Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Dearly Beloved

Have you gotten your computerized call asking if you'd like to sign a petition to get a state constitutional amendment declaring that marriage is something that can only be entered into between a man and a woman in order to protect the sanctity of marriage?
I have.
Scary shit there.
I've never understood why a marriage between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman threatens my own marriage. I mean, no matter how hard I try, I just can't see any correlation between gay marriage and the downfall of straight marriage. I guess that if two married gay guys moved in next door and they looked like they were having so much fun that my husband decided to divorce me and find a man of his own, it might threaten me, but I don't think it would really be the fault of the guys next door.
Frankly, it would seem to me that straight people are doing a fine job of screwing up the sacred sacrament of marriage all on their own.
Another one of the arguments these nimrods use against gay marriage is that God created marriage between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation. But we all know plenty of straight couples who enter into marriage with no intention whatsoever of having children. Are we going to tell that darling 84-year old gent and his 80-year old sweetheart who met in the nursing home that they can't be married because they can't have children? What about the couple who just knows in their hearts that they don't want kids? On the other hand, there are plenty of gay couples who desperately want children and who will (and do) make terrific parents, no matter how the babies come their way. So that argument surely doesn't work for me.
Another reason cited frequently for denying gay marriage is that if we let gay people marry each other, then the next thing you know, polygamy will be legal and then, oh, I don't know, so will marrying sheep or your cousin or your brother or something on that order. One thing will lead to another, as we know.
Which all sounds a bit daunting, at first thought, but then the more I think about it, the less I care who marries whom. Frankly, if all parties are consenting adults (and I do mean consenting and I DO mean adults) then why should I care? If some lucky guy can find eight women who want to marry him and he can be an adequate husband and father to the women and all the children he produces, who am I to stand in his way?
And although it sounds...icky...and on a really deep emotional level...wrong, if a brother and a sister want to be married, and if they get genetic counseling before they breed, again- why should I care?
Now as to the sheep thing- I don't think a sheep can be consenting nor can a German Shepherd or a chimpanzee, no matter how intelligent. So forget the whole animal thing.
So yeah, if legalizing gay marriage leads to other alternative types of marriage, I guess I don't really care. Again, I don't think it's going to affect my own marriage.
I've had people ask me to officiate at weddings and I have always been honored to do so. I have married maybe a dozen couples, some straight and therefore legally, some gay and therefore illegally, but my criteria has always been more about love than the law. I respect anyone who chooses to get up in front of friends and family and vow to make a life together out of love. It's such a universally human desire to be married and I think it's a human right. I don't know if I'd perform a marriage for a man and his sister or a woman and two men, but maybe, if I knew the folks and they seemed sincerely in love and sincerely dedicated to each other, I might.
Yeah, I'm weird.
But God's honest truth is, is that my marriage is not like yours, even if you are a woman married to a man. Every marriage is as different as the people in it and every couple (or whatever) finds their own way to share their hearts and their lives together. How your marriage works is none of my business and how mine works is none of yours. That marriage works at all is a miracle and I don't think the gender of the participants is a huge factor.
So, no, I don't care to sign that petition. But thanks for asking.
very funny t-shirt
ReplyDeleteI agree on every level. Yes, as long as all parties are consenting adults, I'm not sure why anyone should care or be in the business of anyone else's relationship.
The idea that GOD created MARRIAGE baffles me. Utterly.
Personally, I was waiting for that gateway/trickle down thing. I am especially fond of some cleaning products with which I'd like to enter into a legal union.
Hi, I also totally agree with you and in fact, my wife and I have ever since we met in '76, tried to develop our own way of doing things even if people find it weird if I am doing the kitchen and laundry etc. and like it ! and my wife is using the hammer etc. and love it ! thats why I am so happy to discover people like you and other overalls people, making life less conventional to roles and more open to what people like and love to do, no matter who they are ! so thats why there are more to the overalls than just a a comfortable clothing lol from the midnight sun bib guy !
ReplyDeleteoy vey! (as they say here and in ghettos everywhere). you've got me riled on sunday morning!
ReplyDeleteopposition to gay marriage is such a frightening diversion...
feeding people's fear about how short we all come to the immense power and magic with which we were created; so deep in denial about who i might really be..it's convenient to cast a stone elsewhere rather than look in the mirror.
lobbies, think tanks, private interest groups (of both the republican and democrat persuasion) know that legalizing gay marriage means opening up housing, jobs, equal access to government benefits, permission to sit beside a loved one's hospital bed; upwards of 1,000 civil rights are denied folks who are unable to produce a legal marriage certificate, gay or straight.
the money and benefits that would have to be coughed up by the insurance industry alone are staggering...so the focus is on imagined moral superiority and promoting the illusion that my problems are not the problems of my neighbor.
i don't care either with whom you choose to snuggle; call me a radical, a communist, whatever you like, but i DO care that nearly 46 million folks in the 'land of the free and home of the brave' are without healthcare.
i imagine what would happen if we ceased defining ourselves by sexual identity, race, gender, or class and shook a collective fist at policy makers...
we might actually enjoy the same sort of protection from the government that the citizens of virtually all western,'developed' nations KNOW to be their birthright.
i guess that makes me weird too, ms. moon. clearly i'm in good company.
p.s. word verification= 'crenomas'. rhymes pretty well with enemas, which are exactly what folks who oppose gay marriage need.
p.p.s. i'm ba-aaaaaaack!
Weirdos! All of us! And I feel like I'm in great company - no bigots, no sizeists or ageists, racists or chauvinists.
ReplyDeleteWe should make a commune! Welcoming all Weirdos! Finally, Home Sweet Home!
Let me just say... that tee shirt is FUNTABULOUSO!! I want mine in bright orange please. Size L.
xoxo pf
love love the tee shirt! and totally agree.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. My son so far has been to only two weddings that he remembers. One of a man and a woman, and one of a man and a man. I'm so glad we have marriage equality in Belgium. And I'm so glad it was in time for my children to grow up knowing no different.
ReplyDeleteGood post! I totally agree! (big surprise) :-)
ReplyDeleteYeah; you know I agree mostly wholeheartedly; while it isn't my business in the sense that I would get poltically active or sign petitions, brother/sister/close relative OR polygamy are NOT one I would support in any context. See, there you go, even I have my limits, ha ha ha. I LOVE that t-shirt, though, and would like one as well.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right, Ms Moon, as you always are.
ReplyDeleteI love that you perform ceremonies. Maybe one day you will perform mine?? I can't think of a better person to do it.
Straight people have done a fine job of pissing on the "sanctity" of marriage. Some of them I know personally.
This whole gay marriage debate is really coming to a head, lately and I really hope we are getting closer to a rational national debate and eventually a change in the laws of the land.
Someday my kids will look back on the days before gays could marry and shake their heads, wondering what the hell people were thinking.