Hey there. I'm sneaking in a freshly written post. Well, okay. I'm writing it on July 20th and scheduling it to be published (PUBLISHED- HAHA!) on my birthday. I'm here, in Lloyd, but when you read this, if all goes as planned, I will be in Cozumel.
Time travel. Sort of.
And that picture is from a trip we took to Cozumel in 2003. So that was me, six years ago and I hope that today, my birthday, I have a similar evening. Sitting on a balcony, watching the sun set over the Caribbean sea, and being so incredibly happy and delighted with the colors and the drama of the sky as the sun sinks into the horizon that I am beyond words, my Virgin of Guadalupe candle beside me, the swallows darting around my balcony, and the smells of meat and garlic grilling wafting up from a kitchen, my husband within arms' reach. I hope that we have a plan for dinner and that I get up from the balcony when the sun has set and go in and braid my hair up and put on a dress and sparkly mermaid-colored eye shadow and my silver bracelets and we go out into the soft evening air to town and have something so delicious for supper that my eyes roll in pleasure and perhaps tequila will be involved.
Guacamole will be, most definitely.
Mr. Moon asked me the other day what I want for my birthday this year and I said, "For me to wake up on the day and not even know what day it is."
He knew exactly what I meant- that we would be so content with each moment of each day that we completely lose track of time. We have done that before on Cozumel, believe me. Our first trip there, we got to the airport an entire DAY late. Yes, we did.
And one time, I discovered that instead of us having two days left, we only had one and I didn't quit crying until days after we got home.
I am not making this up.
So that's what I hope for today (eight days from when I am writing this now, in Lloyd as the frogs croak and the night embraces my house, my trees, my world). That I wake up and don't even know it's my birthday. That perhaps as we are having breakfast of fruit and eggs and maybe even BACON, that I remember.
"Oh," I will say, as I take another sip of coffee, "I think it might be my birthday."
"Hmmm...." Mr. Moon will say. "What do you want to do today?"
And I will smile and say, "This."
And we will look out over the ocean and we will see people walking by with bags of limes and fish strung on palm frond stems and I will be so glad to be where I am on this, my fifty-fifth birthday with the sea in front of me and my love beside me and an entire day to dance through and a sunset to watch and a supper to eat, wearing silver bracelets, silver earrings and smiling with all my heart.
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! I hope you enjoy your trip!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ms. Moon. I hope you are wrapped in peace today.
I hope your day unfolds just as you envision it!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteHappy 55th, Ms. Moon. Hope you don't know what day it is and there is an amazing sunset, just for you!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, mama! When you remember to come home, we'll have presents and maybe cake. Jessie should make hummingbird cake, mmm-hmm.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ms. Moon and I am not even late with my wishes. Hope you and Mr. Moon are enjoying your vacation. Have fun and take care.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteDTG - What is a hummingbird cake?
I Googled hummingbird cake... this is something I must try!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday and MANY, MANY, more!
Steph: my sister Jess makes it best.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!! I hope you have no idea what day it is!
ReplyDeleteI never realized our birthdays were so close together! Mine is in 8 days.
So, does that make you a Leo?
There's something about those simple moments. Hope your birthday is exactly as you want it, or better.
ReplyDeleteIn an odd twist of fate, not only are you in Cozumel this week, but my parents will be there later in the week, and my brother and his family will be there next week (all arriving in cruise ships).
Sweet Senora Maria Luna,
ReplyDeleteI know you and Senor Moon are having such a wonderful time, and I miss you both, and love you both with all of my heart, especially today!!! Hugs and kisses! Have a lovey day! and can't wait until you are showing me all of your pictures and laughing and telling me stories with eyes so bright and happy as we have a porch visit.
love, Kathleen
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMACITA!!!!!!! I think everyone who loves Ms. Moon should consider today a holiday, skip work, and go have a margarita! Whoop-ai-ay!
ReplyDeleteI love you forever and always.
Happy Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteThe word verification is "uphoots"... seems appropriate.
I hope you are having a great trip!
Happy birthday, Ms. Moon. You make my heart smile. :D
ReplyDeleteP.S. you and my mother are the same age.
Happy Birthday Ms Mary Moon! =) I sure am missing you.
ReplyDeleteMaria Luna,
ReplyDeleteBuon Compliano! I don't know how to say it in Spanish, only Italian...
I know you are having a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it.
Also, I want in on that porch visit and some hummingbird cake!
pf ps, thanks for the pickles. They are yummy!
You are by far the most beautiful 55 year old I know; inside and out. Happy, happy day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Ms. Moon! And many more!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ms. Moon. May all your birthday wishes and dreams come true!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! And may the whole year ahead and onward be filled with peace, love and happiness.
ReplyDeleteOh happy day!! Ms. Moon's Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteI think May has a gweat idea.
Hope you are having the most wonderfully cozumellish special day with Mr Moon.
!feliz cumpleanos y miles besos y abrazos para la bellacita, dulcita senora luna!
ReplyDeleteque te olvidas los paredes del tiempo para siempre, y vives cada momento en los suenos de sirenas...
verificacion= reigra
sounds kinda like a spanish compound of laughter and happy.
hope today is and that whatever i wrote above is not too batshit crazy. then again, look at the source...
Speaking of not waking up and knowing the day... I totally thought it was the 27th today, which means I lived this whole day thinking that your birthday was tomorrow. This makes me feel a little sad because I think my day would have been better thinking of my sweet Mamacita and how thankful and very grateful I am knowing that she was born this day 55 years ago and her life has created my life and so much much more.
ReplyDeleteI love you Mama and I hope your birthday was absolutely perfect for you and Daddy. I miss you so, but I know you are living the good life para tu amigos y amor.
And Hank, I would be so happy to make Mama my hummingbird cake because it is my favorite to make and to eat!
Happy Birthday! Yum, hummingbird cake! Hope your 55th year is fabulous!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Sweet Lady.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday and may you have a wonderful year!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Ms. Moon!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday lovely!!! I am so glad you were born
ReplyDeleteThank ALL of you! And Jessie- yes, hummingbird cake would be wonderful.
ReplyDeleteIt was the most perfect of perfect birthdays but I am not adverse to stretching it out.