Who knows why these spells come upon us? I mean really. Sarah Palin has resigned as governor of Alaska and I can't even summon enough caring to wonder why.
We had a most laid-back Fourth. Mr. Moon got a new chain saw to replace the one the thieves purloined a few months ago and he spent the day trimming back a fence line next to our neighbor's where our trees were leaning on their sheds. He worked himself into an exhausted puddle of man and I did very little beyond trimming some of the Confederate jasmine which is pulling the fence over with its weight. That and some laundry and I took a nap.
I came alive somewhat in the early evening and we gave the chicks some watermelon which wasn't fit for human consumption as it had no flavor at all. The chickens didn't care. They loved it, both the hens and the biddies.
Here are the hens enjoying their fruit servings for the day:
And here are the babies:
Please note the size disparity between Elmira (at approximately eleven o'clock on the circle of chickens above) and the others. It is as if she has stuck at peep-size and I wonder if there is such a thing as a banzai chicken. Her little legs are like twigs compared to Henry's, the brown bird there whose legs are like stout saplings, the better to bear his prodigious weight. I do think he is a man bird. His comb is coming in red and thick. When we lift the roof of the young bird's pen, they try to escape and the day is coming soon when they shall be let out to fend with the big girls but I am afraid to let out Elmira because she is so small she will be able to simply walk out through the wire of the cage, making her easy prey for hawks and snakes.
Oh, dear Elmira! We have not kept you going this long to let a cousin bird have you for a meal!
Anyway, la-di-dah and so forth and I made a supper of venison backstrap and mashed butternut squash (I cooked the male one) with maple syrup and cinnamon and a salad some brown and wild rice.
And that was the Fourth of July.
On my walk this morning I saw that most of the butterfly peas, more formally known as Clitoria ternatea had finished blooming and I was mad at myself because I had wanted to get a picture but of course google images has a million of them. Here's one:

Well. There are no words needed for that little beautiful piece of flowerly deliciousness.
I have been thinking about flowers and their connection to the flower of the woman, if you will, because begonias seem to give us blooms that are similar too.
There is one of mine. Begonia's, that is.
On another day I would probably be able to spin something poetic and lovely concerning the comparison of a blossom with a woman but I am not poetic or lovely today. I am feeling sludgy and drudgy and full of self-loathing for no apparent reason. I haven't been off the property except to walk in days and days and we're out of milk and Hank called to see if I wanted to meet up with him and some of his crew at the flea market and I should. Not because I need any damn thing at all the flea market sells, but because I could hang out with the Hankster.
And yet, I feel no compulsion to get in my car and drive the miles there although I am listening to a book on CD in the car that is overdue and I'm enjoying it. It's Christopher Moore's A Dirty Job and if you haven't read it, I think it's a lot of fun and worth reading.
I am also about to finish up another book I'm listening to, this one on tape and it is a majestic recording of a very good book called Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. This one I have been listening to through countless bouts of weeding, walking, trimming and sweeping. I am going to be so sad when I'm done although the library would like it back now, please.
And with my eyes (thank you, May) I am reading Wally Lamb's The Hour I First Believed and I wish I hadn't read it yet but instead, had it packed away for Mexico. I need to get out and buy some books to take with me to Mexico because I plan on letting myself fall into reading there, great gulps of reading of books I hold in my hand, lying beside the ocean, or in my bed.
Any suggestions?
No teen-aged vampires or post-atomic blast dystopia, please.
And so it goes and I need to shower and decide what I'm doing today besides feeling inadequate in every way, and overwhelmed by the simplest tasks.
Summer has peaked, it seems to me. The blackberries are not worth the effort at this point, the garden is at a place where things are either not ready or done.
I feel the same.
I am neither ready nor done and I am not sure for what in either case but today is a day of feeling set quite solidly in the middle of nothingness and not willing to make the effort to pull myself out of this brackish river which is not flowing at all, just still and between tides, not chilly or hot, perhaps the exact temperature as the air and my body, and I feel as if I am floating here, looking up at the sky which doesn't even have a cloud floating past to give me any sense of movement whatsoever.
And I suppose that's okay. I can rest with my flowers and the swamp mallow is blooming in the woods and the giant begonia has no bloom at all, just huge leaves which are enough, plenty enough, and I am wondering if that track I saw on the dirt road was gator track and the day proceeds, even if I can not feel it.
The chickens eating watermelon pictures are great. The only thing better would've been a dirty little boy eating watermelon, because THAT is summer, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about pulling yourself out of the stagnant water today. Just keep swimming, and I'll do the same.
Ah, yes. The Church of Blah is what I'm attending today. And cleaning. So that's not uplifting, is it? No, but it's better than being dirty and flat, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI have the blahs today too. I woke up and my toilet wasn't flushing, and I don't have a plunger because my neighbor "borrowed" it, and so the first thing I did was go to Walgreens. Then I came home and the toilet had fixed itself. So I was safe to make coffee.
ReplyDeleteWhy did I just tell you all that? I don't know. My brain needs a plunger, I think. I don't think they sell brain plungers at Walgreens, and anyhow, I don't feel like getting back in the car.
Lovely chickens, lovely flowers, lovely diamonds on your lovely hand.
Ginger- This morning I had a clean, not dirty, but still terribly cute little boy feeding the chickens. Is that summer too? It looked like summer to me.
ReplyDeleteMs. Trouble- I should be cleaning. I am not.
May- Ug. What a way to start a day. Brain plungers? Uh...Isn't that called psilocybin? JUST KIDDING!!!!
I love you, honey, blahie or not. And you are always lovely.
Brackish is one of my favorite words ever. I have the blehs today too and it comforted me to read that you did, too. Oh chicken poop.
ReplyDeleteI, too, have the blahs today.
ReplyDeleteAs for books, the first thing that popped into my head was "And My Shoes Keep Walking Back to You."
It's a fun book about a woman who sings back up in a country music band.
"They Call Me Mad Dog" is fun, and raunchy. It's by Erika Lopez, and they actually have all three of here books together now in a trilogy called "Hoochie Mama."
Without knowing more about what in are in the mood to read, those are my suggestions.
Maggie May- Chicken poop, indeed! Let's all cheer up. Or maybe we just need to rest.
ReplyDeleteMs. Riot- Those sound like good suggestions. I will write them down! Thank-you. Now you cheer up too.
The Zookeeper's Wife is amazing, maybe a little heavy for a beach read.
ReplyDeleteWicked is fun, very clever.
Hannah's Dream! Get Hannah's Dream! It's a beautiful story and a quick read.
Hey MM,
ReplyDeleteIt was good to see you. I wish we could have stayed a for a bit longer, but Harley was really hot and complaining that he wanted to go home... I think that translates into, I want to get into the a/c! He had a great time hanging with you and the chickies.
I heard a great review on NPR about a book called something like the Elegant Hedgehog. It's on my list. I've also heard Wicked is good too. Hell, you can always wait and buy a Mexican book... I'm sure there must be books written in English by Mexican authors.
Sorry about the blah's. Seems a lot of people have them today. Cheer up everybody!
I'm going to have a beer now.
Luv you,
I actually went to the First Church of Nazarene today, and I must say, I enjoy the The Church of Bat Shit Crazy, or whatever your church is, to that one. It was fine, and people prayed for our mission trip, but I felt so weird there. I felt like the preacher's stories were contradictory, and he said people who didn't go to church were on an "icy road to the devil's land". Guess I'm on that road, and honestly I'm ok with that.
ReplyDeleteI love your chickens-eating-watermelon pictures. They made me smile!
The icy road to the devil's land sounds kind-of nice. Mama- if you want to read Wicked don't buy it. I have the paperback.
ReplyDeleteHoneyLuna- Icy road? What's up with that? I should think it would be the charcoal road. Anyway, as we talked about on the phone: poor Jesus and his spindly shoulders having to bear all the sins of mankind.
ReplyDeleteForgive me but I must quote the hero of Stranger In A Strange Land;
Thou Art God.
Miss Maybelle- Do you think I would love it?
I loved the play Wicked but haven't read the book. Maybe I should. In case everyone was interested =)
ReplyDeleteIt's been a blah weekend all around for me. I think it's the rain here, or something.
I did not really like Wicked. To me it was just kind of boreing, where it could have been so much more. However we do not usually like the same books so maybe you would like it. Anyway I am so excited to see my sweet baby tommorow! It is funny how I was not going to get an ultrasound at all but now that I need one I am so excited to see. Ok I need to go to sleep. I love you and will see you bright and early.
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog by following links that began with The Examined Life. I have added you to my blog list and am definitely coming back to catch up and keep up. That will take some time but will be worth it.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog and your mind!
SJ- Yep. Must be the moon. Not to mention the rain.
ReplyDeleteLily- I am showered and dressed and ready to leave for our AMAZING ADVENTURE! I love you!
Ms. Joy- Thank-you so much and I will come and visit you!
ReplyDeleteI blame it on the moon, too. Hardly any rain here yesterday, yet also the self-loathing.
ReplyDeleteI hope today went better for you.
Have you read The Story of Edgar Sawtelle? I loved that book!
ReplyDeleteClitoria. That is all I can think about. WOW.
ReplyDeleteLearn something new at Ms Moon's everyday!
I had the blahs last week. I barely left the house, agoraphobia sucks!
ReplyDeleteBanzi chicklet, that's funny!
well. those flowers? THEY make me feel inadequate. I have never had clitoral envy, but there you go-a first for everything. I had something witty and wise to say, too, but I lost it, just like that. sigh....
ReplyDeleteOh, and if you haven't already, you should read She's Come Undone, but Wally Lamb.
ReplyDeleteStopping by via Joy's blog, and enjoyed the read very much.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw the purple flower, I thought, "Oh my! That looks like..." then I read the genus name and thought, "Well, there you go."
All my best,
Have you read The Sex Lives of Cannibals? One of my favorite memoirs.
ReplyDeleteI started reading The Hour I First Believed and couldn't get into it. I think Wally Lamb's first and 2nd books were bood - can't remember what the 2nd was was called (She's Come Undone was the first one). Anyway, let me know if you think THIFB is worth picking up again.
ReplyDeleteI suggest Word Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius, and Obsession in the World of Competitive Scrabble Players by Stefan Fatsis. I haven't read it, but I feel like it would be right up your alley.
ReplyDeleteAnd I came to visit you, since you wouldn't come to the flea. And wasn't that nice? I think we may have Anna almost squared away. She's out exploring downtown while I work today.
Wally Lamb's I Know This Much is True put me off fiction for life. It was that good.
ReplyDeleteIt got to me, disturbed me, so thoroughly that I stick to travel memoirs now. :)
I finally remembered what I was going to say, and that is that Wally Lamb is a precious genius and I need to read that book. I read his first two and fell in love.
ReplyDeleteAnd my captcha word this time is "knobs." which I find freakishly funny given my clitoral envy earlier.
Ms. Windy- I am writing these down. And I do so love elephants.
ReplyDeleteMs. Fleur- I loved, loved, loved watching Harley feed the chickens. Let me know about that book.
Mwa- Today was awesome. Mostly.
Rocky Grace- No! But I have been meaning to. Let me write that one down....
Lady Lemon- How can you not love that? And yes, I have read that. It was so very good.
Cozzie Laura- Welcome to my world, honey.
Kori- It's not a happy book but it's a well-written one that will drag you in. Good reading. And don't we all wish our lovelies were as lovely as that flower? Ah....
Beth- Come by again!
Steph- Yes! I have read it! I own it! It's great! In fact, I think I read the same author's book, Getting Stoned With Savages on my last trip to Cozumel. Great minds...
Ms. Lucy- Well, like I said, it's not happy reading but it's good reading.
DTG- I had a wonderful time visiting with you and Anna. And okay, that book is on my list. I love you.
Kori- Every one of our knobs are gorgeous.