take an angry Ms Moon over an angry god anytime.

  12. Anger is good. Angry people have more energy than calm people. Get more accomplished.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.