Sunday, December 11, 2011

Back from the read-through and I am excited and calmly thinking about this woman I am playing in a play and how it can be funny and I can be funny and there were a few moments, even in this first reading where I could feel magic creeping in. I think I may have found us an actor for a role yet uncast and I am hoping (fingers crossed) that it will happen. He would be perfect or at least, very, very good. Oh god, I love the Opera House. I love the process of word-to-voice-to-movement with words from the page. Voice, body, make-'em-laugh, make-'em-cry. Make ME laugh. Make ME cry.

Came home and talked to Jessie, my baby, out there in the world, on her way to work and there she is- away from me but tucked always into my heart. I picked salad in the dark with a flashlight and when I snapped the arugula with my thumbnail, the scent of it flew up and I mentally paired it with tomatoes and vinegar and olive oil and garlic and it was like eating in the garden, it is like shopping in the ground.

Mr. Moon keeps opening his jacket when I am near to draw me in to his warmth, his heart. He has made a fire to cook the giant Tennessee grass-fed steak he traded for oysters from the bay we may live on one day, god willing, and I am thinking of the way they have found coastal seashells in the mountains of Georgia which were obtained from trading back so long ago and for this moment, it all makes sense.

Somehow it does and the bread is in the oven, the potatoes are in the oven, the steak is resting in a bath of oil and garlic and spices and the salad is waiting to be made, conceived in dirt and snapped with my thumbnail and the olive oil is resting in its bottle, the garlic is waiting in its paper-skin, the vinegar is waiting in its green-glass to anoint the arugula in its bowl. The fire is snapping, ready for meat to be cooked on it.

God. I am rich.


  1. Life is bountiful if we will only see.

  2. I love the idea of shopping the earth and being able to taste what you're going to cook ahead of time. (I have this gift for imagining taste; it has served me well for years).

    And as for feeding the ones you love and loving the ones you feed, brava, dear one. I'm so proud that you're part of the 1% who are aware of their riches. (95% of people never have it, and 3% don't know it when they do!)

  3. I'm so happy you have this part Mary. This is one of the things I still dream about doing in the future, being part of a play. We shall see and time will tell.

    Ah, picking arugula in the dark and bringing home the wealth, the wealth of you my dear sweet one.

  4. Ellen- I do see. I do.

    Pamela- I know my riches. I count every moon molecule of light and every scent molecule of arugula and every drawing-in-of-heart and every bite. I swear. I do.

    Rubye Jack- That is one of the things I love about the Opera House. Show up and there will probably be a part for you and you will be able to grow into it. Is there any place around you where this might be true? I wish that for you. I do.
    You are part of the richness of my life. I hope you know that.

  5. There's a little community theater here. I think about going to one of their auditions.

  6. I fried up deer steak tonight, and made roasted new potatoes. I was happy!

  7. This is the perfect post to come home to today. Such magic in the world, sometimes, isn't there? Such ordinary magic.

  8. Glad to hear that you are happily in another show at the Opera House and that the Moon Man is keeping you warm and you are both seeing to the nurturing of one another. x0 N2

  9. You sound at peace tonight. May you sleep well with that good food and good friend with you.

    Love the new header...a very fine photo indeed.

  10. Dammit! What part? What play? Where did I miss this information?????

  11. Sounds like food from the heavens. So good that you have your man to hold you and comfort you when needed. Happy to read that you feel rich... Such happy people who are contented with what they have instead of unhappy for what they don't have!

  12. Beautiful. Even the steak part.

  13. There are a lot of gifts for sure. It sounds like a great idea to have a fire and some good food. Those seashells were actually from the time when the mountain tops were sea beds but were lifted by plate tectonics to become mountains. This excludes shell middens which were man made. I could have made a midden from the oysters that I ate yesterday. They were awesome!

  14. Denise- It was yum indeed.

    ellen abbott- DO IT!

    SJ- We are lucky to have these hunters in our life if we eat meat. That's what I say.

    Sara- Ordinary magic which makes our lives extraordinary.

    N2- It was a perfect night to be thankful for.

    Mel's Way- I slept VERY well. I'm glad you like the header. Lucky shot.

    gradydoctor- I'm so glad.

    Omgrrrl- Nobody's Perfect. Harriet Copeland. Another sex farce. Fun.

    Photocat- Sometimes I just feel so wealthy that it's hard to carry my treasure. I mean it.

    Jo- It was a beautiful steak! And the salad was gorgeous and good.

    Syd- I was told that there are newer shells which came from the coasts in trade. Not so? And we make middens everywhere we live with oyster shells. The chickens like to peck at them, too.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.